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Homemade Remedy To Treat Joint And Bone Pain - Health - Nairaland

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Homemade Remedy To Treat Joint And Bone Pain by naijaamebo: 12:38pm On Jan 01, 2019
Good posture will bring you more than looking poised and self-confident. It’s actually incredibly important to your overall health and fitness – including a proper alignment of your bones and a healthy functioning of your muscles, ligaments and joints. Furthermore, it supports the optimal positioning of your vital organs, allowing them to work with maximum efficiency.

Some studies have shown that having a good posture will increase your levels of energy and eliminate the effects of stress and fatigue. This almost means that without a good posture you can’t really expect to become physically fit.

Some of the long-term effects of bad posture include a greater risk of digestive disorders (because of the constant compressing of the digestive organs), cardiovascular diseases and chronic back pain and disc degeneration. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to immediately start improving your body posture but also take better care for the condition of your bones and joints – the following recipe for a homemade cure can help you eliminate the pain and restore their health.

It’s a remedy that will strengthen your joints, tendons and ligaments and increase their elasticity, thus preventing the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it enhances metabolic and cognitive functioning and protects the health of the skin and hair and finally, it can be used to effectively treat dysplasia. It’s very simple and inexpensive to make, yet has powerful health properties.

Get 150 grams of edible organic gelatin. Mix two tablespoons of the gelatin with 50 milliliters of cold water and leave the mixture at room temperature over the night – it will turn into jelly. The next day, mix the jelly with a drink of your choice (for example, juice, milk, yogurt or tea), and drink the whole thing. Repeat the procedure for seven days or even a month for best results. After than, you can repeat the treatment after one month, and once again after six months.

How does it work? https://www.healthmata.com.ng/homemade-remedy-to-treat-joint-and-bone-pain/

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Re: Homemade Remedy To Treat Joint And Bone Pain by Mariangeles(f): 7:31pm On Jan 01, 2019
fam24 I'll like to connect with you...can you send me an email ??
Re: Homemade Remedy To Treat Joint And Bone Pain by naijaamebo: 11:31pm On Jan 01, 2019
fam24 I'll like to connect with you...can you send me an email ??

here admin@healthmata.com.ng

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