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Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by MediaLife: 6:28pm On Feb 19, 2019
Here is the speech from the Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Atiku Abubakar at the Party's 84th NEC meeting.

In a statement signed and made available to MEDIAHELM NEWS, he said;

I find it necessary to, firstly, pay tribute to every member of our great party, and our long-suffering people who directly bear the costs of the cancellation of the first phase of our general elections that was to commence on February 16th, 2019.

I am sure we can all relate to the losses and burden on our citizens who travelled to various destinations for the exercise.

This is in addition to the burden on election personnel willing to sacrifice in furtherance of our democracy.

Inadequately prepared and yet deployed to hostile centers, these personnel, like us all, have also become victims of the potentially destructive path upon which our country has been thrust.

Nevertheless, together we stand poised on the edge of victory, but we must not let down our guard or lessen our resolve as we have an opponent who will stop at nothing to retain power.

Our goal is not to gain power for our own sake, but for the people of our country who have been so hard hit by four years of APC cluelessness and incompetence.

Four years which have seen 14 million more of our people without jobs, more of our people killed than ever before and more of our people living in extreme poverty than any other nation on this planet.

Let us not forget that in the last three years of the last PDP administration, Nigeria had become the largest economy in Africa and in each of those years, we had the fastest growth rate in our continent.

And so true to our values and commitment to chart a new path for our beloved country, our campaigns have been issues based, offering Nigerians hope for a better tomorrow; while demanding free, fair, transparent and credible elections from the government.

The feedback from our supporters throughout the country confirmed their desire and willingness to entrust their destiny to us as a viable alternative to their hopelessness.

However, it now appears that our participatory democracy which we have enjoyed for 20yrs, which empowers our citizens to decide who leads them, is under threat.

This is worrisome, considering the great sacrifices including the ultimate sacrifice made by many to uphold the tenets of democracy in our country.

You will recall that during the Peace Accord process, I stated in clear terms, quoting former President Jonathan that “my ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian.”

Today, I call on General Buhari, to make that same commitment to the people whose mandate he holds, while also urging all security agencies to uphold our constitution with an understanding that voting is a civil activity and civic responsibility.

The Nigerian military is constitutionally responsible for protecting our national integrity and its borders and has no role to play in the conduct of elections.

Additionally, I call on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), once again to remain impartial arbiters while ensuring that they conduct credible elections, this time around.

INEC must ensure that all logistical challenges are addressed between now and Saturday, the 23rd, and that all materials retrieved from the field are inspected by participating political parties before the commencement of the elections.

My fellow Nigerians & party men and women, I am certain that you have also keenly followed with interest, utterances from the leadership of the All Progressive Congress (APC) & Gen. Buhari, which is a painful reminder of the era of dictatorship and military rule.

General @MBuhari has repeatedly violated the constitution and failed to uphold the rule of law.

Recent instances include the unconstitutional suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, the day before he was to appoint the judges for the electoral tribunals that will decide any appeals of whether any of our elections were subject to manipulation.

Thereby crossing the immutable line that divides the Executive from the Judiciary.

Alas, my concerns do not end there. Only yesterday General Buhari said “the military and police should be ruthless” and “anybody who disturbs the voting system, will do it at the expense of his own life.”

It is quite shocking for any head of state to utter such words in a democracy. A pre-condition for ‘free, fair and credible’ elections is that the people are able to cast their vote without fear of violence.

Elected into office by the votes of the people in what is considered Nigeria’s most free, fair and credible election, you owe it to our people to let them give their verdict in the same way you were elected.

If you do, history will commend you for it. If you don’t history will condemn you for it.

We must now turn our attention to the upcoming elections this Saturday, where the destiny of our people and country will resoundingly be decided.

In spite of last weeks’ disappointment, I urge all Nigerians to come out and vote for the candidate of their choice, keeping in mind our desire to build a democratic and economically viable nation that will be respected amongst the league of democratic nations.

So, let me reassure you my friends: we are going to win these elections. And to our long-suffering citizens, I say do not despair, our time is now, and together we shall reshape the destiny of our beloved country.

Together we can make Nigeria work again
God bless you and God bless Nigeria.

Source: https://www.mediahelm.com.ng/2019/02/atikus-speech-at-pdp-84th-nec-meeting.html

51 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by bkool7(m): 6:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Atiku4betaNaija: 6:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
They have also planned to reduce fuel price to #140 before the election and increase it to #220 after the election so that more money would be diverted through fuel subsidy.
More contracts would be awarded to his relatives and he has asked them to create more account so they can store more money for him there during his last rule.
All this was revealed to me by a relative of Buhari.
Watch out Nigerians, Buhari second tenure will be hell. I voted fore Buhari in 2015 but he is a big disappointment.IF BUHARI WINS, HE WILL GIVE MORE CONTRACTS TO HIS RELATIVE
More contracts would be awarded to his relatives and he has asked them to create more account so they can store more money for him there during his last rule.
All this was revealed to me by a relative of Buhari.
Watch out Nigerians, Buhari second tenure will be hell. I voted fore Buhari in 2015 but he is a big disappointment.

115 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Atiku4betaNaija: 6:32pm On Feb 19, 2019

108 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Atiku4betaNaija: 6:32pm On Feb 19, 2019
Nigeria must work for all Nigerians! By voting out the government and leadership that is so rudderless, its blames everyone and everything else without ever taking responsibility, the restoration begins!

#BetterNigeriaWithAtikuAgueroAbubakar.Nigerian youth, support and vote for Atiku Abubakar. He would certainly create the enabling environment necessary for business to thrive. He would give us jobs and not make us redundant like Buhari.
Atiku is talk and do!
Please, be wise!

76 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Atiku4betaNaija: 6:32pm On Feb 19, 2019
those calling for the continuation of Buahri should understand this fact clearly and be prepared for no more help will come from the western countries with IMF or other European borrowing mechanisms and with little FDI , am sorry to say the economy will struggle if not collapse again..
China would have helped this administration greatly but will not trust them again, cause Buhari government betrayed the agreement with the great Eastern power in favor to the west... Thats why even the 400 million dollar military contract was given to the US knowing fully well half of that can be used to procure similar weapons from China..

46 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by kally32(m): 6:34pm On Feb 19, 2019
He is more presidential than the divisive and the bloodthirsty one.

92 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Menusvan: 6:41pm On Feb 19, 2019
my incoming president

77 Likes 1 Share

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Slynation(m): 6:47pm On Feb 19, 2019
Indeed a wonderful and concise speech well delivered....
It's left for us to chose between Progress and Failure

52 Likes 1 Share

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by freemanbubble: 10:30pm On Feb 19, 2019
Our next president

Alhaji atiku aguero abubakar

51 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by PresidoAtikuGcf: 10:30pm On Feb 19, 2019
I have said it time and time again if Nigeria misses this opportunity to remove this bigot and half integrity backward thinking man Buhari, it will take us more than 20years to recover.

On the other hand, here is Atiku they claimed could not visit the US yet he went conquered and came back peacefully.
Here is Atiku they are calling thief meanwhile not even EFCC have summoned him for questioning let alone arraign him court.
The same Atiku Tinubu said was the one that could make life meaningful for Nigerians, the same Atiku APC complemented highly for his benevolence and goodwill towards them that they couldn't find a word to describe him especially after he single-handedly funded Buhari campaign in 2015 that they called him a "true asset". It will be very shameful for the same APC party to call the same asset a thief just because he decided move from darkness(APC) to light(PDP) to be able to rescue his country from misrule and the world's poverty capital tag.


Meanwhile Ganduje of all people is still the same Buhari and APC's choice candidate for Kano Governorship, a thief they publicly and shamefully raised his hand after the viral bribery video involving him, what are we even talking about here??. It is likely that anyone that still claims Buhari has integrity needs to check his IQ level cos if he can fall for this scam he can fall for anything.

From all indications Buhari has little or nothing to offer Nigeria as we have already been told by the wife a while ago when she made the expository statement of two men hijacking his husband's Government. Anyone that is thinking of voting Buhari again is clearly voting in these two men and not Buhari, and may calamity never depart from the life of such a person life from generation to generation, he shall be killed like those innocent farmers and villagers from Benue who have lost their lands and lives in their thousands, also may his children be in however condition Nigeria economy is under this evil administration. Amen!!

51 Likes 1 Share

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by Chukwurah003: 10:30pm On Feb 19, 2019
Atiku clearly has no respect for Nigeria or any Nigerian. If he did he won’t come back to insult our collective intelligence by saying he wants to be president after impoverishing Nigerians. Maybe it is because he doesn’t feel Nigerian. He just sees Nigeria as a means of making quick money and not his country...after all he is Cameroonian.

50 Likes 15 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by KOLLYPROF(m): 10:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
Address him with which ever names you like
He's going to rule you for the next four years

32 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by CrtlAltDel: 10:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
They have also planned to reduce fuel price to #140 before the election and increase it to #220 after the election so that more money would be diverted through fuel subsidy.
More contracts would be awarded to his relatives and he has asked them to create more account so they can store more money for him there during his last rule.
All this was revealed to me by a relative of Buhari.
Watch out Nigerians, Buhari second tenure will be hell. I voted fore Buhari in 2015 but he is a big disappointment.IF BUHARI WINS, HE WILL GIVE MORE CONTRACTS TO HIS RELATIVE
More contracts would be awarded to his relatives and he has asked them to create more account so they can store more money for him there during his last rule.
All this was revealed to me by a relative of Buhari.
Watch out Nigerians, Buhari second tenure will be hell. I voted fore Buhari in 2015 but he is a big disappointment.


18 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by CrtlAltDel: 10:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
I have said it time and time again if Nigeria misses this opportunity to remove this bigot and half integrity backward thinking man Buhari, it will take us more than 20years to recover.

On the other hand, here is Atiku they claimed could not visit the US yet he went conquered and came back peacefully.
Here is Atiku they are calling thief meanwhile not even EFCC have summoned him for questioning let alone arraign him court.
The same Atiku Tinubu said was the one that could make life meaningful for Nigerians, the same Atiku APC complemented highly for his benevolence and goodwill towards them that they couldn't find a word to describe him especially after he single-handedly funded Buhari campaign in 2015 that they called him a "true asset". It will be very shameful for the same APC party to call the same asset a thief just because he decided move from darkness(APC) to light(PDP) to be able to rescue his country from misrule and the world's poverty capital tag.


Meanwhile Ganduje of all people is still the same Buhari and APC's choice candidate for Kano Governorship, a thief they publicly and shamefully raised his hand after the viral bribery video involving him, what are we even talking about here??. It is likely that anyone that still claims Buhari has integrity needs to check his IQ level cos if he can fall for this scam he can fall for anything.

From all indications Buhari has little or nothing to offer Nigeria as we have already been told by the wife a while ago when she made the expository statement of two men hijacking his husband's Government. Anyone that is thinking of voting Buhari again is clearly voting in these two men and not Buhari, and may calamity never depart from the life of such a person life from generation to generation, he shall be killed like those innocent farmers and villagers from Benue who have lost their lands and lives in their thousands, also may his children be in however condition Nigeria economy is under this evil administration. Amen!!


13 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by ajalawole(m): 10:31pm On Feb 19, 2019
dancing to aso rock

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by kekakuz(m): 10:32pm On Feb 19, 2019
vote buharibso you can continue to feel good
Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by CrtlAltDel: 10:32pm On Feb 19, 2019
those calling for the continuation of Buahri should understand this fact clearly and be prepared for no more help will come from the western countries with IMF or other European borrowing mechanisms and with little FDI , am sorry to say the economy will struggle if not collapse again..
China would have helped this administration greatly but will not trust them again, cause Buhari government betrayed the agreement with the great Eastern power in favor to the west... Thats why even the 400 million dollar military contract was given to the US knowing fully well half of that can be used to procure similar weapons from China..


8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by NobodyKnows(m): 10:32pm On Feb 19, 2019
My vote is for Buhari

25 Likes 1 Share

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by livelymatilda22: 10:33pm On Feb 19, 2019
What do you expect from the corrupt ex custom officer?

26 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by knightsTempler: 10:33pm On Feb 19, 2019
Here are some notable quotes from Atiku earlier today at the #PDPNECMeeting.

Atiku to Military commanders and officers: You are not bound to execute unlawful orders.

Atiku: If You are in the SS, SE and NC, you are more likely to have your card reader slowed they have tampered with them

Atiku: General Buhari was never a Democrat, he simply wore the garb to come back to power, he is a power Monger

Atiku: "We stand on the edge of history, but we must not let our guard down as we have an opponent who will stop at nothing to retain power "

Atiku: More Nigerians are living in extreme Poverty than any other country in the world. We had the largest economy in Africa before the APC.

Atiku: Our campaigns have been issue based, offering Nigerians hope and a Better tomorrow

Atiku: I quoted GEJ earlier and I'm saying it again, My Ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian. I call on President Buhari to make the same commitment

Atiku: I call on INEC to remain impartial arbiters. Resolve all logistical challenges before the commencement of polls.

Atiku: General Buhari has repeatedly violated the constitution, more recently the suspension of the Chief Justice of the Federation. Crossing the line that divides executive from Judiciary

Atiku: We have fought more ruthless dictators than Buhari. A precondition for free fair and credible elections is for people to cast their votes without violence.

Atiku: We are going to win this election. Do not despair, our time is now, together we shall reshape the destiny of our country. Together we can get Nigeria Working again.

22 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by FunnyPikincom(m): 10:33pm On Feb 19, 2019
LOL, By this time next week, His humility will be second to none, He will even address him as Alhaji Buhari wink wink


Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by MartinCorridon: 10:35pm On Feb 19, 2019

Any senseless piglet would receive this from The General tongue

9 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by pol23: 10:35pm On Feb 19, 2019
So presidential...
I can't wait...
I'm PDP 100%.
We want a free and fair election.
If you can't give us that... We are coming with war...

27 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by FrankFrenzy(m): 10:35pm On Feb 19, 2019
Atiku we know.
Better Nigeria we want.

Let's get Nigeria working again.

28 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by princemillla(m): 10:36pm On Feb 19, 2019
Nothin go happen

Even the wife referred to him as Gmb n not pmb


Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by fredoooooo: 10:36pm On Feb 19, 2019
Peoples General , looters and ballots box snatchers nightmare grin

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Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by lafuria1(m): 10:37pm On Feb 19, 2019
Any video of his speech?
Re: Atiku's Speech At The PDP 84th NEC Meeting, Refers Buhari as General by refugee: 10:37pm On Feb 19, 2019
This PMB statement can only pain those who intends to steal ballot boxes... Abi PDP get hidden agenda? Only A tiff will be agitated at the sight of a well armed mopol.


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