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Why Farms Fail - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Why New Plantain Farms Fail Within The First Two Years Of Establishment / We Can Help You to Establish Cereal, Root,Tuber and horticultural Farms . / Aroms Farms Nig Limited Back To Full Operation Pictures (2) (3) (4)

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Why Farms Fail by Emempaul(m): 8:12am On Mar 13, 2019

Well let's just say its been along while since we visited this page but it was for all ur benefits as I am glad to say this starting this week, this page will be hosting talks based on the new book called:-


it will be detailed on the experiences of different farmers around the Idiroko border axis

Well ...... sha just snippet of the whole book based on over 20years experience of various Farm, farmers, their failures and successes,as well as their challenges

Please stay tuned to this page as we take you round the REAL WORLD OF AGRICULTURE not internet based farming

To get the book visit www.okadabooks.com/ why farms fail to get the book. it for you both new, aspiring and old experienced hands in agriculture

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Re: Why Farms Fail by Emempaul(m): 8:21am On Mar 13, 2019
it's also going to be an interactive page everyone so it's not going to be a dull moment so let the chating Begin
Re: Why Farms Fail by Emempaul(m): 8:38am On Mar 13, 2019

This another major factor that hurts we farmers badly.

I remember a particular incident that happened 2 years back, we were short of man power to carryout weeding on the farms we owned and also managed and the locals were not helping matters one bit.

You see out location is strategically placed closed to the border so it more of a blessing than a curse to some people while others like we farmers, it is more of a curse than a blessing. My reason being that during February you influx of migrants workers who come into the country to do menial jobs. and at the end of the year, a brand new bike is given to them

Now the previous year, we farmers in the vicinity had gathered money and given it to one of the agents that bring in the yearly workers for us so as to aid us in our various farms but we were in for a shocker

This agent ran away with our money and never returned and we were left stranded at the mercy of the locals and the went for the kill

A plot of land for weeding that would have gone for let's say 1000 naira instantly rose to 3000 naira. It was a case of suck it up, pay the high amount being charged, and loose but not much to market Or alternatively,!don't do the weeding, and you still loose the farm.

To make maters worse was that they didn't do a clean job like those yearly workers. Which led to constant bickering and they even threatened the farmer they would leave the Farm for him to do his weeding by himself. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE RUDE ARROGANCE

How did we solve these problem? Its simple

We Didn't

So what we did was improvised a way of working round the people! Who felt that they were so important that without them we couldn't survive. We search through other states, for farm hands and when we got what we want,.....,....,..........................

For more on the book " WHY FARMS FAIL" I REFER YOU TO GO GET THE BOOK AND READ IT YOURSELF and it's available on okadabook.com

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