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2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. - Education - Nairaland

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2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Ubijus1(m): 10:25pm On Mar 29, 2019
The Lagos State Scholarship Board is the agency in charge of scholarship, bursary and other related matters within the state.
It grants the 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship awards to deserving indigenes in various tertiary institutions for full time studies in order to assist these students financially.

Before Applying Please Read

Applicant must be a Lagos State Indigene studying in any tertiary institutions across the country
All applicants are required to make a Payment of N2,000.00 for Local Scholarship through the Revenue Office of the Lagos State Scholarship Board.
Then take the payconfirmation receipt to the Lagos State Scholarship Board to secure their secret voucher pins for online application. Application will not be processed without evidence of consolidated payment confirmation slip.

Ensure you correctly fill in the application form and click on “Apply Now” button to complete your application.

Applications will be done through this portal only, hard copy applications will not be processed.

Short-listed candidates for the qualifying test will be invited by email and SMS text messages. All applicants are therefore advised to ensure that valid GSM telephone numbers and personal email addresses are properly entered into the e-forms on the portal.

Eligibility for 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship.


1. All applicants must have gained full time admission into an accredited Nigerian tertiary Institution.
2. All Under-graduate applicants:
i. Where CGPA scale is 7.0 (e.g University of Ibadan) he /she must possess a minimum of 4.6/7.0
ii. Where CGPA scale is 5.0 (e.g University of Lagos) he /she must possess a minimum of 3.5/5.0
iii. Where CGPA scale is 4.0 (e.g polytechnics and colleges of education) he /she must possess a Minimum of 3.0/4.0
iv. Where applicant is a medical student in 200L, option i, ii and iii applies
v. Where applicant is a medical student in 300L and above a minimum of Credit is required in their result

3. All applicants must be in their second year or above

4. All applicants must have completed LASRRA Registration

5. All applicants must have a signed letter of identification from their respective Oba

6. All applicants must have a signed letter of identification from their respective local government

7. All applicants must purchase a Scholarship application form. (Payment of N2,000.00 for Local Scholarship) through Revenue Office of the Lagos State Scholarship Board.

8. All applicants must upload clear scanned copies of all documents to ascertain the genuineness of their claims. Documents like:
i. Admission Letter
ii. School Identity Card or Valid means of school identification
iii. Letter of identification from Oba
iv. Letter of identification from Local Government
v. SSCE result
vi. Lagos State Resident Registration Agency(LASSRA) registration card
vii. Passport Photograph (clear background not older than three months).
viii. Transcript or Result statement duly signed and stamped from school stating previous session CGPA results clearly
ix. Evidence of Consolidated Payment Confirmation Slip.

9. Shortlisted applicant must participate in a Computer Based Test conducted by Dragnet Solutions Limited in conjunction with Lagos State Scholarship Board.

10. Successful tested applicants will be contacted for oral interview

1. Before you start this application, ensure you have purchased a Scholarship application form (Payment of N2,000.00 for Local Scholarship) through the Revenue Office of the Lagos State Scholarship Board then secure your Voucher pin from the Scholarship Board office. Thereafter, have clear scanned copies of the following documents:

Passport photograph with white background not more than 3 months old (450px by 450px not more than 200kb)
Treasury receipt of N2,000 for the scholarship form
Admission Letter
School Identity Card
SSCE Certificate
Letter of identification from Oba
Letter of identification from Local Government
LASSRA registration card
Transcript or Statement of Results duly signed and stamped from school stating previous session CGPA results clearly
Evidence of Consolidated Payment Confirmation Slip

2. Ensure that information are filled accurately to avoid mix up after application
3. Ensure the documents are named according to what they represent to avoid mixing up documents during upload
4. Ensure you attach the appropriate documents when asked to upload

To apply, follow the steps below:
1. Click on “Apply Now” tab.
2. Click on “Register Now” to create an account.
3. Proceed to your email box to activate your account
4. Click on www.scholastica.ng/ to return to Scholarship site
5. Enter your registered email and password to upload your information.
6. Enter your personal information, additional information, educational information, other information and upload required scanned documents.
7. Ensure the name used in applications matches the names on all documentation in same order. Upload a sworn affidavit or certificate if otherwise.
8. Ensure you view all documents after uploading, to eliminate errors during uploading.
9. When asked to upload photo, upload a pass-port photograph with a white background.
10. Recheck application information to avoid errors
11. Click “Apply Now” to submit information and provide the secret voucher pin and LASSRA Number in the appropriate column
12. You will receive an email and a sms that confirms your application was successful.
13. Return to www.scholastica.ng, enter your Email and Password to download your profile and proceed to have your Head of Department sign the document.
14. Upload a scanned copy of the signed profile, this would be used for verification.
15. Keep the hard copy of the signed profile, this would also be used for verification.

16. Return to www.scholastica.ng and update application with National Identification Number (NIN) to ensure completion

To secure your voucher pin proceed to the Lagos Scholarship Board office, 254 Ipaja road, Agege, Lagos and show them your payment confirmation slip.

Note: Multiple applications attract a disqualification penalty from the Scholarship board.

Source: https://www.scholarsarena.net/2019-lagos-state-undergraduate-scholarship-award-scheme/

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Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by nairaproject: 11:28am On Mar 30, 2019
Good one

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Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by 12stinep(m): 11:35am On Mar 30, 2019
When will this country have sense for once. Other serious countries are giving scholarship to her citizens simply on the basis of academic exploits and leadership qualities, but ours still wants to do exploitation by asking students to pay 2000naira as application fees. A clear example of robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Emmizofficial: 11:35am On Mar 30, 2019
Rubbish on top how much. When I got a scholarship of 50k that year in my final year, without even going through this rigorous process. At the end they will still scam poor student of 2k.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by DANGOTEONE: 11:42am On Mar 30, 2019
This is good news and a welcome development.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by OkoyeA1(m): 11:45am On Mar 30, 2019
grin grin
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by noah91(m): 11:47am On Mar 30, 2019
Since Lagos is a "no man's land", an Okoro should be able to apply

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Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Nomswag: 11:47am On Mar 30, 2019
all this for how much?
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by chozzy: 12:19pm On Mar 30, 2019
Since Lagos is a "no man's land", an Okoro should be able to apply

Lol, see this Osogbo man.
Go and apply too na....

See, the fact that you answer a Yoruba name does not grant you a Lagos indigene.

Las las, true Lagosians know their own
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by noah91(m): 12:24pm On Mar 30, 2019

Lol, see this Osogbo man.
Go and apply too na....

See, the fact that you answer a Yoruba name does not grant you a Lagos indigene.

Las las, true Lagosians know their own

You are the greatest ode ever. Am an Awori man from Lagos, and yes, I am Yoruba. A Yorubaman from Benin Republic or Togo, who has never been to Lagos before has more stake in Lagos than an Okoro who is a 3rd generation Lagosian. His name sells him out already


Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by lastempero: 12:26pm On Mar 30, 2019
To get the scholarship no be here ooo.

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Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by ajl: 1:09pm On Mar 30, 2019
Scammers! They will collect N2,000 from each applicants which will be in the thousands and used the money generated from these many applicants to pay few applicants they will claim are winners of the scholarship. Is this a scholarship or a kind of lotto.

I don't know where people pay to collect scholarship form except in Nigeria.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by bash8936: 1:10pm On Mar 30, 2019
As a beneficiary...The Scholarship is one of the easiest to get and the amount is 200,000 per year till u graduate.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Ikpongiton: 1:26pm On Mar 30, 2019

You are the greatest ode ever. Am an Awori man from Lagos, and yes, I am Yoruba. A Yorubaman from Benin Republic or Togo, who has never been to Lagos before has more stake in Lagos than an Okoro who is a 3rd generation Lagosian. His name sells him out already
you are very correct.same thing in kano, where somebody from mali or niger can accessed admission and other goodies faster than a nigerian from other tribes.in lagos ,illegal immigrants from togo and benin republic have access to national id card and pvc .this is how its roll in nigeria.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Chibuhealth(f): 1:30pm On Mar 30, 2019
See requirements
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Fidelismaria: 1:31pm On Mar 30, 2019

All this wahala for 200k

Anyways check my signature
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by LazyGold(m): 1:56pm On Mar 30, 2019
Lagos Indigenes only, not some Wawa jews that we later turn back and Rant Lagos is no man's Land
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by esecoal(m): 4:02pm On Mar 30, 2019
the 2k is not even My problem..all those requirements are..Check Delta state bursary easy and seemless......Details are picked from jamb, just pay 800 and after 4 months they pay 20k a session tho its small but its transparent straight to ur account

When will this country have sense for once. Other serious countries are giving scholarship to her citizens simply on the basis of academic exploits and leadership qualities, but ours still wants to do exploitation by asking students to pay 2000naira as application fees. A clear example of robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Abfty(m): 5:15pm On Mar 30, 2019
Good to heard that. Be hurry.
Re: 2019 Lagos State Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. by Niorte: 6:25am On Apr 12, 2019
the 2k is not even My problem..all those requirements are..Check Delta state bursary easy and seemless......Details are picked from jamb, just pay 800 and after 4 months they pay 20k a session tho its small but its transparent straight to ur account

You want to compare 20k to 200k?

Considering how cosmopolitan Lagos is, there is need for proper screening.

The aptitude test is handled by a private company called Dragnet so I presume the application fee is used to do all the miscellaneous spending.

Anyway, LASG is yet to pay over 80% of the 2018 scholarship awardees

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