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I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria - Travel (4) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by ikamefa(f): 5:18am On Apr 30, 2007

miss ikamefa, e kaa le oo. hope all is well wink


Bonjour! my Brova, cheesy se gbogbo e n roll? cheesy

nobody is even trying to address my fears embarassed, am scared of all the amala iya basiras embarassed tongue , all the okada riders cool,all the pomos in munshi market cheesy
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:21am On Apr 30, 2007

i actually miss the mosquito bites sometimes. grin
im just kidding!


It's no big deal, You get used to it ! Our dad made us spray our room (wetin be the mosquito spray brand name again ?) thoroughly before we went to bed.

Plus, we drank agboo  grin  and we all survived.

My grand dad lived till 88 with all the mosquito, so wtf
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 5:23am On Apr 30, 2007
how can you forget sheltox? cool down. cool
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 5:24am On Apr 30, 2007

(wetin be the mosquito spray brand name again ?)

Baygon, Raid, Mobil e.t.c.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:29am On Apr 30, 2007

how can you forget sheltox? cool down. cool


Baygon, Raid, Mobil e.t.c.

Thanks so much people.

Do you remember having to look out for the fake ones grin

Miss that country like crazy grin grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 5:31am On Apr 30, 2007
Mobil came out with a seal that made it easy to detect the fake from the original. My brothers and i became very proficient at sniffing the original out. Baygon was more difficult to detect.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by minute(f): 5:34am On Apr 30, 2007
shes really making a big deal out of this naija thing ,why don't u just joko e jeje if u think u not up to it?  living in  nigeria  wont stop u frm adjustn your attitude u kno.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:43am On Apr 30, 2007

Mobil came out with a seal that made it easy to detect the fake from the original. My brothers and i became very proficient at sniffing the original out. Baygon was more difficult to detect.

LMAO grin Living in Lagos makes one very vigilant I swear. No suegbe can survive that place grin

I became very proficient too because my dad would get on my case seriously for buying the fake one.

buy fake = No allowance to buy stuff at tejuoso and idumota markets grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:44am On Apr 30, 2007

Do you remember ewa agoin ? Kai that beans was D bomb I swear.


shes really making a big deal out of this naija thing ,why don't u just joko e jeje if u think u not up to it? living in nigeria wont stop u frm adjustn your attitude u kno.

No mind am jare cheesy
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 5:50am On Apr 30, 2007
ewa agoin with agege bread. God i crave that stuff all the time. down with rasin bread and croissants. gimme agege bread anyday. grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:52am On Apr 30, 2007

agege bread really rocks !  especially when it is freshly baked and moist in the inside 

it goes so well with ewa agoin no B small  grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 5:56am On Apr 30, 2007
Ewa elepo was the best, mixed with dry pepper and a little bit of crayfish! Served hot with agege bread or ice cold ijebu garri! Chops don land! I miss college badly o.
You cant beat eating ewa elepo direct from the pot with 7 or 8 guys seated around the pot in an unspoken ceremony, each holding a metal spoon in one hand and N15 bread in the other. The "rich" ones having a coke to drown the food and the "poor" ones having to make do with lukewarm water from a 50litre jerry can on the days water corporation decided to give us some water.

Rice and tinned tomatoes with pomo soaked in boiling water for a few hrs to make it edible. Nna if u did not attend college in Nigeria i pity you.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by ikamefa(f): 6:01am On Apr 30, 2007
see them! awon omo -ofuns'! cheesy cheesy

@G are you kidding me ? i had this Agonyin peeps living beside my house then, they make and sell it :, if ewa agonyin grows on people it should have grown on my head then! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 6:02am On Apr 30, 2007
How can i forget concotion rice?
The rice is best cooked unwashed! Pour rice into a pot of boiling water, add maggi (if u can find!), salt, groundnut oil or palm oil, dry pepper. Boil rice until soft, serve hot preferably eat direct from the pot!

Vegetableless egusi:
Pour egusi powder into pot, add palm oil, salt, maggi. let simmer on kerosene stove for a few minutes. food is ready!

During lean periods, in order to maximise or economically manage resources, soak garri in water, leave for 2 hrs minimum. Product can serve as both breakfast, lunch and supper.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by ikamefa(f): 6:05am On Apr 30, 2007

How can i forget concotion rice?
The rice is best cooked unwashed! Pour rice into a pot of boiling water, add maggi (if u can find!), salt, groundnut oil or palm oil, dry pepper. Boil rice until soft, serve hot preferably eat direct from the pot!

Vegetableless egusi:
Pour egusi powder into pot, add palm oil, salt, maggi. let simmer on kerosene stove for a few minutes. food is ready!

During lean periods, in order to maximise or economically manage resources, soak garri in water, leave for 2 hrs minimum. Product can serve as both breakfast, lunch and supper.

only a bonafide nigerian ( secodary school )boarding house student OR a Nigerian university Alumni would know all this cooking tricks cheesy wink
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 6:18am On Apr 30, 2007
God . those were the days! the stuff we ate and survived! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 6:26am On Apr 30, 2007
May be after reading all of this, the thread starter wouldn't have such cold feet about going to Nigeria

our reminiscing is doing her some good, I hope wink
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by LePhilippe(m): 5:50pm On Apr 30, 2007
Honestly I would tell you to go to a hostel in this tourist resort named Ajegunle, Lagos, the teachers are extremely friendly, you never have to worry about the Power going of and mosquitoes over there are a thing of the past. The locals are very hospitable and do take you valuables with you they look down on people who cant present themselves. I assure you nothing but a blast!! Great Nigerian such as Daddy Shoki have come from this area and they are full of nothing but phrases for it. I would say it has the best sewage facilities in Nigeria (Lagos) so you would even see a fly!!

Come witness it for yourself and I will leave enclosed a picture of Ajeunle, I no you will love it!!

Is that what you want to see or hear??
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by finemocha(f): 12:04am On May 01, 2007
The One

im not in the UK im in the US.  adn i have been to bar beach. lol i wouldnt call it that though. if u come to the US go to Destin, FLorida right of the gulf of mexico.  clear water white sand.  look im not trying to diss naija, but lets be honest here ok.  we all clearly miss our home if not we would be on this website to begin with.  we would be on the BET website voting for the countdown and readin all the gossip about the stars.   i believe this chick already knows what's up.  and my philosophy is, there is a little truth to every joke or rumor.  so dont be soo surprised when u go home (emphasis on home) .  i wish u the best of luck girl
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by zigbo(f): 1:00am On May 01, 2007
is a beach man made ,i dunno its jst a question. why will someone consider availability of a beach b4 travellin to a place nt to talk of ur mother land

nd why are people still in washington undecided
i wud ve thot that they'd flee the place as their are no beaches there
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by soulpatrol(f): 2:32am On May 01, 2007
@ davidylan. omigod, man. LMAO. i never laughed this much before, after reading your posts. man, you almost got me fired at work today. laughing so hard and holding my tummy, my boss be thinking i don ran crazy! grin grin grin grin
i'm loving this post, people!!
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by soulpatrol(f): 2:33am On May 01, 2007

Ewa elepo was the best, mixed with dry pepper and a little bit of crayfish! Served hot with agege bread or ice cold ijebu garri! Chops don land! I miss college badly o.
You can't beat eating ewa elepo direct from the pot with 7 or 8 guys seated around the pot in an unspoken ceremony, each holding a metal spoon in one hand and N15 bread in the other. The "rich" ones having a coke to drown the food and the "poor" ones having to make do with lukewarm water from a 50litre jerry can on the days water corporation decided to give us some water.

Rice and tinned tomatoes with pomo soaked in boiling water for a few hrs to make it edible. Nna if u did not attend college in Nigeria i pity you.

man, that was too much. right on point! grin grin grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by soulpatrol(f): 2:36am On May 01, 2007
@LePhilippe. grin haba now, why you dey taunt the poor girl like that? Ajegunle? are you for real? pls o, don't give her the wrong message. y'all Ajegunle is the dirty dirty hood! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 2:59am On May 01, 2007
spoilt, get over yourself. Unless you are blind and didnt see the emoticon after the sentence. It was a joke.

anyway thanks GNature jare.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by choongtin(f): 8:02pm On May 01, 2007
Thank you for all the insults… it aint my fault I wish you understand where am coming from innit… it is just what I heard…. If u understood how I grew up u lot wouldn’t say all this things to me… I feel so bad right now because people now make me feel worse and terrible about my current situation… I grew up knowing nothing about my Nigeria or my culture because my parents separated when I was little and my mum never wanted me to mix with my dad relatives not even my cousins… I grew up not knowing my culture or anything about Nigeria all I knew was basically my dad was some Nigerian man and I only speak to him on the phone because now he is moved to Germany and he is married but he came last Christmas to see me but my mum didn’t want me to have anything to do with him…, but since 2004 when my mum got married my step dad made my mum realise she is doing more harm than good because she fort she was protecting me,  now am allowed to see my cousins i learnt a lot about the way nigerians talk music everything basically because I hang around with them a lot I learnt a lot about Nigerians and that is one reason I joined narialand so I could  learn more but recently my step dad is turning against me and I think is getting rid of me telling my mum that I need to go to Nigeria so I can learn more about my culture and get some discipline because of my attitude in the house towards him….it aint my fault that am rude to him I just miss my dad so much and I want my parents to be together ,  But thanks anyway for all toe insults and everything made me feel so much better….
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by soulpatrol(f): 8:32pm On May 01, 2007
well, my dear choongtin, the people have spoken o. grin nigerians are not shy about defending their country, so whenever anyone comes here to insult it directly/indirectly, then this a little dose of what they will get.  grin at least, they've clarified most of the misconceptions that you may have been told about nigeria. dont forget that there is no country in this world that is perfect. each of them come with their own faults and craziness. cool nevertheless, naija rules! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 8:39pm On May 01, 2007
Sorry to hear that choogtin.

Parents need to be alot more mature about things esp concerning ex spouses and stuff, ends up messing with the kids big time.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by choongtin(f): 8:45pm On May 01, 2007
I wasn’t insulting Nigeria I just wanted to know about how it really is like I seen the movies I seen the good the bad the ugly and i think the hosues are beautiful, i am confussed innit i know some celebs in nigeria well its a long story, cnt be bothered
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by choongtin(f): 8:51pm On May 01, 2007
Y all have made me feel so bad right now… am crying cuz u don’t know how it feels for you not to know ur dad or have a relationship with him, it feels so bad cuz am the only one in my little world, I wish my Toby (my brother) was still alive…… thank yo sooo much for everything thank you
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by cuteass1(f): 9:00pm On May 01, 2007
@ choongtin

Did you read through the whole thread??

Not everyone insulted you, but like i said somewhere earlier not everyone can see reasons with you when they don't know where you're coming from.

Most of them were just against your manner of writing, which maybe didn't come out super "down to earth", i'm sure they didn't mean any out of the ordinary harm. Everyone is so used to defending their countries, even when unecessary.

Either way, go through the whole thread, some did leave behind a lot of advice, warnings and tips that'll guide you around. Heed to them, I believe when you've adapted, you'll have the time of your life. It might be an open gate to a new relationship with your dad. Take it one at a time, you'll be fine dear wink

Lastly, if you got sad, don't be. We all love you, if we didn't, they/we wouldn't be pointing out "the faults", so you change them. Remember a saying, "my friend i'm telling you is a good one, but my friend i would have told you is a bad one"

Take care!!!!!!!!
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 9:06pm On May 01, 2007
The weird thing is they reacted to her worse than they do people whose main intent actually IS to bash Nigeria like Elody and Ammensah.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by cuteass1(f): 9:12pm On May 01, 2007

The weird thing is they reacted to her worse than they do people whose main intent actually IS to bash Nigeria like Elody and Ammensah.

Darling, i get your point on that, i tried as much as worldly possible to make them see where she was coming from, make them see her unintention of being rude, i went further to make them realise the ineccessity of defending a country which though i and you love so much, isn't as "flying hot" as we'll all want it to be

But "NO", it was as if i was talking to deaf ears, noone was interested in the main/actual topic of the day but all into "her not so fine way of writing", some points made, honestly sounded so wack Cos there were so irrelevant and unpractical

But i've come to understand that every human has their mind, and atimes it's like making hell freeze befor ethey can see your mind with you wink

I had to leave the stage at last, Cos it was turning out more of a child's play than supposed to!!!!

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