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Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 - Car Talk - Nairaland

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Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by clementy117(m): 7:12pm On Jun 13, 2019
Hi Guys, I am a prospective car buyer(owner), my dealer send me these two cars, saying both fit my need. I have to chose one, pls Car gurus, kindly advised me on the one I can chose. Both cars are in the same condition though the Altis have a sharper interior. The Altis is in Black the normal corolla is in Red.

My little research shows that the Altis is usually made for Asian market. Please advised me on which is more advantageous in ease of maintenance and fuel economy or anything I should know please. Thanks.

Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by MrFinbarr(m): 12:24am On Jun 14, 2019
The Altis is for Asian market, hence originally a Right Hand Drive which have been definitely converted to Naija Left hand drive.

The Normal one is the usual American version which is most common in Naija too.

Aside the conversion, there's no much difference in both, even though the Altis may have better and more luxury interior than the regular type.

If conversion is done perfectly, I'll prefer the Altis especially since it's for personal use.


Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by MobilityExpress: 3:52am On Jun 14, 2019
The Altis is for Asian market, hence originally a Right Hand Drive which have been definitely converted to Naija Left hand drive.

The Normal one is the usual American version which is most common in Naija too.

Aside the conversion, there's no much difference in both, even though the Altis may have better and more luxury interior than the regular type.

If conversion is done perfectly, I'll prefer the Altis especially since it's for personal use.

Some altis are not conversion. Some are normal LHD


Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by MobilityExpress: 4:07am On Jun 14, 2019
Hi Guys, I am a prospective car buyer(owner), my dealer send me these two cars, saying both fit my need. I have to chose one, pls Car gurus, kindly advised me on the one I can chose. Both cars are in the same condition though the Altis have a sharper interior. The Altis is in Black the normal corolla is in Red.

My little research shows that the Altis is usually made for Asian market. Please advised me on which is more advantageous in ease of maintenance and fuel economy or anything I should know please. Thanks.

They are identical twins. Same car, same model, same manufacturer, same configuration, no difference except the interior. Some Altis interior is usually leather and usually have steering controls, which gives it a more luxurious feel or looks than its twin since that one is usually fabric with plain steering. Also, most Altis are used in countries with RHD driving but some are also LHD.

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Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by gonkin(m): 8:55am On Jun 14, 2019
The red will look good with white racing stripes and a big spoiler


Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by ruby360: 10:14am On Jun 14, 2019
Just inspect the car well and buy the one with lower Mileage and better engine.

You will enjoy the car.

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Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by clementy117(m): 6:16pm On Jun 14, 2019
Thanks Guys , all points noted..
Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by Manuella4ace: 7:53pm On Jun 14, 2019
Some altis comes with 1.6l engine.
That rear light ain't for altis, check the pix attached

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Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by clementy117(m): 10:46pm On Jun 14, 2019
Some altis comes with 1.6l engine.
That rear light ain't for altis, check the pix attached

Thanks for the info...pls I will like to know is 1.6 engine bad??

And you are right, the light is different with those I see online
Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by sacx: 12:18am On Jun 15, 2019

Thanks for the info...pls I will like to know is 1.6 engine bad??

And you are right, the light is different with those I see online

Better fuel economy, though power may be less. It depends.

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Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by clementy117(m): 9:36pm On Jun 16, 2019
So the Red Normal Corolla is better right??!
Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by AutoMoTech(m): 11:04pm On Jun 16, 2019
So the Red Normal Corolla is better right??!
not necessarily better. like earlier said better fuel economy and obviously lower power. however i wldnt advice U to choose based on looks.
go inspect both cars thoroughly with your eyes.
inspect the interior, engine, chassis (look for rust), test drive both very well rev the engine wella. if there are any hidden issues it might show up. if you can pls take a competent mechanic (one that you trust and knows what he is doing) along to inspect it.
ensure engine, transmission, chassis, electricals are all in top shape. personally i would pick d altis because of d superior interior design however if the conversion is not properly done.... i no dey do. make person no go drive enter bush for express :-)

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Re: Toyota Corolla 2007 Vs Corolla Altis 2007 by clementy117(m): 11:25pm On Jun 23, 2019
Thanks so much, i truly appreciate!

not necessarily better. like earlier said better fuel economy and obviously lower power. however i wldnt advice U to choose based on looks.
go inspect both cars thoroughly with your eyes.
inspect the interior, engine, chassis (look for rust), test drive both very well rev the engine wella. if there are any hidden issues it might show up. if you can pls take a competent mechanic (one that you trust and knows what he is doing) along to inspect it.
ensure engine, transmission, chassis, electricals are all in top shape. personally i would pick d altis because of d superior interior design however if the conversion is not properly done.... i no dey do. make person no go drive enter bush for express :-)

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