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Why Do The Governing Body Refer To Themselves As Guardians Of Doctrine - Religion - Nairaland

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Why Do The Governing Body Refer To Themselves As Guardians Of Doctrine by rottennaija(m): 6:21am On Jul 21, 2019
Why do the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses refer to themselves as guardians of doctrine, and where can I find this in the Bible?

Mark Jones, Ex-Jehovah's Witness of 31 years
Answered Jun 16, 2019 on Quora.com

They do indeed.

Listen to what Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson tells the judge during the Australian Royal Commission:


Now, the majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses wont even be aware of this, and that’s likely the reason why they’ll deny it. Hell, it’s not even on their own Watchtower library - which contains most of their literature (the literature they haven't suppressed anyway).


(As a side note, isn't it curious that the initials of Guardians Of Doctrine = G.O.D.?)

You wont find it in the bible because it isn't in the bible, just as the term “governing body” isn't in the bible.

So remember this the next time a Jehovah’s Witness on here tells you that “everything we teach is from the bible”.

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