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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / If U Can Found Out My Name, Then I Can Leave The Child. Said The Strange Man. (511 Views)
Nina And The Strange Man / A Strange Love (18+) / The Child Bride (2) (3) (4)
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If U Can Found Out My Name, Then I Can Leave The Child. Said The Strange Man. by Oluwatobi13: 8:47pm On Oct 08, 2019 |
Once upon a time, there is was a poor man, who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to make himself appear important he said to him, "I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold." The king said to the poor man, "That is an art which pleases me well, if your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her tomorrow to my palace, and I will put her to the test." And when the beautiful girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, "Now set to work, and if by to-morrow morning early you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you must die." Thereupon he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there sat the poor man's daughter, and for the life of her could not tell what to do, she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more and more frightened, until at last she began to weep. But all at once the door opened, and in came a stranger man, and said, "Good evening, mistress, why are you crying so?" "Alas," answered the girl, "I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it." "What will you give me," said the strange man, "if I do it for you?" "My necklace," said the girl. The man took the necklace, seated himself in front of the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another on, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too. And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold. By daybreak the king was already there, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart became only more greedy. He had the poor man's daughter taken into another room full of straw, which was much larger, and commanded her to spin that also in one night if she valued her life. The girl knew not how to help herself, and was crying, when the door opened again, and the strange man appeared, and said, "What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold for you?" "The ring on my finger," answered the girl. The man took the ring, again began to turn the wheel, and by morning had spun all the straw into glittering gold. The king rejoiced beyond measure at the sight, but still he had not gold enough, and he had the poor man's daughter taken into a still larger room full of straw, and said, "You must spin this, too, in the course of this night, but if you succeed, you shall be my wife." Even if she be a poor man's daughter, thought he, I could not find a richer wife in the whole world. When the girl was alone the strange man came again for the third time, and said, "What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?" "I have nothing left that I could give," answered the girl. "Then promise me, if you should become queen, to give me your first child." Who knows whether that will ever happen, thought the poor man's daughter, and, not knowing how else to help herself in this strait, she promised the strange man what he wanted, and for that he once more spun the straw into gold. And when the king came in the morning, and found all as he had wished, he took her in marriage, and the pretty miller's daughter became a queen. A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she never gave a thought to the strange man. But suddenly he came into her room, and said, "Now give me what you promised.".continue reading.... Get entertained and more stories, and we promised to give u an encouragement and inspirational stories at. |
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