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Admission Process & Scholarships, Jamb And Weac Updated - Education - Nairaland

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Admission Process & Scholarships, Jamb And Weac Updated by Ononuju0555: 2:45pm On Oct 15, 2019
New opportunity to Study In United Kingdom: University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships 2020/2021
By Ononuju October 7, 2019 Scholarships 0 Comments
New opportunity to Study In United Kingdom: University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships 2020/2021 see all the details you need & Application Process below:

Applications for the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom MasterCard Foundation fully-funded Scholarship Programme for the 2020/2020 academic session has commenced. The University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships is for both undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters) students.

Eligible Countries: African countries (including Nigeria)

To be taken at (country): Scotland, United Kingdom

Scholarship Type: Undergraduates and Postgraduates

Eligible Field of Study:

Undergraduates Courses: All Undergraduate courses offered in University of Edinburgh, UK

Postgraduate Courses: Scholarships are available for the following postgraduate programs:

MSc Africa and International Development
MSc Environment and Development
MSc Global Health Policy
LLM Human Rights
MA Design for Change
MSc Sustainable Energy Systems
MSc Carbon Finance
Type: Bachelors and Masters

Eligibility for the University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships:

You must qualify academically for admission to the University of Edinburgh. We prefer that applicants apply to this scholarship BEFORE applying to the University. Please see section on applying below for more information;
You must be a resident and citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country, whose personal circumstances would make accepting an offer from the University of Edinburgh difficult. Applications from Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe are particularly welcome;
You must demonstrate a track record of leadership and service within your community; and
You are able to present economically disadvantaged circumstances and be able to show that you lack financial means from family or other sources to pursue post-secondary (university) education in your home country or elsewhere.
The scholarship may be terminated at any time when an unsatisfactory progress report is received from the School or if the scholarship holder ceases to be registered as a full-time student at the University of Edinburgh.

University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships Selection Criteria:

The scholarships are competitive and awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Applicants financial, personal, and family circumstances will also be taken into account.
Applicants must also be committed to returning to Africa following their graduation to give back to their home community and country.
University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholarships Number of Awardees:

30 scholarships are available in 2020/2021 for undergraduate programmes
10 scholarships are available in 2020/2021 for Masters programmes
Value of Scholarship: The scholarship will provide full scholarships, including accommodation costs, living costs, travel and tuition fees to students taking courses on campus at Edinburgh. 60 Scholars from other MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program institutions will also benefit from participating in a number of online distance learning Masters programmes offered by the University of Edinburgh. As well as receiving an excellent education at one of the top ranked universities in the world, undergraduate Scholars will:

Participate in United Kingdom and Africa based Summer Schools;
Complete a course on African development;
Engage in a volunteering project in their home country;
Undertake a work-based placement in the UK;
Receive support on their return to their home country; and
Following their graduation, around 50% of our undergraduate Scholars will then be supported to complete distance learning Masters degrees after their return to Africa.
Postgraduate masters Scholars will:

Complete six courses followed by the production of a dissertation;
Participate in a retreat designed to nurture leadership skills;
Attend a short Summer School; and
Undertake an internship which will include reflective learning.
Online distance Masters Scholars will:

Undertake a range of online distance Masters degrees which will be available to 60 Scholars from Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program institutions.
Duration of Scholarship: Complete duration of any programme.

How to Apply: All applicants must apply for the scholarship first through our online application form and, if successful, will be assisted in the process of applying for admission to the University. To access the online application form, visit https://micplustech.com/new-opportunity-to-study-in-united-kingdom-university-of-edinburgh-mastercard-foundation-scholarships-2020-2021/[url][/url]

Application Deadline: 29th November 2019.

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