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My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 10:22pm On Nov 03, 2019

I have called countless times, sent messages on Whatsapp, no response, no replies.

My dad called, he picked, told him he’d call back, but never did.

He is not ill, neither is he dead, I know this because his mum still talks to me, and at this point I’m cutting her off.

I wish I knew what the problem is or what I did wrong, he is not a bad person, loved me while he was in Lagos, his family adores me, and mine adores him as well.

I wish I knew what I did wrong, but it is what it is.

Use a strange number to call him.If he answer the call,tell him you are worried about him that he has not been answering your call.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by emkz: 10:55pm On Nov 03, 2019
Sister, don't ever throw yourself at any man. He won't value you.

From your narration, the guy does not seem to be that into you anymore. So long as he has not made any commitment to you, there is nothing binding you two. Even if he makes a marital commitment to you, it does not guarantee that he cannot not be into you.

Someone wrote that you learn to be supportive to your man, I agree. Just do the right thing and remember that man wey go stay go stay, man wey no wan stay, nothing go make am stay. Move on from this.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by luminouz(m): 10:59pm On Nov 03, 2019

No guy except one with a chronic bipolar disorder treats a gf of 5 years that way.

Something is wrong,either from you or him.


1. Go visit him. Do you know his office or something? If you do,go check on him,take the extrafuqinstep...you said you still love him right? Then prove it by going all out to see him face to face. That way you confront him like a self-assured woman and call him to order. If he is cheating,you will know then and promptly move on with your life.

2. If you cannot travel,then outsource the deal. Find someone in asaba or someone willing to go there...for just 2 weeks. There are guys who aren't doing anything so a little detective work won't harm them. They get you results and save you time and stress... Based on their report,you then know if he is worth your attention still or not.

About his mother stuff...who do you think she would support? You or her own SON? She would make up anything so long it doesn't affect her own baby na. I haven't seen any mother who would choose a prospective daughter-in-law over her own son's decisions. None exists. So prepare your mind for the worst and have a plan B.


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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by boiz2men(m): 11:03pm On Nov 03, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

Side note..

You look like a yahoo girl oo cheesy

Did you cheat or lied about something in those 5 years?

Chances are he has been resentful towards you if you did.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Angelacruz: 11:42pm On Nov 03, 2019
Sorry dear...just move on
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 11:47pm On Nov 03, 2019
some ppl are just dere tolorating their relationship cheesy.any opportunity present itself dem go jus gbes abandon their partner.there are reasons why person go just abandon his of her partner without looking back.
op where u cheating on him or where u always disrespectful towards him? where u a chronic nagger and nagged over little issues? see, if a guy just leave u without missing you then something must be wrong somewhere.there are guys wey go travel go US or UK for further studies and they will come back to marry their boo.ordinary asaba wey ur guy travel to wey no too far that much from lagos im don cut off links from u grin.there is something u have been doing that has been pissing him off grin.have u been flaunting ur sugar daddies at his face? if a girl is messing up a real man would make his exit plan instead of confronting her cos when u confront her she will accuse u of being too jealous or needy.so the right thing to do when a girl is messing up is make ur own secret exit plan and break up with her.thats what ur guy did.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Kingsteve(m): 11:49pm On Nov 03, 2019

I have called countless times, sent messages on Whatsapp, no response, no replies.

My dad called, he picked, told him he’d call back, but never did.

He is not ill, neither is he dead, I know this because his mum still talks to me, and at this point I’m cutting her off.

I wish I knew what the problem is or what I did wrong, he is not a bad person, loved me while he was in Lagos, his family adores me, and mine adores him as well.

I wish I knew what I did wrong, but it is what it is.

I'm afraid...
Asaba girls @work.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 12:10am On Nov 04, 2019

I think i passed my msg correctly tho.
Can i send u a pm?
I'm freakingly far from Asaba

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by millionboi2: 12:14am On Nov 04, 2019
Sorry Miss.......but did you really try to find out why he stopped communicating, dating for five years and a sudden change of attitude would have been caused by something.
BTW in the interim you just have to start loving yourself
don't mind her as if her phone will spoil,if she calls him

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by chigoizie7(m): 12:45am On Nov 04, 2019

I have called countless times, sent messages on Whatsapp, no response, no replies.

My dad called, he picked, told him he’d call back, but never did.

He is not ill, neither is he dead, I know this because his mum still talks to me, and at this point I’m cutting her off.

I wish I knew what the problem is or what I did wrong, he is not a bad person, loved me while he was in Lagos, his family adores me, and mine adores him as well.

I wish I knew what I did wrong, but it is what it is.


You see my dear. There are so many things women do not know about men.

In as much as men want to care for you, do things for you, be there for you. He also desires those things too. 5 years is not 5days.

Most of you women knew when a man is really serious about settling down with you or not, you just live in self denial.

Ask yourself, am I the type of woman I would want my younger brother or my son to bring back home as a wife. If your answer get small coma, then know that you are the cause.

What roles did you play in this guys life?

In marriages , love is never enough.

I will tell you something, I dated a girl, I loved her, she did loved me too or so I taught. I started loosing interests in her because i never tasted her food. I mean the food she cooked. Before you get me wrong, I am the type of guy who doesn’t believe that my clothes are clean enough unless I do the washing myself. That will go a long way to tell you that I do not allow people do things for me. We sleep, wake up, I dress the bed, why? Because I believe that I do it better, so for that reason, I never had problems with her not dressing the bed, I wash my clothes, I can virtually do anything. But I begged her to cook for me, she never wanted to, not because she doesn’t know how to. But because she thinks that she is only my babe and should be pampered. That singular act alone made me loose interest. Some people might say I am petty, but I am not, because till this day she regrets it even though she is married now.

My point is, if you are that girl your guy wouldn’t want to miss talking to any day. You will know, if you are that girl who can be in the same room and on the same bed with your guy and wouldn’t think of sex for days but will always have something to be talking about. Then your guy wouldn’t wait for 5 years to marry you once he is financially capable.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by chigoizie7(m): 1:17am On Nov 04, 2019

That sometimes he just wants to be left alone, because he is an only child. And I should understand.

He’d get in touch when he’s out of his lone state.

This is someone I’ve known for 5 years, and suddenly he wants to be left alone?

If he’s going through stuff, shouldn’t I know? If there’s a secret he’s hiding, shouldn’t I know?

Too many questions...

Ironies of life.

I do not have a gf at the moment, because I loose interest easily, especially when I am not closer to you.

I am a good guy, but there are times I just want to be on my own for weeks. Only one girl understand that. And I feel for her anytime that phase of my life comes, I knew I was hurting her, but I couldn’t help it, I just become emotionless.

I couldn’t be hurting an innocent girl like that, I had to let her go, even though she was ready to cope with me, but I had to travel, if by the time I want to settle down, I would go for her if she is still available and wants to be with me.

Just pray your guy is not like me, because I de pity my gf myself.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by cooooooks(m): 4:45am On Nov 04, 2019
When I broke up with my gf of 4 years, I honestly thought I would not find someone with whom I would share a love so pure for many many years.

2 years later and I think I've found someone.

Don't worry. Pick up, make sure you learned from this relationship and be open to the future.

My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Marvieduke(f): 4:58am On Nov 04, 2019
[quote author=AwkaetitiBabe post=83717147]Shea not in Asaba Mr man[/q

Lol...... He think say you na runz girl
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 5:51am On Nov 04, 2019
"You planned your whole life around him". Just listen to yourself... I keep wondering why Most Nija ladies are so clueless. Plug those disconnected brains back plssssss!


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 5:58am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.
Distances didn't ruin your relationship biko. We've been together going to 3 years, she's in Imo state, I used to live in Ph but now Enugu. We see once a month or 2 months, the most important thing is communication. We have A1 in that, in this era of free whatsapp calls what is your excuse. Maybe the both of you are just tired of the relationship.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 6:24am On Nov 04, 2019

I have called countless times, sent messages on Whatsapp, no response, no replies.

My dad called, he picked, told him he’d call back, but never did.

He is not ill, neither is he dead, I know this because his mum still talks to me, and at this point I’m cutting her off.

I wish I knew what the problem is or what I did wrong, he is not a bad person, loved me while he was in Lagos, his family adores me, and mine adores him as well.

I wish I knew what I did wrong, but it is what it is.

This is scary... Please go and check yourself for any stds or god forbid the 3 letter word...

Why would someone act like this?
What answers are you hoping to get here?

We're as shocked as you are...

I would advise you to feel the pain, stay strong enough to ride this through to the end. He's disrespected your father, and you need to take all the lessons you have from this.

You could make your own narrative if he won't offer you one, and your own decisions about this relationship... Like: If he comes back will you just take him back... Is this relationship really going anywhere past dreams and wishes?

I say go have a make over and work on you... Stop the pity party soon and all is well with you

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 6:44am On Nov 04, 2019

You see my dear. There are so many things women do not know about men.

In as much as men want to care for you, do things for you, be there for you. He also desires those things too. 5 years is not 5days.

Most of you women knew when a man is really serious about settling down with you or not, you just live in self denial.

Ask yourself, am I the type of woman I would want my younger brother or my son to bring back home as a wife. If your answer get small coma, then know that you are the cause.

What roles did you play in this guys life?

In marriages , love is never enough.

I will tell you something, I dated a girl, I loved her, she did loved me too or so I taught. I started loosing interests in her because i never tasted her food. I mean the food she cooked. Before you get me wrong, I am the type of guy who doesn’t believe that my clothes are clean enough unless I do the washing myself. That will go a long way to tell you that I do not allow people do things for me. We sleep, wake up, I dress the bed, why? Because I believe that I do it better, so for that reason, I never had problems with her not dressing the bed, I wash my clothes, I can virtually do anything. But I begged her to cook for me, she never wanted to, not because she doesn’t know how to. But because she thinks that she is only my babe and should be pampered. That singular act alone made me loose interest. Some people might say I am petty, but I am not, because till this day she regrets it even though she is married now.

My point is, if you are that girl your guy wouldn’t want to miss talking to any day. You will know, if you are that girl who can be in the same room and on the same bed with your guy and wouldn’t think of sex for days but will always have something to be talking about. Then your guy wouldn’t wait for 5 years to marry you once he is financially capable.

Spot on... I don't understand people who date this long with a dream to marry... Marry the person if you want to marry them or be happy with the companionship that you enjoyed for 5 years instead of crying wolf at the end.

I like my single life and space and only a husband and kids could change that... When I'm ready for them then I know what to do. People make life harder than it really is.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by blinking001(m): 7:16am On Nov 04, 2019
Out of sight out of mind.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Oriyomin25(m): 7:21am On Nov 04, 2019
It hurt really but you should move on, there is a point in a man's life that he wants to be alone to work on himself cus he felt he is lagging, especially if he is the only son. There was a point in my life that i tried to cut off my girl cus i needed to work on myself and my life, i felt she's a distraction but the more i try to distance myself the closer she comes. With time i was able to cope knowing fully i'm in charge of my emotion and mind. You should work on yourself too and be happy, never remain on the same page he left you cus he'll prolly come back.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by ZikZikZik: 7:49am On Nov 04, 2019
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by nabegibeg: 7:50am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

We need to read his own version
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Hotzone(m): 7:50am On Nov 04, 2019
Wrap up ur bedsheets and move on, no time!!!!!
Use the time u may spend in maintaining a lousy relationship to add personal value to yourself...things shall fall in place for u, dear

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 7:51am On Nov 04, 2019
If relationship don dey too long without marriage or anything that kind relationship dey spoil,best thing is satin 1 or 2years then marriage
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by LOGOBELT: 7:51am On Nov 04, 2019
Eeyah, sorry ooo

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by GeneralPula: 7:52am On Nov 04, 2019
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by DameB(f): 7:52am On Nov 04, 2019
That's why you shouldn't plan your life around someone else.
Pursue your individual goals till you get married, then you can plan your life around each other.

When he stopped calling did you call to know what's going on? Did you visit Asaba to personally see what he's facing?


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by adez33(m): 7:52am On Nov 04, 2019
I am a nice guy and i live in asaba. Can we hook up?
I mean u come across so many nice guys but i am sure u wud just throw them away.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Baroba(m): 7:53am On Nov 04, 2019
Homeboy probably copped a new chick..sorry but unfortunately these things happen.

Try and find out what's going on, but don't dwell on it, if he is no longer showing interest, move on..

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by adez33(m): 7:54am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by cho25bc(f): 7:54am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.
Have you tried visiting him since he left lagos?


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Skmoda360(m): 7:55am On Nov 04, 2019
This is your own version.....I can't comment until I hear his version.

Women have a way of not telling us where/how they bleeped up when things go wrong...
You are right, she will not tell us the Coco...she might wanna play victim card here. undecided

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