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We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were - Religion - Nairaland

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We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by lopsoj(m): 10:10pm On Jan 07, 2020
THE cliche is vastly used all over the world, that is NO! BODY CN be PERFECT, ONLY GOD is perfect.this is used in our daily conversations, and in our activites for the day. however, we need to know what the bible says, the human words and belief is totally different from what they word of God demands from us.
i then say this to say this many people don't read their bible, and those who do reads it to suit their life style or even read it to further confuse themselvs, for read to argue, some read it for some many reasons, why many don't even try. today our youth don't, they prefer other knowing and studies to sitting with the word of GOD, now you may say it is boring, yet in the word is life and peace.

have we take a good look at how complete we are as humans, with all our body parts functioning properly and in agreement with each other? is it not perfect? we observe the way the tree grows and bears fruit, is that not perfect? have you observe the way the sun rise and set, is it not perfect? those are the doing of God to show how perfect he his in doing things.

let come down to us, the bible says we were created in God's image in other words we are exactly God. with this your mind will dispute this fact, and you are saying no oo, i am not God but human. mistake humans make is they always fight with the truth and embrace lies, it as been from the begining, EVE. even plenty, many, lots of pastors and G O's say we are not God we can't be perfect. how sad. yet your mobile phones are made by human being, and they make sure it is perfectly made without mistakes, your laptops, planes, buildings, Apps, name them, right now humans are have made a gadget that can read your mind and do lots of things, yet men believe they can't be perfect while they make perfect things. how can perfect arrangement comes out from an imperfect mind, is that possible, that shows us something, humans believes lies about himself and makes perfection out of ordinary things while he himself is not ordinary.

another lies is that we were brought up to believe we can be perfect and school to not be perfect, once we fall short of doing the right things, but before doing the wrong things you will notice your mind rejects that wrong thing and you also know the consequances of that actions, but out of impatience and blindness of heart, you went ahead, and then concluded that no body can be perfect because you just made that error. what if you grew up in an environment where you were taught to live and stay perfect, that will automatically become your default settings. meanwhile do you know that their are people who are perfect? they are people like that. but the man of man makes him believes once he cant be perfect so is the other person, and they voice this ignorance and many poeple follow suit. no asking questions, the davil simply capitalize on people ignorance to decieve them. i once told a brother i was perfect not one brother, but instead of them to calm down and ask questions how is that possible, they always get more offended at that word, because humans like low things and high things are like blasphmey and believes if i am not perfect how come you will now be. in other words humanity like depravity. Jesus once said i and my father are one and the high priest where angry at that saying. we where some times darkness, but now are ye light in the lord walk as children of light the bible affairm Ephasians 5:8

NOW let see the scripture stand concerning perfection and those who were in the old and New.

Genesis 6:9 KJV
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

this statement is in the bible yet many today in this generation don't believe in anyone being perfect.

Job 1:1 KJV
There was a main the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and escheweth evil?

no wonder he was able to defeat the devil after all.
not in this our own generation, they fall for every sin and mistakes, even so called pastors and teach lies and heresy

GOD talks about thes men to be perfect and they were perfect.


Deuteronomy 18:13 KJV
Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy GOD

Dueteronomy 25:15 KJV
But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

people who don't believe they can be perfect don't live long and are always in issues and problem all the time and days of their life's.

Job 8:20 KJV
Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:

Psalms 37:37 KJV
Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.


Luke 6:40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shallbe as his master {GOD}.
wow, now see why people say i am not God but human they are not yet perfect, many will say we strive towards perfection, yet many who said that are late today, question how will they see god who is perfect? "thing on this"
Re: We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by sonmvayina(m): 10:58pm On Jan 07, 2020
A missionary wrote to me: "there is NONE righteous NOT one" " I saw the bodies of those who rebelled against Me... and their worm never died and their fire not quenched" WHY would a Holy being ALLOW unholiness near Him and WHAT would be the currency that would permit such a union ?"

This question is nearly at the center of the difference between Christianity and Judaism.

Most Christians believe they are not good enough. That humans are somehow filthy -- a worm that is unholy and unworthy of G-d. Jesus had to die for them because they weren't good enough to "save themselves."

The phrase "there is none righteous, not one" is found in Romans 3:10, but it is not found in the T'nach. The closest to this one will find in T'hillim / Psalm 14:3 and 53:4 says "no one does good, not even one."

The Hebrew here is ט֑וֹב -- good. Not righteous. . . good.

The book of Romans is misquoting the T'nach.

When the psalms say "no one does good" does it mean that there are no good people in the world? Does it mean that it is impossible to be a good person?


Read it IN CONTEXT. "The degraded one says in his heart, "There is no G-d!" They have acted corruptly and abominably (in their) action; there is no doer of good."

The degraded one does no good.

Not all people.

There are hundreds of verses that stress we can do good and amend wrongs. Perfection is neither expected or required!

Romans 3:10's anonymous author reverses the bible! Romans states that there are no righteous people in the world. Romans 3:9 - 12 says "For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks G-d. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”"

Totally unbiblical!

People ARE righteous.

People DO understand.

People seek G-d (isn't that why you are reading this blog?).

While some reject G-d, many seek Him and do not turn away.

How dare the anonymous author of Romans 3 reverse G-d's eternal word and say that His creation, mankind, is worthless?

Why does Romans make it seem as if no human alive does good -- not even one -- when the psalmist makes it clear that he is speaking of a select few -- the degraded -- who "do no good"?

Christianity teaches that people should be perfect, and because Adam and Chava (Eve) sinned the whole world is damned to not being perfect -- meaning that according to Christian doctrine G-d screwed up and screwed up badly.

Why would anyone want to worship a god capable of making that bad a mistake -- right from the start? Why would such a god deserve respect let alone worship?

To make things worse, Christianity then claims that in order to fix the mistake -- mess -- that this god made He commands the painful murder of himself to himself to "atone" with human blood for his screw up.


Not biblical.

One of the verses most devastating to Original Sin is B'reshit / Genesis 4:7, where G-d tells Cain that he can overcome temptation. Cain is envious of Abel because G-d accepts only Abel's sacrifice. Cain is tempted to murder Abel. G-d says, "if you do not do good, sin crouches at the entrance. Its desire is for you, but you can rule over it."

Right from chapter 4 we are told that we can rule over sin.

The bible also tells us that G-d created everything -- good and evil are His. G-d does not make mistakes.

Let's return to the claim. Since the two psalms do not say that no one is righteous, but rather "no one is good" -- what does it mean?

Obviously a lot of people do good -- so we must first as ourselves -- to whom is this addressed -- everyone in the world or a select population which is not good?

It is actually NOT everyone in the world. T'hillim / Psalm 14:3 is about Nebuchadnezzar. Rashi says that Nebuchadnezzar was destined to destroy the Temple -- and that not one man would try to stop him.

Let's start with recognizing that T'hillim (Psalms) are 150 poems. POEMS. Most of them were written by Dovid HaMelech (King David) and they were sung in the Temple as prayers. Some praise G-d. Some thank him, some plead to Him -- and some even speak of human fears and how G-d's love transcends our fears. The psalms deal with real human issues and real human lives. These are not the words OF G-d, these are our words TO G-d.

Here is T'hillim / Psalm 14:3: "For the conductor, by David. The degraded one says in his heart, "There is no G-d!" They have acted corruptly and abominably (in their) action; there is no doer of good. 2 From heaven HaShem gazed down upon mankind, to see if there exists a reflective person who seeks out G-d. 3. Everyone has gone astray, together they have become depraved; there is doer of good, there is not even one. 4. Do they not realize -- all those evildoers, who devour my people (those seed of Nebuchadnezzar per Rashi) as they would devour bread, who do not call upon HaShem -- 5 (that) there they will be struck with terror, for G-d is with the righteous generation? 6 You shame the poor man's counsel, that HaShem is his refuge. 7 O', that out of Zion would come Israel's salvation! When HaShem restores the captivity of His people Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice." T'hillim / Psalm 14, Artscroll Stone Edition Translation.

None of those people helped -- not one looked for G-d. But the day will come when G-d will restore us Jews and we will rejoice (when the messiah comes, the Temple is rebuilt and global knowledge of G-d is here -- along with worldwide peace).

Remember: G-d created everything... and He did so for a purpose.

He created us imperfectly, but with the ability to make mistakes and learn from them. He MADE US this way. He gave us free will to choose good over evil -- but without evil how would would humans have anything to choose FROM?

Nowhere in the T'nach (bible) is it even hinted that man is expected to be perfect. Indeed the T'nach tells us "there is no righteous person who never sins." (Kohelet / Ecclesiastes 7:20).

Righteous people sin. Sin is part of G-d's plan. G-d does not expect perfection -- He expects us to try, to fail, to pick ourselves up and to try again.

The bible itself tells us we can do it! "It is not in heaven, to say 'Who will go up for us to heaven, and acquire it for us, and teach it to us, and we will do it?' Nor is it across the sea, to say Who will cross the sea, and acquire it for us and teach it to us, and we will do it?' For the matter is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to do it." (D'varim / Deuteronomy 30:11).
Re: We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by lopsoj(m): 11:52pm On Jan 07, 2020
A missionary wrote to me: "there is NONE righteous NOT one" " I saw the bodies of those who rebelled against Me... and their worm never died and their fire not quenched" WHY would a Holy being ALLOW unholiness near Him and WHAT would be the currency that would permit such a union ?"

This question is nearly at the center of the difference between Christianity and Judaism.

Most Christians believe they are not good enough. That humans are somehow filthy -- a worm that is unholy and unworthy of G-d. Jesus had to die for them because they weren't good enough to "save themselves."

The phrase "there is none righteous, not one" is found in Romans 3:10, but it is not found in the T'nach. The closest to this one will find in T'hillim / Psalm 14:3 and 53:4 says "no one does good, not even one."

The Hebrew here is ט֑וֹב -- good. Not righteous. . . good.

The book of Romans is misquoting the T'nach.

When the psalms say "no one does good" does it mean that there are no good people in the world? Does it mean that it is impossible to be a good person?


Read it IN CONTEXT. "The degraded one says in his heart, "There is no G-d!" They have acted corruptly and abominably (in their) action; there is no doer of good."

The degraded one does no good.

Not all people.

There are hundreds of verses that stress we can do good and amend wrongs. Perfection is neither expected or required!

Romans 3:10's anonymous author reverses the bible! Romans states that there are no righteous people in the world. Romans 3:9 - 12 says "For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks G-d. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”"

Totally unbiblical!

People ARE righteous.

People DO understand.

People seek G-d (isn't that why you are reading this blog?).

While some reject G-d, many seek Him and do not turn away.

How dare the anonymous author of Romans 3 reverse G-d's eternal word and say that His creation, mankind, is worthless?

Why does Romans make it seem as if no human alive does good -- not even one -- when the psalmist makes it clear that he is speaking of a select few -- the degraded -- who "do no good"?

Christianity teaches that people should be perfect, and because Adam and Chava (Eve) sinned the whole world is damned to not being perfect -- meaning that according to Christian doctrine G-d screwed up and screwed up badly.

Why would anyone want to worship a god capable of making that bad a mistake -- right from the start? Why would such a god deserve respect let alone worship?

To make things worse, Christianity then claims that in order to fix the mistake -- mess -- that this god made He commands the painful murder of himself to himself to "atone" with human blood for his screw up.


Not biblical.

One of the verses most devastating to Original Sin is B'reshit / Genesis 4:7, where G-d tells Cain that he can overcome temptation. Cain is envious of Abel because G-d accepts only Abel's sacrifice. Cain is tempted to murder Abel. G-d says, "if you do not do good, sin crouches at the entrance. Its desire is for you, but you can rule over it."

Right from chapter 4 we are told that we can rule over sin.

The bible also tells us that G-d created everything -- good and evil are His. G-d does not make mistakes.

Let's return to the claim. Since the two psalms do not say that no one is righteous, but rather "no one is good" -- what does it mean?

Obviously a lot of people do good -- so we must first as ourselves -- to whom is this addressed -- everyone in the world or a select population which is not good?

It is actually NOT everyone in the world. T'hillim / Psalm 14:3 is about Nebuchadnezzar. Rashi says that Nebuchadnezzar was destined to destroy the Temple -- and that not one man would try to stop him.

Let's start with recognizing that T'hillim (Psalms) are 150 poems. POEMS. Most of them were written by Dovid HaMelech (King David) and they were sung in the Temple as prayers. Some praise G-d. Some thank him, some plead to Him -- and some even speak of human fears and how G-d's love transcends our fears. The psalms deal with real human issues and real human lives. These are not the words OF G-d, these are our words TO G-d.

Here is T'hillim / Psalm 14:3: "For the conductor, by David. The degraded one says in his heart, "There is no G-d!" They have acted corruptly and abominably (in their) action; there is no doer of good. 2 From heaven HaShem gazed down upon mankind, to see if there exists a reflective person who seeks out G-d. 3. Everyone has gone astray, together they have become depraved; there is doer of good, there is not even one. 4. Do they not realize -- all those evildoers, who devour my people (those seed of Nebuchadnezzar per Rashi) as they would devour bread, who do not call upon HaShem -- 5 (that) there they will be struck with terror, for G-d is with the righteous generation? 6 You shame the poor man's counsel, that HaShem is his refuge. 7 O', that out of Zion would come Israel's salvation! When HaShem restores the captivity of His people Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice." T'hillim / Psalm 14, Artscroll Stone Edition Translation.

None of those people helped -- not one looked for G-d. But the day will come when G-d will restore us Jews and we will rejoice (when the messiah comes, the Temple is rebuilt and global knowledge of G-d is here -- along with worldwide peace).

Remember: G-d created everything... and He did so for a purpose.

He created us imperfectly, but with the ability to make mistakes and learn from them. He MADE US this way. He gave us free will to choose good over evil -- but without evil how would would humans have anything to choose FROM?

Nowhere in the T'nach (bible) is it even hinted that man is expected to be perfect. Indeed the T'nach tells us "there is no righteous person who never sins." (Kohelet / Ecclesiastes 7:20).

Righteous people sin. Sin is part of G-d's plan. G-d does not expect perfection -- He expects us to try, to fail, to pick ourselves up and to try again.

The bible itself tells us we can do it! "It is not in heaven, to say 'Who will go up for us to heaven, and acquire it for us, and teach it to us, and we will do it?' Nor is it across the sea, to say Who will cross the sea, and acquire it for us and teach it to us, and we will do it?' For the matter is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to do it." (D'varim / Deuteronomy 30:11).

well the word of God is clear enough to those who can see it, how ever people chose to see things in different ways, when God told Adam and Eve not to eat, they didn't see what GOD see and neither did they ask questions. but when the deceive came, it makes more sense to them and they could see sense out of no sense. that became the way of life of many people after the lost of the garden, the desendant of Adam and Eve multiply and many turn abruptly against God while the few follow God. EG Abraham till Noah, after the flood, eight came out, out of the eight, some still went agog after sin and it spread life wild fire till david wrote what he wrote in psalms 14:3 of no one doeth good, romans refrences it because of human nature, to teach and tell believers how to conduct themselves in christ not that he was condemning everyone. look at Romans 3:20, therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his {God} sight: for by the law is the knowledge {knowing} of sin. God didn't plan for us to fall, men fall, they chose too. you choose to fall or stay upright, but note the law draws you to sin, the Spirit join you with God. this is also choice. God is always intelligent, man is weak in intelligence

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