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The Story Of The Three Oarsmen by Chikezie1245: 8:19pm On Jan 14, 2020
‘‘If the prey does not produce its own version of the tale, the hunter will always prevail in the stories of the hunt.”— African Proverb


THEY were actually four, but one got drowned, so they told the police at the Central Police Station in Aguleri, a town in Anambra State of Nigeria renowned for its war heritage and for being the place where Eri, believed to be the Igbo people’s progenitor, settled.

According to the three oarsmen, they had gone to Omambala River, as usual, to fish, after which they would row the length and breadth of the river.

The river was calm as at the time they got into their canoe, but, by the time they got to the middle of the water, a surging tempest arose and waged war against their voyage. The sun suddenly itself behind the clouds and turned the sky into a gloomy hue. The waves crashed against the body of the canoe and their oars and made a mockery of their vigorous efforts to salvage the situation. It was as if Poseidon, the god of the seas, was angry with them.

They rowed and rowed and rowed, trying to avoid the surging waves, but their efforts were met with stiff resistance. The water crashed against the body of the canoe and the impact sent the remnants into the canoe. They cried out to the gods of their ancestors to save them from the impending peril. No other person was around to raise alarm for help, apart from the four of them.

Gradually, when the canoe could no longer carry their weight with that of the water that had splashed into it, it overturned and sent them into the belly of Omambala River.

The three of them, though resisted by the waves, eventually ‘applied their swimming skills’ and swam ashore with all their might. They did not realise that one of them, Afamefuna, had been trapped in the belly of the river until they regained their consciousness.

But Afamefuna’s father would not take that story. How could his son be the only casualty here? He smelt a rat. And being the type of a person that he was, he would never let the matter lie low.

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