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A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:01pm On Apr 08, 2020

‘The king and his husband’: The gay history of British royals

King Edward II was known for his intensely close relationships with two men.  (iStock)

By Kayla Epstein 

August 18, 2018 at 7:00 AM EDT

Ordinarily, the wedding of a junior member of the British royal family wouldn’t attract much global attention. But Lord Ivar Mountbatten’s has.

That’s because Mountbatten, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, is expected to wed James Coyle this summer in what has been heralded as the “first-ever” same-sex marriage in Britain’s royal family.

Perhaps what makes it even more unusual is that Mountbatten’s ex-wife, Penny Mountbatten, said she will give her former husband away.

Who says the royals aren’t a modern family?

Though Mountbatten and Coyle’s ceremony is expected to be small, it’s much larger in significance.

“It’s seen as the extended royal family giving a stamp of approval, in a sense, to same-sex marriage,” said Carolyn Harris, historian and author of “Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting.” “This marriage gives this wider perception of the royal family encouraging everyone to be accepted.”

Lord Mountbatten was killed by terrorists. Now he’s a royal baby’s namesake.

But the union isn’t believed to be the first same-sex relationship in British monarchy, according to historians. And they certainly couldn’t carry out their relationships openly or without causing intense political drama within their courts.

Edward II, who ruled from 1307-1327, is one of England’s less fondly remembered kings. His reign consisted of feuds with his barons, a failed invasion of Scotland in 1314, a famine, more feuding with his barons, and an invasion by a political rival that led to him being replaced by his son, Edward III. And many of the most controversial aspects of his rule — and fury from his barons — stemmed from his relationships with two men: Piers Gaveston and, later, Hugh Despenser.

Gaveston and Edward met when Edward was about 16 years old, when Gaveston joined the royal household. “It’s very obvious from Edward’s behavior that he was quite obsessed with Gaveston,” said Kathryn Warner, author of “Edward II: The Unconventional King.” Once king, Edward II made the relatively lowborn Gaveston the Earl of Cornwall, a title usually reserved for members of the royal family, “just piling him with lands and titles and money,” Warner said. He feuded with his barons over Gaveston, who they believed received far too much attention and favor.

Gaveston was exiled numerous times over his relationship with Edward II, though the king always conspired to bring him back. Eventually, Gaveston was assassinated. After his death, Edward “constantly had prayers said for [Gaveston’s] soul; he spent a lot of money on Gaveston’s tomb,” Warner said.

Several years after Gaveston’s death, Edward formed a close relationship with another favorite and aide, Hugh Despenser. How close? Walker pointed to the annalist of Newenham Abbey in Devon in 1326, who called Edward and Despenser “the king and his husband,” while another chronicler noted that Despenser “bewitched Edward’s heart.”

The speculation that Edward II’s relationships with these men went beyond friendship was fueled by Christopher Marlowe’s 16th-century play “Edward II”, which is oftennoted for its homoerotic portrayal of Edward II and Gaveston.

James VI and I, who reigned over Scotland and later England and Ireland until his death in 1625, attracted similar scrutiny for his male favorites, a term used for companions and advisers who had special preference with monarchs. Though James married Anne of Denmark and had children with her, it has long been believed that James had romantic relationships with three men: Esmé Stewart; Robert Carr; and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham.

Illustration of James VI and I, who referred to a man as his “wife” in a letter. (iStock)

Correspondence between James and his male favorites survives, and as David M. Bergeron theorizes in his book “King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire”: “The inscription that moves across the letters spell desire.”

James was merely 13 when he met 37-year-old Stewart, and their relationship was met with concern.

“The King altogether is persuaded and led by him . . . and is in such love with him as in the open sight of the people often he will clasp him about the neck with his arms and kiss him,”wrote one royal informant of their relationship. James promoted Stewart up the ranks, eventually making him Duke of Lennox. James was eventually forced to banish him, causing Stewart great distress. “I desire to die rather than to live, fearing that that has been the occasion of your no longer loving me,” Stewart wrote to James.

As the Nazis bombed Britain, the royals hid the crown jewels in the least likely place

But James’s most famous favorite was Villiers. James met him in his late 40s and several years later promoted him to Duke of Buckingham — an astounding rise for someone of his rank. Bergeron records the deeply affectionate letters between the two; in a 1623 letter, James refers bluntly to “marriage” and calls Buckingham his “wife:”

“I cannot content myself without sending you this present, praying God that I may have a joyful and comfortable meeting with you and that we may make at this Christmas a new marriage ever to be kept hereafter . . . I desire to live only in this world for your sake, and that I had rather live banished in any part of the earth with you than live a sorrowful widow’s life without you. And may so God bless you, my sweet child and wife, and grant that ye may ever be a comfort to your dear dad and husband.”

A lost portrait of Buckingham by Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens was recently discovered in Scotland, depicting a striking and stylish man.And a 2008 restoration of Apethorpe Hall, where James and Villiers met and later spent time together, discovered a passage that linked their bedchambers.

One queen who has attracted speculation about her sexuality is Queen Anne, who ruled from 1702-1714. Her numerous pregnancies, most of which ended in miscarriage or a stillborn child, indicate a sexual relationship with her husband, George of Denmark.

And yet, “she had these very intense, close friendships with women in her household,” Harris said.

Most notable is her relationship to Sarah Churchill, the Duchess of Marlborough, who held enormous influence in Anne’s court as mistress of the robes and keeper of the privy purse. She was an influential figure in Whig party politics, famous for providing Anne with blunt advice and possessing as skillful a command of politics as her powerful male contemporaries.

Whether Churchill and Queen Anne’s intense friendship became something more is something we may never know. “Lesbianism, by its unverifiable nature, is an awful subject for historical research and, inversely, the best subject for political slander,” writes Ophelia Field in her book “Sarah Churchill: Duchess of Marlborough: The Queen’s Favourite.”

But Field also notes that when examining the letters between the women, it’s important to understand that their friendship was “something encompassing what we would nowadays class as romantic or erotic feeling.”

Field writes in “The Queen’s Favourite”:

“Without Sarah beside her when she moved with the seasonal migrations of the Court, Anne complained of loneliness and boredom: ‘I must tell you I am not as you left me . . . I long to be with you again and tis impossible for you ever to believe how much I love you except you saw my heart.’ [ . . .] Most commentators have suggested that the hyperbole in Anne’s letters to her friend was merely stylistic. In fact, the overwhelming impression is not of overstatement but that Anne was repressing what she really wanted to say.”

Their relationship deteriorated in part because of Anne’s growing closeness to another woman, Churchill’s cousin, Abigail Masham. Churchill grew so infuriated that she began insinuating Anne’s relationship with Masham was sinister.

The drama surrounding the three women will play out in the upcoming film, “The Favourite,” starring Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone and Olivia Colman.

Though there is much evidence that these royals had same-sex relationships with their favorites or other individuals, Harris cautioned that jealousy or frustration with favorites within the courts often led to rumors about the relationships. “If a royal favorite, no matter the degree of personal relationship, was disrupting the social or political hierarchy in some way, then that royal favorite was considered a problem, regardless of what was going on behind closed doors,” she said.

Harris also noted that it was difficult to take 21st-century definitions of sexual orientation and apply them to past monarchs. “When we see historical figures, they might have same-sex relationships but might not talk about their orientation,” she said. “Historical figures often had different ways of viewing themselves than people today.”

But she acknowledged that reexamining the lives, and loves, of these monarchs creates a powerful, humanizing bond between our contemporary society and figures of the past. It shows “that there have been people who dealt with some of the same concerns and the same issues that appear in the modern day,” she said.

When the Nephilium landed on this Earth they took human form and as we know before the flood only melinated people populated the world. On all the continents and all the islands were Black races of people. Each owing their origins to different fathers that ruled in the lands they were from. Science has already proven that Caucasians and Asians come from these ancient Blacks who mixed with Neanderthals giving birth to so many races and complexions of man. So we have man, mankind people mixed with animal and we have animal living on Earth. The Black races were the gods of the Earth and the demons sought to live on through some families of them and rule over all men.

Who does not know now that Rome was founded by Moors? That the Ottoman Empire was founded by Moors? Who does not know the kings of Europe were Moors? After you identify these ancestors you must know many of them were wicked. The reformist Martin Luther was a Moor fighting against the corruption of the Black Holy Roman Empire which is to say the Black Church has always been gays. The sex magick and pedophilia used to conjure demons in many tribal cultures didn't die out they became empires like Rome and the British all Moors. Hard to believe King James was homosexual? You have Black pedophiles today and even more in ancient times.

We fight not against flesh and blood yet principalities in high places. This war is a spiritual war and it has nothing whatsoever to do with race. The demons are spread out among all races and are in the ruling class. You read yet are you understanding?

These homosexuality rituals are called tradition by some groups of Blacks. Evil witchcraft is all over the world and where ever you find Blacks it's there. Just type in any Black nation along with the key words, satanic, homosexuality, child sacrifice and see for yourself. Everyone running into Africa will not change this. Pedovore and molestation rituals are in the Church, Mosques and Temples.


Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:12pm On Apr 08, 2020
Rasta Livewire




Spread the love

Keep looking at the hair!…the hair…

Check out the hair again…

James I 1616

James I (1566–1625) was the King of Great Britain from 1603 until his death in 1625. The first English ruler from the House of Stuart, he succeeded Queen Elizabeth I after her death, and was the first British monarch to rule both England and Scotland. In 1606, James authorized the Virginia Company of London to found the Jamestown colony. The English successfully settled in Virginia, planting the foundation of Great Britain’s American colonies and the future United States of America. This colonization enterprise was a moneymaking venture intended to boost the coffers of the Crown.

Daughter of King James I

Check out her face! Official depiction stamped on her minted coins.

Elizabeth of Bohemia, Countess Palatine, daughter of James I, Married to Frederick, Count Palatine.

Even in her whitened, modified picture, we still the hair.

The Hair…



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We must rewrite history because the people who built the system that enslaves the world eas built by Blacks.

If you don't know what happened then you can't understand what is happening now.

The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:14pm On Apr 08, 2020
The great Magi Blackbeard Mirage gives a detailed break down of the origin of demons

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:18pm On Apr 08, 2020
Homosexuality is demonic worship it is the dailing number to get any demon to appear.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:21pm On Apr 08, 2020
See for yourself the Fallen Church

Google Images of 100s of pastors worldwide arrested for child defilement of 100, 000s of babies and children. Think how many pedophile pastors never get caught because they are too powerful to bring to justice. They are of all races and nationalities because the demons of pedophilia don't discriminate. The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium.

The evil demon Molech gives the root to the word Molest or molestation. So molestation of children in any house dedicated to a deity is worship of Molech. The child bleeds the blood is a sacrifice.


Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 7:21pm On Apr 08, 2020
He did not write the bible. He commissioned the Bible to be translated. He had scribes translate the Bible. Don't confuse people.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:22pm On Apr 08, 2020
He did not write the bible. He commissioned the Bible to be translated. He had scribes translate the Bible. Don't confuse people.

It's the King James version and bears his name. No, the ancient Hebrews wrote the Bible.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 7:30pm On Apr 08, 2020

It's the King James version and bears his name. No, the ancient Hebrews wrote the Bible.

Wake up out your slumber

He did not write the bible. He commissioned people to translate the Geneva bible into a modern(of the time) and understandable English language.
It bears his name cos he paid for its commission. That was how it was done in those days. Its the "king James version" not "king james' bible" no one claimed that those were his words or that he got the revelation that are written in the books of the bible.

1 Like

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:35pm On Apr 08, 2020

He did not write the bible. He commissioned people to translate the Geneva bible into a modern(of the time) and understandable English language.
It bears his name cos he paid for its commission. That was how it was done in those days. Its the "king James version" not "king james' bible" no one claimed that those were his words or that he got the revelation that are written in the books of the bible.

So what he put his twist on it because the actual has the book of Enoch which explains the Nephillium and the genetic splicing done by the ancestors.

King James was a molech practicing Moor like other Moors in Europe and around the world.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 7:43pm On Apr 08, 2020

So what he put his twist on it because the actual has the book of Enoch which explains the Nephillium and the genetic splicing done by the ancestors.

King James was a molech practicing Moor like other Moors in Europe and around the world.

You are funny. Do you know who the Moors are? Go do your research. A lot of books have been removed from the bible. There was nothing like the bible originally. The Roman Catholic Church created the bible. It compiled books and rejected books to form what we now know as the Bible.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:49pm On Apr 08, 2020

You are funny. Do you know who the Moors are? Go do your research. A lot of books have been removed from the bible. There was nothing like the bible originally. The Roman Catholic Church created the bible. It compiled books and rejected books to form what we now know as the Bible.

Stop adding adjectives to my persona. Refute the evidence about King James or be gone. Rome was founded by the Moors and not any other. West Africans built the Ghana, Mali, Sokoto and Oyo empires you had nothing to do with the Moors. In fact the Moors invaded you and sent the Whites to colonize you.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 7:51pm On Apr 08, 2020

Stop adding adjectives to my persona. Refute the evidence about King James or be gone. Rome was founded by the Moors and not any other. West Africans built the Ghana, Mali and Oyo empires you had nothing to do with the Moors. In fact the Moors invaded you and sent the Whites to colonize you.

Wake up out your slumber

You are drunk in your ego. You are confused and quite ignorant too. In your reality you believe you are woke but you are soooo blind it will take the grace of God to see the light. Your eyes are not yet single. Carry on in your confusion. cool
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:56pm On Apr 08, 2020

You are drunk in your ego. You are confused and quite ignorant too. In your reality you believe you are woke but you are soooo blind it will take the grace of God to see the light. Your eyes are not yet single. Carry on in your confusion. cool

Either refute with actual facts that king James was a Moor, homosexual and he wrote a book on demonology as well as called his version of the Bible into being. Also Rome was founded by Moors and can you dispute this?

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 7:57pm On Apr 08, 2020

Either refute with actual facts that king James was a Moor, homosexual and he wrote a book on demonology as well as called his version of the Bible into being. Also Rome was founded by Moors and can you dispute this?

You are too blocked to be penetrated by reason. Keep up your confusion
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:58pm On Apr 08, 2020
See for yourself the Fallen Church

Google Images of 100s of pastors worldwide arrested for child defilement of 100, 000s of babies and children. Think how many pedophile pastors never get caught because they are too powerful to bring to justice. They are of all races and nationalities because the demons of pedophilia don't discriminate. The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium.


Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 7:58pm On Apr 08, 2020

You are too blocked to be penetrated by reason. Keep up your confusion

What is it you desire me to reason?
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:06pm On Apr 08, 2020
The Coronavirus is pedophilia
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 8:10pm On Apr 08, 2020

What is it you desire me to reason?

The point is not the king James version. The point is that the originality in meaning of the texts in those books compiled as the bible can not be grasped when translated loosely to English. To understand the beauty of the texts which make up the bible you have to understand the original language in which those texts were first written before they were translated to Greek and then to English.
Even the popes that "wrote" and implemented the original Bible which you are prising and hailing as the real deal were not better than king James in the sin department. So if you are judging the holiness of the book based on the holiness of those who wrote it, you will have to reject every book we call the bible today. Cos no Saint was involved in its translation to English language.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:14pm On Apr 08, 2020

The point is not the king James version. The point is that the originality in meaning of the texts in those books compiled as the bible can not be grasped when translated loosely to English. To understand the beauty of the texts which make up the bible you have to understand the original language in which those texts were first written before they were translated to Greek and then to English.
Even the popes that "wrote" and implemented the original Bible which you are prising and hailing as the real deal were not better than king James in the sin department. So if you are judging the holiness of the book based on the holiness of those who wrote it, you will have to reject every book we call the bible today. Cos no Saint was involved in its translation to English language.

Maybe you don't get the point of my my my post not yours.

King James was a Moor, homosexual and he wrote a book on demonology. The Moors of Europe which order rules today were Molech worshippers masking themselves as Christians.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 8:19pm On Apr 08, 2020

Maybe you don't get the point of my my my post not yours.

King James was a Moor, homosexual and he wrote a book on demonology. The Moors of Europe which order rules today were Molech worshippers masking themselves as Christians.

Wake up out your slumber

I hear you. Enjoy.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:22pm On Apr 08, 2020

I hear you. Enjoy.

You can't hear me you must read to understand.
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by delishpot: 8:23pm On Apr 08, 2020

You can't hear me you must read to understand.

I hear this one too. Enjoy
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:24pm On Apr 08, 2020

I hear this one too. Enjoy

Stop trolling me

Be gone
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:39pm On Apr 08, 2020
We must rewrite history especially of Europe who the dirty Moors hide themselves behind the White beast. The order we live under today is Rome and the Moors built this demonic order. Some of these families of Moors were cursed and are the embodiment of Nephillium demons who took flesh and bore offspring.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:50pm On Apr 08, 2020



Sometimes I want to reach out and just what we are up against. How the undefined “THEY” are in control. How “THEY” guide our decisions, how THEY are powerful because we allow THEM to be. Who are THEY? Who are THEM ? Why do we refer to THEM the indefinite “Other.”

It is time to declare that “THEY” are the genie that we have let out of the bottle. We have done so using magic anciently, and now have disturbed the giants again by setting off nuclear bombs and smashing particles together to open doorways to the other quantum worlds where they live and feed.

In the 1950’s Japan created a fictional monster that was awakened after the Atomic bombs were detonated. Godzilla was a metaphor that represented the “Golem” that was unleashed after mankind tampered with the powers of nature. Today it is silly B-movie entertainment. Back then it was a horrific reminder to not play with the powers of God. Godzilla served Japan well under controlled conditions, but was hostile to Japan in others.

It was a very powerful metaphor for a Monster that is used to protect and defend, kill and then redeemed regardless of the destruction it created or the people it displaced or snatched away.

Before the Atomic tests at Trinity there were scientists that speculated that there were risks to the planet. The bomb could have caused a catastrophic chain reaction.
There were fears of burning up the atmosphere or perhaps destroying the solar system. But the scientists took their chances.

The bombs were exploded, the powerful column of fire was seen like Elijah’s vehicle and some speculated that it was not only the test of a scientific killer, but a tool for opening up space and time allowing beings to arrive, beings that can be animated with the power of magic or as they called it “The Finger of our God.”

Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, once stated that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Fantasy writer Larry Niven wrote “Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.” This is one of “Niven’s Laws.” I often wonder if the normal person can differentiate between illusion and reality. If the illusion is so convincing then it is reality. We are here in a cemetery disguised as an amusement park . Every ride invites us. There are clowns at every gate and when we ride the rides, some make us laugh and others make us sick.

We are all amused by these clowns because they tend to lead us, hold us mesmerized, and at some times coerce us into jumping around and dancing like puppets. The other night on my radio show I began to experience difficulty with people who believed that what I was talking about on my show was cosmic blasphemy. Blasphemy that was stepping on their basic biblical principles.

It was an uncomfortable thing for some to hear from my lips that God was an extraterrestrial. They equally angered over the idea that there would be some alien connection to the end times. That there is no biblical proof for these things and that the alien idea is a deception brought forth by humans to somehow take, magic, religion and science and bind them together. There was also a ruff with people with regard to the doctrinal nature of rapture and the promise that there will be a calling up of people into heaven.

There is no literal word in the bible that points to a rapture, only figurative speech that leads to an esogesis always quoted by born again Christians as fact. I learned that the Latin word for the rapture is “rapare” which means to reap, seize, or take away. It is more of a harsh choice of word, to describe what most Christians believe to be the gentle lifting of souls to god. However it has been used and shaped into a more reverent word.

I do not need a quote from the 4th chapter of 1 Thessalonians to prove rapture to me; I have learned that the passage speaks of a first and second resurrection.
Ascension has also been a promise from the holy book and if we want to argue semantics biblically I can tell you that there is no mention of any seizing or taking away literally in the eschaton, or in the end time’s revelation. If one can find the word for me any where, rather than giving me interpretation I will stop saying that there is no rapture. There is only poetic comfort for some, thinking that they will be taken up and others will be left behind.

However the seizing of humans, and the taking of souls is an operation that the world has been privy to for some time, Many people speak of being abducted, and others are seeking people who have been either taken up and brought back or have felt a sinister presence in the room.

The presence is often described as being a shadow figure. Many see them as human looking with large eyes. These creatures have been called the aliens of our day, however we may even want to rethink the idea that the so called gray almond eyed creatures are here to help us. They may have been used as agents of magic, or secret chiefs sent out by the darkest magicians to impart knowledge and program people for a major earth catalyzing event.

I have never trusted the alien intrusion and have seen it as something far more sinister than any demon infestation. I have learned in my biblical back ground that demons have to follow rules. These rules have been created by god and even though god fearing people see demons as dangerous, they can often rebuke them with their faith.

The entities that take, or seize are the ones that have no care or respect for the holy. The reason is because they are being used as agents that work on behalf of an even greater power or force. They are the Homunculi that have been created for a purpose of taking, seizing and detaining their specimens for analysis, torture and in some cases death.

You will not hear of these nightmares, or creatures in science books, they are not wanted in any religious text, but we do see them and hear of them in Magic, they are always observing the earth throughout time and have been the consorts of many black magicians throughout the ages. They are the Magicians who mock religion and science.

They believe they are justified because both science and Religion are imperfect because people are imperfect – it has always been, and so it will always be. Man’s greatest paradox is the attempt by too many to interchange Magic, or for the religious “God” and science replacing one with the other – when, in reality, one should lead to the other if the path is kept clear of prejudices. With an honest pursuit of ultimate knowledge, humanity would not be facing such a cataclysm of moral and ethical problems involving science. But honesty and morality have been cast aside to embrace a substitute for “knowledge.”

While the religious need only faith, science needs proof and the only way they can find it is to bend space time, and open up a portal so that they can once again allow the passage of homunculi from quantum realms to earth. There are occultists and mythologists like William Henry that has claimed that the ancients like Nimrod created Stargates. The gates and altars were used in magic ceremonies and were known to create Wormholes so that entities from the stars would pass through them.
Some entities were godlike and others were unknown.

Some could be fashioned out of materials on earth and they were controlled by their masters. They were fashioned from clay, dirt, water, air and fire. They were known first as Homunculi, which are small artificial creatures. However the was a sentient, living, and anthropomorphic beings. These creatures are used for menial or dangerous tasks. A well-made homunculus grooms the mind of its master, until its master releases it to do its labor. They are like programmed servants. They are willing servants and may be sent to do wicked deeds on behalf of its master.

They are drones that roam stealthily and quietly. They appear in various dark rooms and alleys. They also may be seen in the daylight however it is very rare. They are seemingly the demons that rule this world, doing the work of the puppet masters. The bottomless spit opens to the abyss and all that it yields will be classified as alien, demonic and diabolical.

The apocalyptic verse tells us that whatever is out there it is able to do the will of a master and open the bottomless pit. It is said that smoke comes out of the shaft like the smoke from a large furnace. The sun and the air darken with the smoke from the shaft. Locusts then come out of the smoke onto the earth, and they are controlled and given power like that of earthly scorpions. And they are described as having tails like scorpions, and their sting will torment mankind.

Nostradamus tells us that the world will be overcome by the “demons” under the control or emperors and kings and the arrival of corrupt popes who armasters in the arts of darker magic. In one of his letters he warns the world, that THEY (The Homunculi) will be in the control of the Dark prince, and that the Dark Prince will gather them and that a great and dark Pope will also appear making way for the arrival and seizing of souls.

“Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila’s empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration, chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And it will be in the month of October than the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness.”

As we see that there has always been a link to the demons that rule the world to their masters who may be under the power of potent magicians who are puppet masters controlling various homunculi.

These beings not only inhabit the underlying areas of the earth they also inhabit the heavenly places. We see THEM and read about THEM in biblical scripture and interpret THEM as “holy” or divine. To pair them with the current non-human intelligent beings known as “aliens”, is not too far of a reach.

Many advanced beings hint at angelic origin in their contact with humans through abductions and channeling. If the so-called aliens and their mysterious craft are not themselves part of the plan of God , they are at least under the direction of Satan, or master earthly magicians, because they are calling upon the powers of the Prince of the Power of the Air.

Therefore we must learn that in the future, the taking or seizing on humans will come from the skies. If you must call it a rapture, then I guess you will go willingly.

Demons do rule this world order and the phony Coronavirus exposed just how wide spread their worship. Yes there are groups worshipping demons and feeding them human children. 8 million children sacrificed Yearly for the purpose of Empires.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:52pm On Apr 08, 2020
A nurse explains that the COV-19 is a mild cold

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 8:57pm On Apr 08, 2020
Where ever you find Black people practicing homosexuality they are worshipping demons in secret. Now the other people recieved this demonic practice from Black people by being their slaves and sacrifice victims in ancient times. All sacrifice victims were slaves or considered by elite groups to be ignoble.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 9:22pm On Apr 08, 2020
Return to righteousness
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 9:35pm On Apr 08, 2020
This is the true apocalypse

Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 9:50pm On Apr 08, 2020
I don't apologize to anyone ever. Sometimes I am forced to comply with such out of social regard yet I do so with insincerity.

There has never been a hero fight a major war and never break the laws of karma.

Some called Sango a tyrant and I consider him blameless and holy in his solutions.

I feel the same way about Shaka Zulu

Muhammad was a warrior prophet does killing make you less than Holy?

I kill lies

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by messicruzzy1: 10:06pm On Apr 08, 2020
Re: A Short Stubby Blackman King James The Homosexual Demon Worshipping Moor by Truthfulvoice: 10:42pm On Apr 08, 2020
The Coronavirus is pedophilia

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