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Asthmatic - Literature - Nairaland

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Asthmatic by Emitex4u(m): 10:13am On May 08, 2020
It was about eight o’clock when her son who was asthmatic developed some complications. He had to be rushed to the nearest hospital about 1km away or else it would be fatal. She called a neighbor who had a car but the neighbor said the car had no fuel; she called the pastor who said he had visiting pastors from USA and could not leave them alone. She decided to carry the son to the hospital; she could not imagine loosing her only child to the same sickness that had killed the husband few years earlier. She had a problem with her leg and could not move fast enough and the son was also heavy for her to move faster. Along the way she met people rushing home from work who just stared at her. She tried to beg them for help but they assumed her. She also tried to stop passing vehicles but they never responded. She fell many times but she had to keep moving. Then a man who was mad and used to roam the streets Unclad noticed her. He came running towards her and took the son from her. She could not talk but just pointed the direction of the hospital. The crazy Unclad man could understand perfectly well what she meant since he saw the desperate boy struggling for breath. He put him on the shoulder and told the woman “all will be well” as he ran towards the hospital. The doctors on seeing the crazy man knew something was really wrong, they attended to the boy immediately. Ten minutes
later the mother arrived and the doctor broke the news “if he was brought five Minutes later, he would have died” . God doesn’t have to use Bishops, Pastors, Alfas, family, politicians & rich people with cars to rescue or bless you. No matter what may come your way, no matter what you are going through, your life is in His hands & He has good thoughts for you. I know you will make it. For there is a friend in God who will wipe away your tears. The Word says for with GOD all things are possible!

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