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Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? - Business - Nairaland

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Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by Danielfx(m): 3:53pm On May 30, 2020
So, i finally moved all my money from my Zenith account due to incessant fraudulent transactions that i could not avert.

Still going through my account statement, i noted a seven thousand naira current balance(7,000). I was wondering if there is a way i could get the money or part of it out.

Your input is needed here.

Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by recievesense: 3:56pm On May 30, 2020
that balance is uncleared. there are pending charges or the bank placed a lien on your account. u can call customer service to resolve
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by dingbang(m): 4:01pm On May 30, 2020
All these 1naira accounts sef
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by Danielfx(m): 4:02pm On May 30, 2020
that balance is uncleared. there are pending charges or the bank placed a lien on your account. u can call customer service to resolve
Thanks for your contribution here. Please explain the pending charges area.

Also, is it possible the money uncleared is related to the fraudulent parole done on the account ? If yes, can i cancel the transaction and have the money moved from the account ?
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by Danielfx(m): 4:10pm On May 30, 2020
All these 1naira accounts sef
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by recievesense: 4:47pm On May 30, 2020
Thanks for your contribution here. Please explain the pending charges area.

Also, is it possible the money uncleared is related to the fraudulent parole done on the account ? If yes, can i cancel the transaction and have the money moved from the account ?
yes it can but only customer service can verify and release. just call them

Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by jrobbins: 4:52pm On May 30, 2020
So, i finally moved all my money from my Zenith account due to incessant fraudulent transactions that i could not avert.

Still going through my account statement, i noted a seven thousand naira current balance(7,000). I was wondering if there is a way i could get the money or part of it out.

Your input is needed here.

So sad to hear of the fraud(s).

Regarding the current balance, liase with customer service.

For knowledge purpose, what kind of fraud is it that you couldn't avert or stop?
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by Danielfx(m): 9:33pm On May 30, 2020

So sad to hear of the fraud(s).

Regarding the current balance, liase with customer service.

For knowledge purpose, what kind of fraud is it that you couldn't avert or stop?
Anonymous debit . The customers' rep claimed she already had it settled, only to be debited more the following day.

The strange part is, when the other customers' rep finally checked the account, she had to approach the first one to tell her she did nothing and it was a few seconds show of shame between two customers' rep.

That lady is unproductive and unprofessional. I believe a surveillance review will prove my point. This is people's money we are talking about here, that element should not be entrusted with people's life savings
Re: Advise Needed: Can I Access My Current Balance From This Zenith Account ? by jrobbins: 6:44am On May 31, 2020
Anonymous debit . The customers' rep claimed she already had it settled, only to be debited more the following day.

The strange part is, when the other customers' rep finally checked the account, she had to approach the first one to tell her she did nothing and it was a few seconds show of shame between two customers' rep.

That lady is unproductive and unprofessional. I believe a surveillance review will prove my point. This is people's money we are talking about here, that element should not be entrusted with people's life savings

Hmmn. Some people can be very negligent with their work.

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