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Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women - Family (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 8:00am On Jun 02, 2020

Some of us enjoy watching from the background and not pretend to be what we are not, you should do that too. You are not that intelligent.
And, oh, in most cases when you engage those dudes you just do side attacks (dumb ones at that) and when they come at you, you call on the mods like the coward that you are.

Good, I knew you are not very smart. So, I will address that slow part of you this morning.

1. Your mentors don’t make me their personal problems. Pansôpist in particular goes about his business.

2. This young man isn’t getting penised because he is an easy target, he is getting penised for taking trolling me as a full-time job.

You have been quoting me for a while, don’t be a coward- enter set, let’s see what you can do. Why waiting for other men to do the job? So weak? Sure you are... grin grin

I am not THAT intelligent. You my dear, is very FAR from intelligent. Spot the difference.


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Nobody: 8:01am On Jun 02, 2020

Reply my comment to you on the first page. You think say you smart? You don’t know they need sense to troll? Something like you with poor English, low IQ, typing with a h-accent, wan troll me?

When I bend you over, knack you anyhow. You will learn like the people before you.

Good morning...

I only reply when & where i want, ur Q can only mean one thing, i am smart grin to know trollin & puttin someone where they belong share disparity the only similarity is dey sounds alike.
even if i bend over like u fantasied, with what will you knack me grin..u are jus a gurl with a cut between her legs remember undecided o le fii dangote sphag sé strapon undecided o lo do


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 8:04am On Jun 02, 2020

I only reply when & where i want, ur Q can only mean one thing, i am smart grin to know trollin & puttin someone where they belong share disparity the only similarity is dey sounds alike.
even if i bend over like u fantasied, with what will you knack me grin..u are jus a gurl with a cut between her legs remember undecided o le fii dangote sphag sé strapon undecided o lo do

Now you reply when you want? But before you were giving me mentions all about NL.

Your girl or mother has two cuts between their legs? Every woman has just a cut sweetie. grin


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Nobody: 8:21am On Jun 02, 2020

Do they engage me? Why don’t they engage me too? Go ask your mentors that question. That is me acting like I have never quoted your icons before. I like that you didn’t include yourself, because you know say you sef no reach.

Thank you for admitting Anslem04 has little or no wits and bants. I knew I wasn’t wrong. You can join him to collect the rear penising. I have energy to knack two of you. grin

reminds me of wen i was in 300l, i wonder y GST lecturers are mostly females tho ... so she ask me to define an irony .. till date she never understood why i pointed @every female in that class.
#a je kun iya nii o je ...... roger that
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 8:23am On Jun 02, 2020

reminds me of wen i was in 300l, i wonder y GST lecturers are mostly females tho ... so she ask me to define an irony .. till date she never understood why i pointed @every female in that class.
#a je kun iya nii o je ...... roger that

You took GST? Which one of them?
Seems you skipped your Use of English or you are just another evidence of the failed educational system. Roger that too... grin

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Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Nobody: 8:50am On Jun 02, 2020

Now you reply when you want? But before you were giving me mentions all about NL.

Your girl or mother has two cuts between their legs? Every woman has just a cut sweetie. grin

IF you have 0.2% quotient brain of what my babe kiss & mom had ehn ! i won't av to be the one sensitizing you only humans with dick can knack. you see all those domatrix porn you av been watching wil forever remain a fantasy coz you are meant to be screw. if naa lie mention two functions of a "nut" grin grin

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Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 8:58am On Jun 02, 2020

IF you have 0.2% quotient brain of what my babe kiss & mom had ehn ! i won't av to be the one sensitizing you only humans with dick can knack. you see all those domatrix porn you av been watching wil forever remain a fantasy coz you are meant to be screw. if naa lie mention two functions of a "nut" grin grin

You see, now I have stirred you into trying to prove you are INTELLIGENT, throwing your basic engineering knowledge in my face.

If I had 0.2 of their brains, I wouldn’t date something like you. If you had any brain, you will know that was FIGURATIVE. But then, it is you Anslem04, the slow nigga. kiss kiss


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by aigmax(m): 9:46am On Jun 02, 2020

I only reply when & where i want, ur Q can only mean one thing, i am smart grin to know trollin & puttin someone where they belong share disparity the only similarity is dey sounds alike.
even if i bend over like u fantasied, with what will you knack me grin..u are jus a gurl with a cut between her legs remember undecided o le fii dangote sphag sé strapon undecided o lo do
Dangote spag....strap....... cheesy cheesy
This got me cheesy cheesy cheesy grin
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Nobody: 10:28am On Jun 02, 2020

You see, now I have stirred you into trying to prove you are INTELLIGENT, throwing your basic engineering knowledge in my face.

If I had 0.2 of their brains, I wouldn’t date something like you. If you had any brain, you will know that was FIGURATIVE. But then, it is you Anslem04, the slow nigga. kiss kiss

You aren’t nice with words at all. Lol grin


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Genset: 11:03am On Jun 02, 2020

Good, I knew you are not very smart. So, I will address that slow part of you this morning.

1. Your mentors don’t make me their personal problems. Pansôpist in particular goes about his business.

2. This young man isn’t getting penised because he is an easy target, he is getting penised for taking trolling me as a full-time job.

You have been quoting me for a while, don’t be a coward- enter set, let’s see what you can do. Why waiting for other men to do the job? So weak? Sure you are... grin grin

I am not THAT intelligent. You my dear, is very FAR from intelligent. Spot the difference.

Poco, my dear, i admire you the most on this forum honestly. The way u deliver your banter with so intelligence and humor is second to none. U re so strong and feminine at the same time. God will bless you for continously standing up to the useless trolls on this site. Sometimes, i wish you were the elder sister i never had. More wisdom and strength to you.


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Klass99(f): 1:21pm On Jun 02, 2020

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Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by gowonmaharajah(m): 1:59pm On Jun 02, 2020

So, you have successfully debunked three myths; 1. I am not 38, I am 30.
2. I didn’t go to a Polytechnic as said by some guys here, I went to a uni.
3. I am not jobless, I am a unit head in SystemSpecs.
Thank you. kiss

I don't agree with your number 1. you clearly stated a month ago,I quote 'feels good at 38' no be you talk am yourself?
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Justbehave(m): 2:00pm On Jun 02, 2020
No healthy man will ever tolerate a woman with poor character in his life and I know for sure that no healthy woman will equally tolerate a man with poor character in her life too. I create this thread to correct the misleading comments I read from Expensiverichy.b's deleted thread where some women say the fact that coco.handy has a husband and poco.hantas now has a man in her life too, even though they are said to be known as women with poor character who take pleasure in abusing men in this forum, has rubbished the age long believe that a woman needs to have a good character in order to have a man in her life and keep him. Once more, I say no healthy man will ever tolerate a woman who has poor character in his life.

Truth is that, any man who does not see anything wrong in his wife or girlfriend going from one thread to another abusing men is not healthy and a time will come when he will be the one constantly at the receiving end of her abuses. 

There is nothing wrong with a woman having her voice, like men, but there is everything wrong with a woman who takes pleasure in abusing men, or a man who does the same. A woman who has a good family background and upbringing will know that she does not need to abuse men to have a feel of sense of importance. 

Before any woman will start to broke shame me, have it in mind that money is not one of the things I lack in my life, but if you think otherwise I challenge you or the man in your life to post his assets declaration form, if he has any, from anywhere in the world, while I post mine. Or, we can appoint some independent members of the forum and pay them to go and verify our individual assets. 

I am not jealous either, because I am a married man and I am not looking for a new wife or mistress.

I love your honesty. No healthy man can condone such. Is either the man is lazy and living off the woman,or he is a conquered simp.


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by gowonmaharajah(m): 2:18pm On Jun 02, 2020
this thread dey totori my body.aswear. see savagery
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Cocao(f): 2:54pm On Jun 02, 2020
The simple fact that men on nairaland will not let females have a moment of peace is irking! What exactly is your ego made out of that a simple jab or the fact that a woman is speaking will make you want to declare your assets!

Yet all we see here all day on this same nairaland are men who belittle, degrade and spit on women all day. Of course we know they are only keyboard warriors but that glimpse of their true nature is frightening enough.

Stop trying to put a label on women, stop trying to stifle their voices, stop trying to put women inside a box.

OP, you said you are married, with kids possibly. Raise the kind of woman you want in your daughters. Stop trying to tell other people's children what to do. Use your time wisely.

Before you even quote me, all men are not scum. Now read and understand.

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by doitforyou(f): 3:31pm On Jun 02, 2020

Stop trying to put a label on women, stop trying to stifle their voices, stop trying to put women inside a box.

OP, you said you are married, with kids possibly. Raise the kind of woman you want in your daughters. Stop trying to tell other people's children what to do.
You told no lies.

They are not happy and content with living their lives and their choice of submissive women.

ALL women must be submissive. ALL men must want submissive women.

A woman that doesn’t fit their mold is “bitter”. A man that doesn’t fit their mold, is “weak” and a “simpleton”

You can’t really be happy with your life if you’re that pressed with how other people choose to live their lives.

20 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Ybaby: 3:47pm On Jun 02, 2020
His second to last paragraph shows he isn't worth my time, talking about showing off assests in a public forum .

You should be encouraging him to show it off. Dont you want to see rechargeable fan.... #runsaway grin grin grin grin

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Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Romangalactic(m): 3:53pm On Jun 02, 2020
The watchers on the wall have found their voices. Rebranding specialist of SystemSpecs int. is a defeated girl.


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Ybaby: 3:56pm On Jun 02, 2020
Today we have "some" men mouthing off to women and it is sad - you have a financial clock that she does not really have.

As a man you should be too gainfully employed and all hours blocked for financial growth to be doing tit a that in family section - you should be in the business section sounding off on what shares to buy - in property section looking for better rate for cement supplier, in job section to employ or be employed and technology section for the latest investment not tit a tating.

Most of these women you are tating with are richer than you,drive better cars than you and already putting a few blocks together for rental income.....

Wake up bruv..... slumber no more

Ire o!


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Romangalactic(m): 3:57pm On Jun 02, 2020

Like seriously, who doesn't have junk in their trunk after 2 or more decades of living on this earth? Who hasn't reformed or rehabilitated themselves from time to time?
You're right,even whores have been known to turn saints & marry right. Mary Magdalene was a friend of Jesus


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by dalass(f): 2:40pm On Jun 30, 2020
This one wants to post his asset declaration to make a point. LMAO grin

You dey mind the chest beater? grin grin grin

1 Like

Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 3:26am On Jun 18, 2022

Stop supporting evil or what you do not know.


LOL. See as your blood de hot, you want make I send you e-slap too. I wonder how I go take hate ma own personal person, no be say we de quarrel. Biglittlelois understands the reason why I said dat to her; such instigative post go make the needless thread to escalate.

Meanwhile, I no run, na 4 ur own benefit, make you no put allegation for ma head.

A very terrible snake. #spits


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by satandeterrible: 4:28am On Jun 18, 2022
No healthy man will ever tolerate a woman with poor character in his life and I know for sure that no healthy woman will equally tolerate a man with poor character in her life too. I create this thread to correct the misleading comments I read from Expensiverichy.b's deleted thread where some women say the fact that coco.handy has a husband and poco.hantas now has a man in her life too, even though they are said to be known as women with poor character who take pleasure in abusing men in this forum, has rubbished the age long believe that a woman needs to have a good character in order to have a man in her life and keep him. Once more, I say no healthy man will ever tolerate a woman who has poor character in his life.

Truth is that, any man who does not see anything wrong in his wife or girlfriend going from one thread to another abusing men is not healthy and a time will come when he will be the one constantly at the receiving end of her abuses. 

There is nothing wrong with a woman having her voice, like men, but there is everything wrong with a woman who takes pleasure in abusing men, or a man who does the same. A woman who has a good family background and upbringing will know that she does not need to abuse men to have a feel of sense of importance. 

Before any woman will start to broke shame me, have it in mind that money is not one of the things I lack in my life, but if you think otherwise I challenge you or the man in your life to post his assets declaration form, if he has any, from anywhere in the world, while I post mine. Or, we can appoint some independent members of the forum and pay them to go and verify our individual assets. 

I am not jealous either, because I am a married man and I am not looking for a new wife or mistress.

God bless this man.
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Biglittlelois(f): 7:14pm On Jun 18, 2022

A very terrible snake. #spits

grin Back then, when we were almost deceived cheesy


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 8:42pm On Jun 18, 2022

grin Back then, when we were almost deceived cheesy

As in ehn!!! cry cry
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by RightToReject(m): 10:05am On Jun 19, 2022

grin Back then, when we were almost deceived cheesy

One now wonders why some of you ladies are counting losses and feeling betrayed as if he took some of your organs permanently. Rejection, heartbreak, or abandonment should not be seen as the end of the world.

Anyway, he can only continue praying that all of you will see reasons to move on in good faith and stop harming yourselves; in fact, he might later change his mind and come for all of you for good, even though he is not like the well-known polygamist King Solomon.
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by RightToReject(m): 10:06am On Jun 19, 2022

As in ehn!!! cry cry

One now wonders why some of you ladies are counting losses and feeling betrayed as if he took some of your organs permanently. Rejection, heartbreak, or abandonment should not be seen as the end of the world.

Anyway, he can only continue praying that all of you will see reasons to move on in good faith and stop harming yourselves; in fact, he might later change his mind and come for all of you for good, even though he is not like the well-known polygamist King Solomon.
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 10:23am On Jun 19, 2022

One now wonders why some of you ladies are counting losses and feeling betrayed as if he took some of your organs permanently. Rejection, heartbreak, or abandonment should not be seen as the end of the world.

Anyway, he can only continue praying that all of you will see reasons to move on in good faith and stop harming yourselves; in fact, he might later change his mind and come for all of you for good, even though he is not like the well-known polygamist King Solomon.

LordKO rest! You have already been busted as the liar and scammer you are. No lady here is/was heartbroken by you.

No lady contacted you for marriage. She only reached out for a job since you lied as usual to have need for computer science graduates. You decided to try blackmailing her with details of her CV.

You are a loudmouthed liar and I would keep mentioning your main- LORDKO. So that no one would fall victim to your lies!


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by Biglittlelois(f): 10:29am On Jun 19, 2022

One now wonders why some of you ladies are counting losses and feeling betrayed as if he took some of your organs permanently. Rejection, heartbreak, or abandonment should not be seen as the end of the world.

Anyway, he can only continue praying that all of you will see reasons to move on in good faith and stop harming yourselves; in fact, he might later change his mind and come for all of you for good, even though he is not like the well-known polygamist King Solomon.

Dude rest, no one cares anymore, live your life and face your business.


Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by RightToReject(m): 10:31am On Jun 19, 2022
Heartbreak is truly a bad thing, Lol. Well, trying to twist the narrative can only sell in the minds of small-minded elements. Once more, he understands the pain she and some others alike who have tried everything possible to have him for a permanent keep but failed passes through; however, his hands are tied, so there is nothing he could do to make it possible for them.

If mentioning his moniker everywhere, appropriating every known and unknown moniker to him and carrying out a campaign of calumny against him can give her some sense of closure, she (they) has his consent. And, of course, he determines whom to give attention to and the duration, Lol.
Re: Before We Mislead The Younger Men And Women by pocohantas(f): 10:42am On Jun 19, 2022
Heartbreak is truly a bad thing, Lol. Well, trying to twist the narrative can only sell in the minds of small-minded elements. Once more, he understands the pain she and some others alike who have tried everything possible to have him for a permanent keep but failed passes through; however, his hands are tied, so there is nothing he could do to make it possible for them.

If mentioning his monikers can give her some sense of closure, she has his consent. And, of course, he determines whom to give attention and the duration, Lol.

LordKo you broke no ones heart! Whose hands are tied? You are LordKO na.

You are now seen for what you are!
Snake! grin grin


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