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For Anyone Feeling Confused About Religion / Man Openly Speaks About Religion, With Heavy Claims About The Late T.B Joshua / What The Lockdown Taught Us About Religion (2) (3) (4)
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Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 11:10pm On Jun 04, 2020 |
After thorough study and research in my quest to know the truth behind World Religions. I have come to this conclusions. El (Elohim) or Yahweh is a Jewish god of war. Exodus 15:3 stated categorically thus: Jehovah is a warrior. What Yahweh is to Jews is what the god of the Sun is to Greece (GreekoRoman Empire) One thing I discovered with the Hebrew god is that it's powerful, mysterious more than the other gods in Arabia. And it is a very intolerant god and aggressive god. In so many scenarios like the way it turned Lots wife to pillar of salt for minor disobedience, the way he killed Israelites at mount Sinai where it comes with flames, thick smoke and thundering clap for drawing closer to the mountain. Almost synonymous to the Yoruba Sango god and Igbo Amadioha god in their use of thunder, thick smoke and lightening. The way the Ark of the covenant killed anyone that gets in touch with it. Less, I forget, many places around the world in the early and mid centuries went about building temples for their god, gods, goddess or goddesses. From India to Pakistan to China to Assyria to Persia to Greece to Rome to Egypt to Africa, every where gods, temples. Could Jewish god that is always jealous of other gods be an exceptional god, different from other pagan gods ? Could other gods of other regions be all that powerful for the Hebrew god to be jealous? No, if Baal is to be ineffective and just but a man made statue, why will the super God alleged to have created the universe and everything therein be jealous of his tiny creations earth molded image(sculpture)?? Reading through the book of Exodus, especially Exodus chapter 13 Yahweh's demands for 1st born human and animal sacrifice makes me think, could this be God the creator? Do the Supreme God need human and animal sacrifices?. Why do most pagan shrines and temples use incense, the way it is used in the temple of El, YWH, Yahweh or Jehovah? The are many mysteries to be unravelled. I have come to also realize that the story of creation recorded in the book of Genesis is nothing but Jewish mythology. Read #Genesis 1:26 and #Genesis 2:7 and behold a contradictory statements. Read #1Samuel 15:3 Now go, and strike down the A·malʹek·ites,d and devote them to destructione along with all that they have. You must not spare them; you are to put them to death,f man as well as woman, child as well as infant, bull as well as sheep, camel as well as donkey.’” Could a god that orders the killing of innocent children, pregnant women, widows, old women, innocent animals and the disabled be the #God of the #Universe?? Imagine America coming to perpetrate this kind of crime against a country or region?. What will be your reactions? Is God portrayed as the most compassionate, most merciful in this scenario? Is that not a partial god that favours only the jews? Could Yahweh be an over glorified tribal god? #ForYourConsideration. It's high time we start to unlearn the craps deposited into our skulls by the stone age ,iron age and bronze age people. The Bible is a well crafted religious literature with real historical records of war written by different authors over centuries. And the events centered around present day Middle East and Europe and some parts of Africa. The genealogy recorded in book of Genesis and in the book of Matthew never branched or took account of other races of humans like the Asia, India, West Indies, Europe and Africans From Adam to Noah. from Noah to Abraham And from Abraham to Jesus Christ. This history of a tribe representing that of the entire World creation story is not plausible. But one thing is certain Truth is tested with time. It's obvious that the Israel god Yahweh that rides a chariot was powerful to the Israelites, originally the Canaanites. The world major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) (Abrahamic religions) have all stood the test of time. And their Various teachings are so related. What Jesus Christ is to Christians is what Shiva is to Hindu is what Saddhauta Gautama (Buddha) is to Buddhists is what Mohammed is to Moslems. Though Shiva of Hindu is actually a god or deity that is very significant in Hinduism. Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha are very enlightened fellows and they all preached love and peace to humanity. I know I am sounding controversial and weird to religious people But the truth remains that I am standing on a neutral ground to decipher the truth behind World religions. U can't quench my curiosity. I knew that every religion faithful do uphold their own very religion as the best. But the truth is that there is no better religion. All religions came due to mankind quest to unite with the Forces behind the creations, the assumed god, gods and God. #Peace and #Love lalasticlala 5 Likes 1 Share
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ebenhazard(m): 11:14pm On Jun 04, 2020 |
God help us all |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by GodPunishBiafra: 11:17pm On Jun 04, 2020 |
Hmmm May God help us o ![]() |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by keentola(m): 11:31pm On Jun 04, 2020 |
I have books on Religion, Philosophy, Self-Development. You can check my Bio on how to contact me to get yours 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 8:47am On Nov 27, 2020 |
Lalasticlala |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Anas09: 8:59am On Nov 27, 2020 |
ThinkSmarter: @ bolded, you are not sounding Controversial, you are just one of the ignorant ones trying to sell undercover satan. Hahahahahahahaha, you say you are neutral? How ignorant, there's no neutrality or vacuum in the spirit realm. You stand for one. Do you think the New Age you are trying to sell here is neutral from Satan? Lolzzzz. Dtrurhspeaker, PervertProohet pls come help enlighten this guy. |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Dtruthspeaker: 11:24am On Nov 27, 2020 |
Anas09: Present Sir, I'll be unto it right away! |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Dtruthspeaker: 11:48am On Nov 27, 2020 |
ThinkSmarter: ![]() And Every Conclusion is always based on the Ruler, Tape, Metres or Feet, Kilograms or Pounds, whether it is a Chinko Tool or Original Tool, which you use for measuring. However, the one thing that you are doing is in Sticking your Nose into Matters that are beyond your Engine Capacity and Measurement eg like Camry attempting to measure the depth of the ocean, or Ruler trying to measure the length of the sky. So is the study of Persons or Person Higher and Greater and Power-Fuller than us who we call God/god. Based on the fact that we know Names, Man therefore gave them names (== Consider this, is it Regular and Proper for a child to Name His Father? Yet man has taken it upon himself to name his Father) And then they shall think that they have done no wrong. Anyway, Stupid man gave names to his Father and have given names, which is why you have been set on a road of foolishness. For the keepers of the Bible it is God Himself, Who Came to us to tell us that He is God! And that we can call Him, God or The Lord, Exactly as it is a Father Who Teaches His children, What and How they should call on Him or Address Him, Not The other way round, as people have done. 2 Likes |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Anas09: 12:08pm On Nov 27, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker:Thanks for coming. This guy is making some assertions here that needs responding to |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Dtruthspeaker: 12:14pm On Nov 27, 2020 |
Anas09: Because he digs yam to eat he therefore thinks to dig up Zuma Rock! |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Anas09: 3:28pm On Nov 27, 2020 |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 11:40pm On Nov 27, 2020 |
Anas09:U only ended up attacking the questionaire and not the question? Can't u defend those points raised? 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Dtruthspeaker: 4:50am On Nov 28, 2020 |
ThinkSmarter: I have defended the points raised, for and on his behalf and you have been Silent Ever Since. But I understand, No Way To Go Round it or Through it Exactly As The Lord's Words Are Rock of My Soul, in the bossom of Abraham Rock of My Soul in the bossom of Abraham Rock of My Soul in the bossom of Abraham, Ooh, Rock of my Soul "It's so High you can Never get Over It, It's so Low you can Never get Under it, It's so Wide you can Never get Around it. It's so Strong you can Never get Through it! Oh, Rock of My Soul! |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 12:28pm On Nov 28, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker: |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Anas09: 1:00pm On Nov 28, 2020 |
ThinkSmarter:Those points are his perspective |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Anas09: 1:01pm On Nov 28, 2020 |
ThinkSmarter:Wait, what attacks are you talking about? |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by tobechi74: 9:45pm On Nov 28, 2020 |
Religion |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by helinues: 6:36am On Nov 29, 2020 |
Imagine America coming to perpetrate this kind of crime against a country or region?. @ bolded, How about In Syria, Afghanistan, Libya? Religion is only personal believe/or way of life of some people.. The Bible stories are mostly what the writers believe, and what they want you to believe.. That's same way media are working these days... 2 Likes |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 2:27pm On Jul 04, 2021 |
Dtruthspeaker:WHY I COME TO LIKE SCIENCE BUT DETEST RELIGION. I grew up in a rural settings where African traditional religion is practiced by many while some practiced Christianity and some both. I earlier thought and assumed Christian Religion as the best religion. And the Bible God to be really the Supreme God, the creator of all things. Of a truth, Christian religion tried in inculcating good moral conducts among the faithfuls. From Sunday school, to School Assembly Ground, to moral instructions to Church sermons to house to house preaching etc. But after growing up and learning to read and understand on my own. I took solemn in reading the Bible and upon doing that I stumbled upon some Bible passages that are seldomly read in the church because there are thought provoking. This increased my curiosity and my search for the truth. I started searching for the Quran until I got hold of one written in both Arabic and English language. I downloaded and red so many articles And publications about the Bible, the Abrahamic religions etc. I then realized that Religion in its entirety is a Belief system. I realized that the concept of God the creator only lies within human imaginations. And in Belief system, u don't have to prove anything within the boundaries of intelligence, rational, critical and logical thoughts. Faith is Everything In Religion, faith is of high esteem. In Religion, u don't need to prove God using #rational #critical #logical and #objective thoughts. U only got to #Believe through #faith shikena. As a curious person, I wasn't comfortable with some answers I got from Religious teachers. Some will misunderstood your curiosity to be an attack on their belief. Most Religions were built on #superstitions, #mythology, #black magic, #dreams/visions, #personal inspiration/imagination, human invented traditions and customs etc I personally think, humans evolved consciously, become more intelligent and confused at same time. We thought, since we are here, animals are here, plants are here. Something somewhere brought us here. And we assumed what brought us here to be like an old man, full of wisdom with magical powers living up there in the sky. Have u wondered why other animals apart from humans don't indulge in religion, this because of their low intelligence. Our imagination is the cause of all technology and religion. Technologies are our visible imaginations. While Religion are our invisible imaginations. Take a look at this : According to the Bible, pigeons, bulls, rams etc were offered to Yahweh as a sin and burnt offerings. Imagine the CEO of Toyota demanding a particular brand of Toyota like Toyota 4Runner as a gift or sacrifice from his employees that offending him. Also, the case of Jesus Christ as God's only begotten son (contradicting the true sons of God earlier recorded in Genesis 6) as an offering to appease God for the redemption of mankind. This is like President Buhari giving out Yusuf, his only son for Nigerians to kill in order for him to forgive Nigerians for their actions against the President. These are very illogical statements and should be treated as trash. OK, let's assume Jesus Christ died so that we all have life and have it in abundance as they do make us to believe. These assertions raises so many questions like: Is there no poverty, cancer, kidney diseases,heart diseases, strokes, accidental deaths, natural disaster, killings, low life expectancy, high mother and child mortality rate etc among Christian population? All these are universal and are not unique to one religion. To Scientific minds that rose like philosophers, thinkers that broke the societal and cultural norms and threaded the path of logical, critical and rational thoughts in order to arrive at a very objective answer(s) to the cause of things. Some of them suffered discrimination while many were exiled and killed for simply being rational and logical. For simply refusing to conform with the superstitious and mythological things. And here we are in the 21st century, where Science have provided answers to most pressing questions. Brought cure to many diseases. Many infants, animals, twins,adult humans, albinos have been killed to appease so many deities in the past just because of human ignorance. The did all that cuz they assumed some natural phenomenon like earthquakes, volcano, tsunami, hurricanes, draught, epidemic, pandemic, twins, albinism, etc to be as the result of the gods being angry. Have you wondered why human population have grown so rapidly towards the beginning of 20th century to date? This is as a result of advancement in medicine. Science is providing cures for so many diseases and is abating the mortality rate among children 0-5years due to immunization/vaccines. About 90% of children born are now able to reach reproductive age. For without Science, many cultures would have been living in abject ignorance and their population subjected to extreme law of natural selection. Science choose the path of physical observation, theorizing, experimenting, re-experimenting before drawing unbiased conclusions which will be subjected to objective criticisms if the need arises. Science accept their flaws and gives room for correction. But religion hates to be corrected or Reformed. To the fundamentalists and Extremists, it is a word or command of God /Allah, hence no questioning. When u enquire about the purported heaven, paradise and hell, u will just be told to believe or else u will cast into hell when u dies. some Religion won't even allow you to die naturally 1st and go to hell. They will behead you instantly, so that you will go to hell instantly. A times, I do think, why is it that the God that brought down the tower of Babel in the Bible doesn't bring down the rising towers , the aeroplanes, rockets that are exploring the universe. Science have demystify so many superstition, mythology made up due to man's ignorance. Note:If you don't understand Maths, you may not be good in logic and reasoning. This is why Mathematics is made compulsory for courses like Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Law, Computer science etc Science will continue to relegate Religion to the background. I have also thought why there is no much religious related terrorism in UAE and Saudi Arabia as compared to Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria Nigeria etc. Then I realized maybe Saudis and Emirates are super rich and have most of the their wards schooling in the Overseas. And sound and quality education is the best solution to Religion extremism. Because, it's extremely difficult to brainwash someone with quality education. Maybe that's why the Saudi Prince is making so many reforms. For you can't expect the product of the likes of Ivy's, Havard's etc to continue implementing outdated, archaic and irrational beliefs in the name of being conservative. Sorry to say this : I see some extremely religious people as psychopaths. I personally think, if you choose to evolve with your brains, choose Science, else be stuck with the medieval philosophy that gave birth to so many mythological beliefs. The choice is yours. 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 2:29pm On Jul 04, 2021 |
Dtruthspeaker:The man/deity called God. First of all, let's list the attributes of the Biblical God called Yahweh, Elohim or Jehovah God is a man according to the Bible. The Bible says that God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. The Bible and Quran described God as the most compassionate or most merciful. But, as they say action speaks louder than voice. Right from the garden of Eden. God have proved otherwise and in many other scenarios in the Bible. From the creation story in the Bible. God is not the most powerful. Angel Lucifer outsmarted God. God lied to Adam and Eve that they will definitely die when they eat of the fruit of good, knowledge and evil. God said to his fellow Gods, let's drive man away from the garden of Eden because he has eaten the fruit and have become wise like us (gods) So that he will not eat from the tree of life and live forever. God never had good intentions for mankind with those statements attributed to him. God is not everywhere, God is not all powerful, God is not all knowing. Cuz if he is, he should have known ahead of time what Angel Lucifer could do. He should have stopped him if he is all powerful. He shouldn't have left the garden of Eden since he is every where. Common!, the Bible stories are just but a fairy tale that can only be taken seriously by sheeples. God of the Bible is a blood thirsty deity that is hot tempered and kills at little provocation. He is a dictator. It takes a mere human like Moses to persuade the angry God to come down in his show of anger and brutality. He ordered the killing, maiming of vulnerable people like the aged, women, children and physically challenged. He encouraged rape and violence against women. Read the Book of Numbers if you think that I am lying. God of the Bible used venomous snakes to torment and kill people. He strikes people that try to challenge his authority with illness and death. Why am I writing this? Do I intend to spite any one or group of people by doing this? No, I am constrained by an inner force to write to my generation. And to that, I appeal to my family and friends to forgive me for not living up to their expectations. It's not my doing, that despite my strong Christian background, I still deviated and speak against what majority of the populace hold of high esteem. The Bible actually contributed to my spiritual awakening. Know that the Bible is a collection of Religious myths, history, religious rituals, hallucinations and magic. Lucifer is described as the most beautiful and intelligent of God's creations but when the white man brought religion to you, they depicted Lucifer as a Black horned monster just to ridicule Black people. U got the racism inspired Christianity? I know that God is a figure invented to solve the mystery behind creations. But invoking God as central figure behind the creations will lead to another intelligent questions like : Who created God? Where did God come from? Who have ever seen God? Can God come out of nothing? Is God really in Charge? Or that natural forces are behind all the weather, climate changes we witness in our planet? How can the tower of Babel be real? How many meters of structure can humans be able to raise? With what technology was the tower of Babel built with? Where are the ruins of such magnificent structure? Remember, when the Bible was written, they were no telescope, no spaceship, no cars, no aeroplane, no idea of space, other planet/ planetary bodies . People had always thought that the sky is made of crystal stones until science discovered that it was really empty. First of all, what supports life here on earth. Soil, air, water, sun, force of gravity and other invisible forces are the physical conditions necessary for life to thrive here. Get rid of water from the planet and life will cease to exist, same applies to air. U see, we can't really explain as to how intelligent life, flowers, plants, animals of different varieties started from scratch, but invoking an invisible creator deity won't solve the mystery. So, the Yahweh of the Bible is not different from any other gods found in all regions of the world. Superstition begot myth and myth begot religion. Nothing is really hidden. Nature didn't conceal anything. It's just that we have little understanding. We truly have eyes but can't see, we have ears but can't hear. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Let me burst your bubble. Jesus Christ tried to liberate his people from religious grips. The Elites (Roman Rulers, scribes and the Pharisees) used religion to instil fear and control the masses. But when Jesus Christ returned from India at the age of 30, remember he left around age 12 after the passover. He is an ascended master He joined merchants and traveled East to Nepal and India where he got more educated on Eastern philosophy. Remember Sadhauta Gautama (Buddha) was born in India many years before the birth of Jesus Christ. And Buddhism have spread wide in the South East Asia. Jesus Christ got so much infuriated about the way the people were burdened with heavy religious rules and rituals. Today, bring pigeon, tomorrow bring a bull, next other time bring your 1st son and first born animals. Jesus Christ really liberated the people but they twisted his message in order for them to continue enslaving the people through religion. He tried to enlighten them and liberate them, this got the Pharisees infuriated and they used his frequent saying that he is a God to accuse him of blasphemy. In my next write up, " The Religion Shield" I will explain how people have been commanded not to ask questions concerning Religion as a way to Shield it from Scrutiny. Religion is built on falsehood. Truth is coherent and logical. The universe is orderly. Nothing is Concealed. Seek, you will find. Ask, and you shall be given. Open your mind to nothing but the truth. Get rid of emotions and sentiments. And you will be close to enlightenment. No tragedy will befall you for asking curious questions concerning your faith. The same way that God lied to Adam and Eve that they will die is the same way that Religion lie and threaten you not to ask questions for fear of tragedy or misfortune befalling you. The truth is that you, asking thought provoking questions about religion will awaken you to the truth and religion will lose its value and grip on you. Know the truth and truth shall set you free. 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 2:30pm On Jul 04, 2021 |
Anas09:Come and view something you can counter on this thread |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 2:33pm On Jul 04, 2021 |
#Copied ( not my write-ups) Don't be misled by the word "born again" - You were never a sinner. "Judgement day", "end time", "rapture", "unbelievers", "gentiles", "hell fire", "heaven", "infidels", e.t.c. These words are instruments of captivity, enslaving you and your soul. Religious beliefs (I mean all forms of religion) are nonsense at best. At worst, you get what we are experiencing in our world today. Chaos. The biblical Jesus came and he tried to enlighten humanity, majority are still unable to grasp his messages and teachings. Just like every other higher being that came down with good intentions for humanity, Jesus tried to wake us from "The Sleep", he was completely against religious leaders at that time because they mislead others - up till now. The churches of today are simply following the footsteps of Paul. They are not preaching Jesus, they preach Paul. But the followers do not understand the foundation. Paul was always against Jesus christ and his teachings, he was the persecutor. When Jesus died he had to continue the fight but with a different approach, he infiltrated the seed that was planted. He cashed out big time in the process and clergymen of today follow in his footsteps. Jesus Christ did not come here to "die" for the salvation of anybody. He lived for humans in his time to be enlightened. He was killed while trying to help them. He did not die willingly, he even prayed against it. Christ-like beings do exist once in a while throughout history. The world power at that time saw him as a threat, because if more humans get enlightened, their structure will become powerless. So Jesus had to be killed, the killing has to be justified...and his messages adulterated. Have you ever pondered on how Jesus was sentenced to death by Pilate the Roman? And today Christians look up to the leader of the Vatican city. The same people who killed the seed, rewrote the entire bible to their taste and claim it is God's message (reason the bible is always conflicting itself. Just like the Quran it was written by some people who seek to control other humans), appointed a leader to now continue the teachings of the one who was murdered. They do it for one reason, to control and rule humans. You can't be a world power without elements of control over humans. Religion is a tool of control. People are caged with fear. Let's not talk about Islam, the brother of christianity. Go read about the Genocides of Mohammed, his sexual crimes and all. His ideas gave birth to majority of modern day terrorisms. *Christians should not take it personal, I only used the story of Jesus as a reference. It is the same with Muhammed and all other forms of religion, they keep you in bondage with the threat of "hell fire." We are all afraid of the thoughts of a nonexistent burning furnace. We give away our soul out of fear, Muslims trade empathy for wickedness and brutal killings all in the name of religion. Modern day Christianity may not support bloody killings like it's brother, but the deceits, lies, hypocrisy, greed and selfishness within the church is second to none. Stop searching for the figurative "God" He is not hiding. Instead you should search for yourSELF 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by danielous(m): 8:59pm On Jul 19, 2021 |
ThinkSmarter:I expected @Dtruthspeaker to counter you reasonably but na juz show off, nothing to counter with. And even @Anas09 the stage setter, nothing worthy.. tueh! 2 Likes |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Dtruthspeaker: 9:20pm On Jul 19, 2021 |
danielous: D'lous, I have already countered the main point of this thread and it is dead. But Op has a right to also present his million other Issues which I would have attended to, if they are important but for the fact that he brought all of them at once, in One Post, One Whole Philosophy Textbook! He even repeated it Twice! Haba! It is very Neat when Issues are Identified One by One, then can they be settled one by one. Thus, as soon as I saw long long talk, I just vamoosed, I did not even bother to read it. Long talk means 150 Issues and 300 baby issues. I no do! |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by danielous(m): 3:42pm On Jul 20, 2021 |
Dtruthspeaker: ![]() Dtruthspeaker:i saw it, mistake i presumed.. |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by 22jumpstreet: 4:44pm On Jul 20, 2021 |
Another awakened soul..thanks guy. I love you already. Don't relent. One soul at a time. We will get there.. 2 Likes
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 7:47pm On Jul 22, 2021 |
The religion shield. Like I said earlier, Religion is built on any of these: ignorance, falsehood or conspiracy. So many religious faithfuls are ignorance of the true reality. Most Religious monks/teachers in the World leading religions know that the God-figure is just but a fallacy invented to tame humanity and put them under control. Because like they said an untamed man is equal to a beast. Deviants are threatened with eternal damnation in hell fire while faithfuls are promised so many rewards in heaven where they will live forever. Even all the dead are assured of resurrection to face judgement at the last day. Imagine the irony of a hell/a furnace burning with brimstone and sulfur at an exceeding temperature that will not burn you to ashes but keep you alive forever in agony. U re probably being punished in hell forever for keeping about eight of the ten commandments and defaulting two, maybe adultery and stealing. What a super Capital punishment The hell punishment is only granted fully by Christianity. As both Judaism and Islam will met out the punishment they think you deserve, before you face their God to receive the main punishment. How to know the truth. It's logical It's convincing It's coherent. It doesn't change It's not hidden The defender of a truth doesn't raise voice, he raises his points. Science doesn't hide anything, nothing is magic, nothing is mystery. Science detailed all its teachings and inventions. From the cell theory to atomic theory to electricity/magnetism, motion science, radioactivity, Quantum mechanics to logic gate, to computer programs, to artificial intelligence and robotics, etc. Everything is open, nothing is hidden. U are allowed to ask questions, criticize, scrutinize, counter claims and object provided you are deploying logic, reasoning critical and objective proceedings. But that can't be said of religion, cause they are shielding it, in order to make it look sacred and mysterious. They want to continually instill fear and mind control. Reason why, magicians may not easily disclose to you the art of magic. Reason why Scientists and journalists are not allowed in the Vatican and so many religious temples. Cause, they feared they will be exposed. Religion has both good and bad intentions by the conspirators. Some use it to control humans, some use it to exploit others. While some use it to give comfort and proffer solutions to life numerous challenges. If you pay attention to why most people go to religious houses today. The rich and healthy are going there to be joyful and get assured of heaven should it exist. While the sick is going there for healing. The poor is going there for comfort and hope of overcoming poverty. The unmarried ladies, go in hope of miraculously inducing a dream man that will propose. Some seek for change of fortune in their businesses, families and marriages. The politicians seek it to win elections. In all, Religion is still relevant to the greater percentage of humans to some extent. The ugly truth is that the informed or the enlightened are in charge of Religion while the uninformed and gullible are the sheeples. Religion will continue to thrive for a very long time, especially in third world countries since it's only a small percentage of humans that are highly educated and enlightened. And religion have filled the gap created by inequality, poverty and poor perception of the True Nature of Reality. #Shalom
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by ThinkSmarter: 7:48pm On Jul 22, 2021 |
22jumpstreet:I love you too man 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by Nobody: 6:14am On Jul 23, 2021 |
I love your piece.. ALTHOUGH I'M A MUSLIM. I have a question to ask. How do we curb immorality (Alcoholism, prostituting, drugs, crime, hatered) without involving religious?? Maybe God wants religion and science to exit. So one gives people hope while the other helps provide solutions to humanities problems. And again I'd like to believe God is a compassionate and cool fellow. That Good humans can sit with and have a nice talk with. Just like our mothers. I don't wan to believe his a tyrant... I just want to pacieve him a nice, homely fellow of love, intelligence any other Good adjective you can think off. 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by shadeyinka(m): 6:57am On Jul 23, 2021 |
ThinkSmarter:Let me help you a little if you will think about it. Science Focuses on the hardware made by the Creator: Thus, subjects must be measurable, verifiable and repeatable. Even then, you have wrong and right science Religion Focuses on the Software written by the Creator: Thus, subjects are subjective, personal and experiential Even then, you have wrong and right religion It is impossible to use the rule of science to judge the rules of religion and vice versa: a serious mistake! Everything is not hardware at the same time everything is not software. 1 Like |
Re: Could This Be True About Religion? by shadeyinka(m): 7:09am On Jul 23, 2021 |
ThinkSmarter:You are looking for an alternative narration while what you should look for it the God and Father Christ introduced to us. The aim of Christ is ONE: that you might have your name registered in the book of Life. Poisoned food is usually GOOD-LOOKING, APPETIZING and DELICIOUS food with a tiny drop of POISON. But this tiny poison is what kills and not the food. The aim of the POISONER is ONE: that you might have your name NOT registered in the book of Life. You have eaten up a dose of the knowledge about Christ but also with that which will cost you your eternity: be careful bro I speak as a friend! 1 Like |
Which Church Is This One Again Lol?? Please Help Me / Muslims, Why Is Allah Competing With Baal In The Quran? Are They Both Creators? / D
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