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Nairaland To Be Like Facebook(chatting&addition Of Friends) - Programming - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / Nairaland To Be Like Facebook(chatting&addition Of Friends) (290 Views)

See What I Turned Nairaland To With Reactjs And PHP (pictures) / I Will Create You A Social Network Website Like Facebook With App Source Code / Extract URL Data Like Facebook Using PHP, Jquery And Ajax (2) (3) (4)

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Nairaland To Be Like Facebook(chatting&addition Of Friends) by JOBgame(m): 8:32pm On Nov 25, 2020
seun osewa have to review these website and make it like facebook in the sense members can post,update status,chat other member,add eachother and many functions of facebook opinions&suggestions;

1*nairaland can now turn it name to 9jichat.com

2*nairaland can start using phone numbers to register new members.

3*nairaland can also create a room for adverts and notification like facebook does coolseun osewa have to review these website and make it like facebook in the sense members can post,update status,chat other member,add eachother and many functions of facebook opinions&suggestions;

1*nairaland can now turn it name to 9jichat.com

2*nairaland can start using phone numbers to register new members.

3*nairaland can also create a room for adverts and notification like facebook does
Re: Nairaland To Be Like Facebook(chatting&addition Of Friends) by aronski(m): 10:09pm On Nov 25, 2020
seun osewa have to review these website and make it like facebook in the sense members can post,update status,chat other member,add eachother and many functions of facebook opinions&suggestions;

1*nairaland can now turn it name to 9jichat.com

2*nairaland can start using phone numbers to register new members.

3*nairaland can also create a room for adverts and notification like facebook does coolseun osewa have to review these website and make it like facebook in the sense members can post,update status,chat other member,add eachother and many functions of facebook opinions&suggestions;

1*nairaland can now turn it name to 9jichat.com

2*nairaland can start using phone numbers to register new members.

3*nairaland can also create a room for adverts and notification like facebook does

U don't expect him to start copying other people ideas do you?
Nairaland is what it is today because of its uniqueness. I agree with you in changing/adding more to the forum...
Just look at reddit.com and co, they don pass NL far far...

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8 Yrs FACEBOOK Acc. 4 Sell. / Mobile APP And Mobile Game Developer Needed / Yayyyy!!!!!apply For Google Scholarship! Tell A Friend To Tell A Friend. Gd Lu

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