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My Current Windows Installation Has Glitches. Please Help. - Computers - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Computers / My Current Windows Installation Has Glitches. Please Help. (207 Views)

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My Current Windows Installation Has Glitches. Please Help. by chatinent: 4:07pm On Nov 30, 2020
Hello geeks,

My system had an issue and I had to install a new Windows 10 (the May 2019) update. I noticed that it has problems installing a particular Microsoft Driver which is somewhat making my videos crack.

Anytime I manually update that driver, I get the blue screen with error messages. The May 2019 is cool apart from the crack sound from videos and audios I receive.

Is there any solution?

Or possibly, can you recommend any better version of Windows 10 in case I wish to buy an installation disc?

It's urgent, please.

Thanks for all your inputs.
Re: My Current Windows Installation Has Glitches. Please Help. by Veiniously: 9:41pm On Nov 30, 2020
Hello geeks,

My system had an issue and I had to install a new Windows 10 (the May 2019) update. I noticed that it has problems installing a particular Microsoft Driver which is somewhat making my videos crack.

Anytime I manually update that driver, I get the blue screen with error messages. The May 2019 is cool apart from the crack sound from videos and audios I receive.

Is there any solution?

Or possibly, can you recommend any better version of Windows 10 in case I wish to buy an installation disc?

It's urgent, please.

Thanks for all your inputs.
Get a good plan remove your system from metered connection click on windows updates let it update its self one buy one
You can do a night plan of 5 to 7gb then u sleep

Most times windows updates has already fixed drivers issues
I once have a system with Bluetooth disabled I did everything manually like searching for drivers reinstalling drivers none worked I even formated it didn't work
Until I buy a good data plan installed windows updates my Bluetooth came back to life
Re: My Current Windows Installation Has Glitches. Please Help. by chatinent: 10:27pm On Nov 30, 2020
I've tried updating but it returns the blue error screen.

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