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Keeping Your Woman Forever. - Romance - Nairaland

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Keeping Your Woman Forever. by Prettyangelng(f): 2:36am On Feb 21, 2021
Keeping your wife forever.

Although it is a known fact that men are sexual beings while women are romantical and emotional beings. This is why your gesture makes more meaning to a woman than your action.

To keep a woman forever. Treat her as weak. Even though she is strong but even the bible says treat them as weak. ...AS WEAK. 1st Peter 3:7.

Even if she can open that door, open it for her, you know she can carry that load but carry it for her. Treat them softly and they will never leave you. They respond to romantic gestures more than sexual actions. How you present that gift to them is more important than the gift to them. So be creative in your show of love. They like money but I tell you if you are not romantic and sweet to them they will take your money and give to some man outside that treats them better. Love your wife like a professional nurse would nurse a patient. Most times just decide to bathe her, feed her, cook for her.


Re: Keeping Your Woman Forever. by Nobody: 7:23am On Feb 21, 2021
And get what in return? We know live different times compare to when the Bible was written. I am not saying the words in the Bible are obsolete, but our way of life have changed. Most women are now stronger than men.

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Re: Keeping Your Woman Forever. by mosdii(m): 7:29am On Feb 21, 2021
Nigerian Girls Are Useless...All Of Them


Re: Keeping Your Woman Forever. by Oluromantic: 7:53am On Feb 21, 2021
You must be sick or so. You know how many men do these for women and still had to go for DNA test on their children? A woman that will be kept forever has to agree with herself to be kept forever, regardless of the level of her husband's efforts. You must be a kid to even generalize that all women need these. You're talking about yourself alone and you think other women reason like you. Turn yourself into a god that ur man will serve beyond God because he wants you kept forever. Kanye west ignored his career to have time for Kim, now she still wants divorce. This is her fourth divorce and she's just 40, does it mean all the four men don't know how to keep her. You better challenge yourself and wake up from fantasy. If you want to be kept forever, it's in your hands. Your joy is not in ur man's hands. Men can only help you glitter the joy you already have, not create one for you. Anyway you can wait till 45. By then, half of the forever would have gone. If you're to live for 70yrs, the unlucky man who finds you will just endure for 25 shady years. After all, some ex-convicts spent more than that in prison.

Funny enough, at a stage in your life when you shd be learning to know more about the opposite gender in preparation for marriage, you're still delusional about yourself. You're aging by the second if you don't know.

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