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Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Amaechi2023(m): 10:53am On Apr 25, 2021

"Thou shalt not kill" (even if it is thine own self). Thanks to kingPhilip! (It is already proven and settled that Smokers are liable to die, whether old or young)

Not to even add the sin of murder when another soul is killed by their smoking!
cigrate smokers are liable to die Young not weed smokers.
weed is highly medicinal.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Akuruoulo(m): 10:54am On Apr 25, 2021
And voila !... the problem I was just addressing rears its ugly head. undecided

Where did God specify that it is not to be rolled and with fire attached to an end to inhale and blow out smoke? undecided
God need nt to tell us everything. Did GOD tell adam everything ? We are his image and cn decode soo many sins ourself
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by ogbenimax007: 10:54am On Apr 25, 2021
It depends on the type of smoke coming out of your mouth

It’s not a Sin to smoke Igbo , because sometimes you need to be extremely high to attack Devil and his agents undecided
cheesy amugbo

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Ruthymoon(f): 10:55am On Apr 25, 2021
grin smokers dey jubilate now cos i know of person wey dey say most high GOD , well my own father is a good smoker his joy lies in smoke ,he bless us each time he finish smoking and give us anything we want , GOD IS AMAZING


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Akuruoulo(m): 10:57am On Apr 25, 2021

So barbeque is a sin because it takes hot charcoal to make it happen

Bible said, everything! Forget the mode of preparation
What side effect did barbeque have to ones health ?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by WhosendWho(m): 11:03am On Apr 25, 2021
First we need to understand that relgion is borne out of morality.
Bleep your prophets and your books.
if there was ever a God.
he is bigger than our imagination, reasons and knowledge.
if you like read Egyptian Bible.
what we have is world governments. rules, and ethics.
so you and your pastors and imams are a fool if you do not obey the government. and critical reasoning.
heaven chasers!
who you help when you no die young
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Maximus85(m): 11:10am On Apr 25, 2021
Genesis 1:29

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

1 Timothy 4:4-6
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.

You're using the Bible in a wrong way.

Even poison substance is made from those God things God created.

A knife can be used for good or bad. So if you use things God created in a negative way, you're sinning.

Now let's go to smoking without using the Bible. God has given us sense and he expects us to use it. Everybody knows that smoking is dangerous to the health. It has substances that are know to cause cancer of the throat. Any reasonable person who loves and appreciate the work of God in how he created our bodies will not smoke.

Now let's go to the Bible.
1 Corinthians 3:17. If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will Destroy him; for the temple of God is holy and you are that temple.

So, if you deliberately take in substances that can destroy or make unholy the temple of God, that is your body, IT IS A SIN.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19. It says your body is the temple of the holy spirit that is from God and you do not belong to yourself. So, if you destroy that body with smoking or any other unholy things, it is a sin.

What is a sin? A sin is anything that God hates. Anything that destroys the hardwork of God.

If you have questions please ask.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by guywitzerogal(m): 11:16am On Apr 25, 2021
for food and not to be rolled and fire attached to an end to inhale and blow out smoke which will be harmful to yourself and others
do you eat your bean raw without cooking? Or you dont roost anything before you take it...
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by justooth: 11:17am On Apr 25, 2021
My response to the person who asked same question was this

2 Cor 6:16-17

1 Cor 6:19-20

1 Cor 3:16-17
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Poske95(m): 11:19am On Apr 25, 2021
The contention is this......
Is smoking A Sin ?

Sin must be discerned spiritually.
Sin got into Lucifer...the rest is history

Anything not of God is unto sin.
Smoking is unholy.....

I did and it simply made me selfish, unholy.
.....then why become addicted?
It's because, addiction is sifted from the selfish plant.

May the truth set us free

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by guywitzerogal(m): 11:21am On Apr 25, 2021

You're using the Bible in a wrong way.

Even poison substance is made from those God things God created.

A knife can be used for good or bad. So if you use things God created in a negative way, you're sinning.

Now let's go to smoking without using the Bible. God has given us sense and he expects us to use it. Everybody knows that smoking is dangerous to the health. It has substances that are know to cause cancer of the throat. Any reasonable person who loves and appreciate the work of God in how he created our bodies will not smoke.

Now let's go to the Bible.
1 Corinthians 3:17. If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will Destroy him; for the temple of God is holy and you are that temple.

So, if you deliberately take in substances that can destroy or make unholy the temple of God, that is your body, IT IS A SIN.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19. It says your body is the temple of the holy spirit that is from God and you do not belong to yourself. So, if you destroy that body with smoking or any other unholy things, it is a sin.

What is a sin? A sin is anything that God hates. Anything that destroys the hardwork of God.

If you have questions please ask.
you have your point but let me say this, there are alot of things we take that is dangerous to our health, just because is harmful to our health does not make it a Sin.... Sins aren't stuff that harm our health is spiritual and goes beyond what science is telling us.


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by preciousmetals: 11:22am On Apr 25, 2021
Brainwashed fellows who always take the word of pastors to be true.

Nothing enter through your mouth that defiles you, only that which come out from you that does, even a Cocaine sniffing is not a sin until your heart defiles you

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Etuagievin(m): 11:22am On Apr 25, 2021
The inspired scripture says in 2cor 7:1. That "we should cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, being holy in Gods fear". If the
advise found in the above scripture is anything to go by, it means anything thing or substance that can affect our literal flesh should be rejected. If health professionals had warned against its damaging impact on our health , then it would be suicidal to still continue smoking. It constitutes a sin because we ignored Gods warning found in the above scripture. Moreso, if we die untimely due to smoking, its tantamount to suicide which God hates
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by blazepascal(m): 11:24am On Apr 25, 2021
its a big sin. Jesus only drank wine but didn't smoke grin
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by sinkhole: 11:26am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
Bros, smoke on, after all, Christians and those religious guys take coffee and coffee is as addictive as weed, why did God/Bible not condemn coffee too?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by openmine(m): 11:27am On Apr 25, 2021
Op you have to ask the effects of the cigar on your body!
Does it build or destroy any part of your body system?
Will God allow or permit his temple to be ruined by a product that is meant to destroy the body system?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Maximus85(m): 11:30am On Apr 25, 2021
you have your point but let me say this, there are alot of things we take that is dangerous to our health, just because is harmful to our health does not make it a Sin.... Sins aren't stuff that harm our health is spiritual and goes beyond what science is telling us.

Is killing fellow human spiritual?
Is telling lies spiritual?
Is committing adultery and fornication spiritual?

Sir, when God said you should not kill. Do you know that he's talking to you too that you should not kill yourself? If you know what you're taking is dangerous to your health and you go ahead with it... It is a sin. That is why violent sports that could lead to death should be avoided by people who are lovers of God.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by afadi2410: 11:31am On Apr 25, 2021

I smoke for obvious reason(s) known to me. I, don't smoke in public or in a group, i do it secretly alone because of the stigma that comes with it.

If there is a stigma attached to it,then it's a sin
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by weedfada(m): 11:41am On Apr 25, 2021
Right now I'm on some loud shii watching some faith sermon on tv... Maad feeling! A lotta ppl go shock on judgement day.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by orunto27: 11:44am On Apr 25, 2021
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by BeeBeeOoh(m): 11:45am On Apr 25, 2021
It depends on the type of smoke coming out of your mouth

It’s not a Sin to smoke Igbo , because sometimes you need to be extremely high to attack Devil and his agents undecided
This you comment really made me laugh out real loud axwearugad.

You must be an honorable high priest in ur area

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 11:45am On Apr 25, 2021
I am afraid you are wrong in your conclusion. It is worse to assume a thing a sin, and tell others that it is so, when it is not. That is akin to adding to the commandments of God and there is a curse attached for those who do such and tell others such lies. undecided

Rather than leaving it up in the air, it would be wiser to learn the Truth of God which clearly detail for your learning what sin is and what is not sin. It is by knowing this Truth that you can be set free from slavery to sin by the Truth, the very teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ Himself. undecided
U don't understand what he is saying
Read it again

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Naughtysex: 11:46am On Apr 25, 2021
It only becomes a sin when you think it's a sin
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by emzynuel1: 11:51am On Apr 25, 2021
The answer is yes it is a sin
because if committing suicide is a sin and anoda pesin is taking something that leads the his or her death it a sin
U no read am fr pack wen Dem talk smokers are liable to due young
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by ahaika23: 11:51am On Apr 25, 2021
During Sunday’s services here in Europe, church members take a break and go out for a smoke. What’s your say then, that they’re sinners?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by McLizbae: 11:52am On Apr 25, 2021
Genesis 1:29

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

1 Timothy 4:4-6
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.

Nawa o! Devil don even carry Bible... Smoke na food!? Na which class of food eh be abegi? Pro-carbo-mines grin
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by nomenclature(m): 11:54am On Apr 25, 2021
Forget christianity ,ask your conscience, SMOKE NA BETTER THING?YOU FIT GO MAKRET BUY AM FOR YOUR PIKIN LIKE BISCUIT ,WHY YOU NO FIT DO AM?sometimes na common sense u need no ne religion
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by AllenSpencer: 11:55am On Apr 25, 2021
What side effect did barbeque have to ones health ?

Red meat is not healthy at some age.

And mind you, excess of everything has a side effect
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by charlesucheh(m): 11:56am On Apr 25, 2021
Smoking is Not a sin and has never been inscribed by the holy book to be.
But getting intoxicated and doing inhumane and inconsiderable things is.


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by AllenSpencer: 11:58am On Apr 25, 2021

Nawa o! Devil don even carry Bible... Smoke no food![/b]n? Na which class of food eh be abegi? Pro-carbo-mines grin

Did your Bible mention this or you fabricated it?

The Bible was clear.... "Everything" and "ALL"

No clause followed this verses

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by fineberry(m): 12:00pm On Apr 25, 2021
Those smokers stay away form formication than those who don't smoke but fucck people wives
guy man you dey vex oo grin grin grin

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