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Challenges Face In The Food Delivery Business In Nigeria - Business - Nairaland

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Challenges Face In The Food Delivery Business In Nigeria by Mudone(m): 6:22pm On Jun 08, 2021
Nigerian challenges in the food delivery sector


Most local residents do not have access to a database, which makes the delivery business more difficult in terms of order placement. In other words, most customers are unaware that we do not station in every restaurant.
The following is the procedure for fulfilling an order:

- The customer's journey

1. We receive a phone call or a WhatsApp message from a customer.

2. The customer specifies how they want their order served and which restaurant they want it from.

3. We take the order and immediately contact the appropriate restaurant to confirm if their order is currently available.

4. After confirming the preferred payment method, the Customer makes payment via transfer or cash on delivery.

5. A dispatcher goes to the restaurant, collects the order, and delivers it to the customer.
After we contact the restaurant and finalize the order, we make sure that when the dispatcher arrives at the restaurant, they will have to microwave the food or sometimes say something is not available even though the customer has already paid; remember, it takes time for the dispatcher to arrive at the restaurant and even more time for the restaurant to serve the order.

Impatient customers

some customers will place an order and expect the delivery service to arrive within a few minutes. Consider a customer who places an order and then calls back within 10 minutes to ask if the dispatcher has arrived at his or her location.

Some impatient customers are so troublesome that they will cancel after 20 minutes, claiming that they are starving and can't wait any longer for the dispatcher.

Meanwhile, they have forgotten that, regardless of the urgency of the customer, dispatchers must respect traffic laws and cannot avoid traffic surge, as the case may be. Customers are urged to exercise patience because traffic problems are beyond our control, and safety comes paramount.

Customer delay:

After going through the above steps, the dispatcher will arrive at a customer's location and wait for them to come outside to take their order. Some customers may take up to 20 minutes to come out, while the dispatcher has other customers to serve.
We encourage our customers to always receive their products on time because time is money for us.

Dispatch riders:

The most difficult department in the business to retain due to the stress of the job; a dispatcher is nothing compared to an okada because a dispatcher must be smart, cautious of the orders in their box, customer-oriented, and trustworthy - obtaining all of these qualities, especially within the first week of employment, can be difficult.

Even if the majority of dispatchers are ex-okada riders, they won't be able to last a week on the job.
Changing dispatchers might be inconvenient for certain regular customers because they will have to start giving descriptions of their location all over again, which may take some dispatchers time to arrive to, especially if the address does not have a number.

We encourage our customers to respect dispatcher since driving for more than 10 hours is difficult, and no amount of money can cover hospital bills or bring the dead back to life.

Task force:

For new delivery services, this is the most difficult aspect since you won't know which tax you have to pay because each task force will keep returning to you with different types of taxation formats. Imagine paying for a state mobile advertisement and still not receiving the complete papers after a few days of work. The same task force, but with a different face, will come back and ask for the same payment, claiming that your paper is incomplete and presenting you with the missing papers. They can occasionally hold a dispatcher for up to an hour since we need to send an official statement before they can release the rider, and you have to cut them something, exactly like police in our country.

Combined order:

some customers will place orders at three different restaurants and expect us to charge them the same amount for regular delivery. In fact, some customers will expect us to run errands for them and we will not charge them an extra dime.

Customers' expectations are the major issue, not the combined order. Imagine a customer placing orders from three different restaurants and expecting the dispatcher to deliver one order on time. Worse yet, some customers will call within 20 minutes and complain about our delivery service, which is very frustrating for us because we are doing everything we can to ensure fast and safe delivery.

Payment procedure

when a customer becomes a regular customer, they tend to put off paying us. If every customer is a regular, how will we be able to pay the restaurant if they continue to put off paying us? We won't want to ask them in an impolite manner because of our familiarity.

Customers will purchase food for N3,000 plus a N400 delivery fee, and they will not be able to pay until the following week, and guess what? Restaurants will not accept excuses because we usually pay them immediately or at the end of the day.

Because we can't dance for restaurants to give us food, customers are required to pay immediately or at the time of delivery.

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