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READ This If You’re Looking For How You Can Make Money Online - Business - Nairaland

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READ This If You’re Looking For How You Can Make Money Online by AbumChetachi: 4:14pm On Aug 02, 2021
The cowards never started, and the weak died along the way.That leaves you.
This thread is meant for only serious people who are willing to do the work to make money online. Making money online is not a walk in the park but a series of process which culminates to event.
What do I mean by that?
Simply put the process = learning & applying what you’ve learned which turns to the event which is the success.
For every successful online entrepreneurs lies many mistakes and learning process which only turn to success and good income so far you didn’t quit. Many are interested in the event and not the process, please if you’re only interested in the event without the process which includes working hard and working smart, this article ain’t for you.
So what are those things that you can make money from online just with your laptop and internet connection?
1. Web development : This would take you at least 6 months for you to start making money with it if you don’t already have the skill, you can learn about web development through sites like Udemy, Skillshare, YouTube, W3school, freecodecamp and others.
YouTube is my preferred channel as it involves video and it’s also free, you can learn web development with the use of open source website creation programs like Wordpress, joomla, etc. to create sites but would be better place to earn more if you learn the fundamental languages used in writing codes from the scratch to create better responsive websites.
If you are interested in making money online within the next 2 month I won’t be advising you on this.
Re: READ This If You’re Looking For How You Can Make Money Online by AbumChetachi: 4:18pm On Aug 02, 2021
2. E-commerce : E-commerce simply means selling goods online. with this method you can start making money in the next few weeks but you need to find hot selling products to be able to make good money online and also a bit of capital, you can start E-commerce even without having a product all you need is find a high selling product, advertise it and make profit as the sales start coming in,
Note: you must have a system put in place for delivery of the product, a high selling product and also don’t buy the product you want to sell until you have done ads(advert) for it and see the amount of order coming in before you proceed to buy, use pay on delivery method as we have low trust in this country. Use pay before delivery only if you have the product you are selling with you.
You can start this today, the hard work is finding high selling product and this is a good fit for one who have small capital, you don’t need millions to start this

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