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Does The Word "COPYWRITING" SCARE YOU?​ - Education - Nairaland

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Does The Word "COPYWRITING" SCARE YOU?​ by dapo4friends(m): 6:39pm On Nov 04, 2021
Read this to the end if you want to conquer that fear!​

This post will take about 15minutes of your time to finish reading. If you can spare that time, it'll be worth it...


When people hear the word "Copywriting", they are usually thinking or referring to Sales page or Sales Letter copywriting, even though there are other forms of copywriting like Email copywriting, UI Copywriting, etc.​

Sales letter copywriting is the most well known and probably the most feared form of copywriting.​

However, this EXAGGERATED fear of sales letter copywriting comes partly from the way some highly experienced copywriters make copywriting look like a mad science with a smoky nature that is hard to pinpoint without spending years at it...​

Truth is, copywriting as a communication form (and in this case sales letter copywriting) has a stable, fixed science that can be learned by anyone who has an okay command of English language.​


In the next lines, I want to help you destroy your fear of sales letter copywriting by showing you the basic, general structure that a sales letter follows. ​

This will help you to see that there is actually an order in the midst of the seeming chaos in the sales letters you have read that made you buy stuff online.​

I use these basic structures or sections AS A CHECKLIST OR GUIDING LIGHT to guide myself when I'm creating copy for my own products.​

Yes! Even though I wrote this entire post from my brain, I actually wrote to help me quickly remember all the elements I need to put in my sales letters.​

This "checklist" I'm sharing with you helps me remember what section is missing from from a sales letter or copy I'm working on for my products, so I don't waste too much time trying to remember what the next section should be.​

HONEST DISCLOSURE ⚠️: I'm NOT a professional sales letter copywriter (yet) but I have seen and written enough sales letter to have good grasp of the important basics.​

Are you ready for a ride? Let's ROLLLLLLLLLLL!!! ��​



➡️ The job of a sales letter or sales copy is just one:​

➡️➡️ To install an OVERWHELMING BELIEF or OVERWHELMING CERTAINTY in the ABILITY of the advertised product or service to help the buyer get their desired result or transformation, so that they make the buying decision after reading. ⬅️⬅️​

➡️ A Sales Letter is essentially a mental bridge that takes your reader on a mental journey from the problem seeing side to the solution seeing side​

➡️ A BASIC and EFFECTIVE sales letter must contain the following sections or do the following things:​



↔️ Grabs Attention usually by highlighting the ultimate desired benefit or results that the buyer desires.​

✅ Might consist of a Pre-Headline, Headline and a Subheadline to increase it ability to hit the right audience.​



GOAL OF THIS SECTION: To describe the problem or unfulfilled desire and the desired results.​

↔️ Use a good introduction that:​

✅ Triggers curiosity or intrigue in the buyer to want to read more what you have to say.​

✅ demonstrates a vivid, (and if possible) personal understanding of the customer's problem or desire.​

✅ describes how the problem is affecting ther lives.​

✅ highlights the language they use in describing their problems or desires when thinking about it.​

✅ how they are responding to or managing the problem - other products or services they may have tried.​

�NOTE�: Usually, this section is created using a well told STORY OF TRANSFORMATION if needed (but a story is not always necessarily).​



↔️ Handle the buyer's BIGGEST objections in the buyer's head EARLY so they can concentrate on the rest of the sales letter.​

✅ This could be providing some strong visual proof of your results or....​

✅ by recognizing that objection(s) and logically tackling it immediately!​



↔️ Introduce the product or service and then highlight​

✅ the content (features) of the product or service.​

✅ and describes in VIVID, SPECIFIC DETAILS the BENEFITS OF THE FEATURES of that product or service to the life of the buyer...​

�NOTE�: The benefits section is one of the most critical section of the sales letter. ​

▶️ It is where the customer begins to compare the value and ability of the product to their weight of their problems...​

▶️ For the product or service to be highly desirable, each described benefits MUST address a nagging problem or a deep desire for it to be super relevant.​

▶️ This section is NOT where you want to be humble or save space at all. If there is a section you MUST get right after your headline, and your introduction, this section is the next place!!​

▶️ The more the benefits you can highlight, the more desirable your products become in the eyes of your buyer.​



GOAL OF THIS SECTION: To give the buyer a logical and emotional reason to want to buy your product NOW instead of whenever they feel like.​

This is done by playing on the buyer's natural desire to want more for less - greed!!​

↔️ Introduce the monetary value of the product or service and gives a mouth watering price discount.​

↔️ Add highly complementary bonuses and state their monetary value to increase the perceived value.​

↔️ Add a strict deadline...​



GOAL OF THIS SECTION: To eliminate the objections about the effectiveness of your product or service by showing PROOF of where it has worked for others.​

↔️ Provide highly believable testimonials in formats that cannot be punctured with any logical argument or doubt. OR/AND​

↔️ Provide demonstration videos of your products or ​ service in action.​



GOAL OF THIS SECTION: Take all the financial risk off the customer so you can eliminate the fear or objection of the product not leaving up to expectation.​

↔️ Give a powerful guarantee - money back or replacement as the case may be...​



GOAL OF THIS SECTION: To summarise the offer and make a last attempt to visually describe remind the buyer of all he stands to gain.​

↔️ (If/when possible), restate all the deliverables (product and bonuses) that the buyer is getting along with their monetary value and the discounted price if they buy now​

↔️ Restate the deadline.​

↔️ State clearly the cost of not taking action by:​

✅ vividly painting a clear logical and emotional picture of the undesirable future that awaits or what would happen to them if they don't buy your product.​




➡️ I'm not an expert direct response copywriter (yet). ​

I have only shared what I realised to be the essential, unchanging structures that feature time and again in any sales letter you see....​


➡️ Each section I mentioned above can be delved into in more detail. I only highlighted the most important point about each of the sections.​

The mastery of how to create each section such that they drip with RAW PERSUASION POWER is where you separate baby copywriters from gods of copywriting.​


➡️ As a business owner who is not interested in becoming a professional copywriter, You don't need or have to learn all the different copywriting structures out there - that's where the overwhelm and fear of copywriting starts.​


➡️ We do not really write copy, we ASSEMBLE copy by creating it in blocks or sections. ​

This means you can do your copy creation in blocks over a period of time instead of trying to write everything at once.​


➡️ The order of the sections of a sales letter is not rigid. Some sections can be moved around to form a new "structure". That's why you hear of the term "copywriting formulas" or "copywriting structures".​


➡️ A good copywriter must FIRST be solidly schooled in the foundations of buyer psychology before proceeding to learning about and practicing copywriting structures...​

➡️ Copywriting alone will not produce massive sales for you. There are 7 elements that makes sales happen of which Copywriting is a MAJOR ONE!!​

I've got a workshop called the 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems, where you can gain proper insight into what the other elements of sales are...​


➡️ For a professional copywriter, I DO NOT recommend learning copywriting or any advanced marketing skill as a first or in isolation without a preliminary level education in general digital marketing.​

It's important you understand how your work as a copywriter fits into a digital marketing campaign or strategy as a whole.​


➡️ BITTER PILL: Copywriting is NOT a magic tool to fix a useless or non valuable or not in demand product. ​

If your product or service is not in demand, no amount of copy will sell it!! ​


Do proper market research yourself (or pay someone to do feasibility study) before you sink time, money and energy into creating a product or service. Don't be disturbing copywriters to sell poorly irrelevant products.​


➡️ Creating great copy that will sell like mad is VERY VERY STRESSFUL work - it in involves a lot of mental processes - research (if dealing with an unfamiliar market), collation of proof resources, fine tuning.​

Don't be angry when a copywriter slams you with a premium fee for their services - copywriting IS NOT just about writing! It's creating a persuasion weaponry to hit a desired target!!​


➡️ If you also want me to suggest some of the best copywriting training programs out there, you can either send me a message or leave a comment below.​...


I hope this post helps you knock off your fear of copywriting...​


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