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The Discussion Section Of A Research Paper by Divinwac(m): 10:29am On Mar 07, 2022
How do you write a discussion chapter in a research paper? This component of the research report necessitates a well-organized structure that highlights the key ideas of the study. The outcomes of your research's findings section are represented by these main points. You must also link your findings to those of other academics who have researched a comparable project topics. You must inform the reader about the knowledge gap and your suggestions for further research. As a result, the discussion section educates readers about the topic as a whole.

Discussion in Chapter 2
The discussion chapter of your research paper is an in-depth assessment of your investigation's results. You'll need a diverse set of skills to successfully complete this chapter. Skills like as critical thinking, creative writing, organizing, brainstorming, and questioning are essential.

A few remarks on the results
The results section of your research paper already has a list of all of your findings. To show this data, tables and/or graphs are frequently employed. As a result, in the discussion chapter, the researcher just needs to inform the audience about the findings. It's ideal if you just write about the most extreme results, regardless of how large or tiny they are. If you don't mention the results here at all, readers will have to go back to the results section every time they want to see them.

Examine the results.
Unfortunately, the analysis of the results is the most important part of the discussion chapter. The researcher should thoroughly examine all of the important data outputs. Also, explain why the specific result is important and how it supports your theory. The researcher will need strong writing skills to complete this phase of the investigation because you must write accurately. You must describe how your findings add to the current state of knowledge on the topic.
Connect what you've learned to what you already know.

Describe how the findings will add to the current body of knowledge. Any research projects that does not add to our current knowledge is pointless. So, as you stated in the introduction, you now have evidence to show what, why, and how your research is important.

There is currently a knowledge void.
Despite the fact that each research adds to the corpus of knowledge on a particular topic, there are still gaps to be filled. Each new study presents a new set of ideas to investigate, making geology research ideas is never-ending process. This is a fantastic way to help other researchers think about future research possibilities. Furthermore, you are assisting in the establishment of a research trend for future studies by doing so.

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Re: The Discussion Section Of A Research Paper by ellapurnell: 10:33am On Mar 07, 2022
Your article is awesome I get surprised when I read this story. Please share more information about it

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