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Investment Immigration - Investment - Nairaland

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Optiva Capital Partners Showcases Investment Immigration And International Real / Immigration & Permanent Residency To Canada And Grenada By Investment / Immigration To Greneda And Canada (2) (3) (4)

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Investment Immigration by mountex(f): 7:17pm On Mar 07, 2022
Have you ever desired a beautiful life and serenity with your family in countries like Canada, USA and Caribbean? Then don't look far anymore. At Optiva Capital Partners we make your dreams come through. Our Investment immigration plan offer you the opportunity of gaining Permanent Resident and citizenship in countries like Canada, USA, and Carribean countries like Grenada by investing in the economy of this countries the government of these countries came up with this plan to attract foreign investors into their economy, create jobs and develop their economy.
Benefits of aquiring citizenship in these countries:
1. Grenada passport offer visa free travel to 143countries including UK, China, and European countries this immigration plan is good for business men it provide easy access to different countries for business meetings, and contracts
2. Canadian passport offer free medical services.ans free education from primary to high school while a college tuition fees reduce to the nearest minimum you can consider this plan for those that want their kids to study abroad.
3. With a Grenada Passport, you can easily access the USA through E2 and gain a permanent resident visa to work and live in the USA.
4. With Canada and Grenada citizenship plan u enjoy a annual ROI (Return on Investment).
5. Grenada has the best medical school in the world called St George medical school if ur have a child he or she can study medicine at St George university at a low cost.
6. Another interesting thing is that you can add members of your family like your children and they will be given citizenship.
7. For Grenada citizenship after 5years of investment your capital will be refunded back to you.

What are u waiting for, acquire a second citizenship and your generation will thank you for this.
For more information, contact Abimbola at 08136864298
Optiva Capital Partners
Office address:16th floor Church gate towers Victoria Island Lagos.

Thank you all.

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