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Basic Of Maintenance Culture In The Workplace. - Culture - Nairaland

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Basic Of Maintenance Culture In The Workplace. by philoedu(m): 9:59am On Apr 23, 2022
It must be bone in mind that the product of maintenance is reliability, because any reliable equipment would function at the level of performance and satisfies the very need of the end user at any given time. The same is often true that reliability is assessed by measuring failure, with the primary function to eliminate or reduce any such failure to its barest minimum.

It is worthy of note that any functional failure will result to equipment performing below its normal working condition of which the key -performance indicator, often come to display the effectiveness of the measurement of such failure in the system. The same is true that for any fair result to be achieved , the basics of maintenance culture must be adhere to, as a process and as a platform through which every other procedure come to rest.

Therefore, Toolbox Safety meeting is intended to help workers recognize and control any hazard that may be found in the workplace. The regularly held safety meeting is a method used to reinforce the message that “Health and Safety” issues are very important to both employer and the workers. Making sure that every topic is relevant to the organization and job site.

1. REASON FOR TOOLBOX MEETINGS;-The reason for Safety meetings and Toolbox talk are important to building a strong safety culture and reinforcing the company’s commitment to protecting the workers. Therefore, holding regular safety meetings and toolbox talk can prevent worker from getting complacent or disapproving as to feel too satisfied with themselves or with the prevailing situation. The same is true that one may come to feel so confident that no change is necessary as to take safety for granted.
2. PURPOSE OF SAFETY MEETING;-The purpose of safety meetings is often to disseminate information to enhance each employee’s awareness of the importance of safe work practices as to improve in the overall safety and environmental communications and indeed, with compliance to safety regulations. The safety meeting allows employee the opportunity to relay safety and health concerns with workplace improvement. The same is true, that safety meetings serve as a preventive measure against unsafe acts through which the employee come to be educated on how to do their job safely.

3. TOOLBOX TALK ;-The toolbox talk is an informal safety meeting that is carried out as part of the organizations overall safety program. And it often comes to cover a special topic on safety aspect related to any specific job at hand. The meeting is normally very short in duration as it covers the specific related job. But as to how often it can be carried out in the workplace; the toolbox talk, typically come to last up to 10 to 15 minutes, and may take place once a week, that must be with an appropriate tone for a reminder about a specific issues on safety procedure or protocols that is already a part of a wider training.

WORKPLACE SAFETY BEHAVIOUR;-Safety is everyone’s responsibility, therefore, as an employee, you must always do the followings;- 1.You must learn to work safely and take all rules and regulation seriously. 2. You must recognized hazard and avoid them as much as possible. 3. You must report all accidents, injuries and illness when and where they occur. 4. You must inspect tools before use to avoid injuries.5. You must wear all assigned personal protective equipment.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILTY;- 1.It is to provide safe and healthy workplace. 2. It is to provide personal protective equipment. 3. It is to prove HSE- personnel that over- see the safe procedure and in how to identify hazards.

BHAVIOUR IN THE USE OF PPE ON WORKPLACE;-1. Often, everyone is aware of the potential hazard in the work place without PPE, therefore, it is important to use it in the workplace.
2. PPE must always be worn because poor housekeeping can result in slips trips and falls.3.Exposed electricity can cause shock, burns or fire, if not handle properly. 4. Tools and equipment can cause injuries, if protective devices are not adequately put to use.
5. For instance, if a vehicle is not adequately shocked, it can roll off from position and become a hazard. Therefore, safety rules benefits everyone, and with fewer injuries or zero tolerance, any business can be productive and profitable. It is also true that by adhering to safety rules; any individual can always avoid injuries and illness from exposure to any hazardous substances.

REMEMBER -Maintenance safety ensures continues improvement and professionalism
to ensure consistent quality standard of work for customers at all time.

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