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Wednesday Digest by Morisakin(f): 10:07am On May 18, 2022 |
WEDNESDAY DIGEST STRATEGIES TO INCREASE SALES CONTD On our today'episode of Wednesday Digest, we will continue.on strategies to increase sales. �Increase Sales by Connecting with Your Customers Establishing trust with your customers is key to ultimately persuading them to purchase what you’re selling. Even in an increasingly virtual world, there are many ways to connect with your customers, establish trust, and gain influence. Here are three ways to improve sales by connecting with your customers. �Utilize Social Media Social media is a free space where you can connect with your customers daily. If your customer is using social media, you need to be using social media. This will keep you top of mind when they consider what they want or need to buy. As you use social media posts, such as photos, videos, and captions, be sure to provide valuable information; avoid talking “at” your customers and instead try to teach them or explain something to them that is in line with what your product or service is all about. You can also use social media as a space to show proof that your product or service actually works, such as before and after statistics, photos, or testimonials as well as videos of the product or service at work. Don’t forget to respond to comments and answer questions. This is an amazing way to help sell to new leads. Remember to be friendly and conversational as you approach your customers and potential customers in this space. If you use it correctly, you can establish trust and increase your leads. �Promote “Insider Information” Everyone loves a good deal, and when they feel like they have the inside scoop on an upcoming sale, or receive early access, your customers will develop greater trust in and loyalty to your business. They may even buy more because of it. This doesn’t only go for sales and special offers. Keep current and repeat customers in the loop with upcoming launches and business news too, and soon, they’ll develop a vested interest in the business. �Maintain Relationships “Once a customer, always a customer” — this should be your motto if you want to learn how to increase sales in business. Once a customer has purchased your product, it should not be the end of your interaction with them. Focus on maintaining a strong relationship with your customer by making them feel valued so that they stick around, and get others to become customers as well. A forever customer will do more for your business than 10 one-time customers. �Implement a Referral Program. Everyone wants to feel appreciated, and a great way to make your customers feel valued is to reward them for referring their friends and family members. Use future discounts, rewards points, freebies, special access, etc. to incentivize current customers to hold the flag for you. Not only will this help maintain your relationship with your customers but it will also help you gain new leads who are more likely to purchase because they received a direct referral, all without any additional effort on your part. �Increase Sales by Providing Value At the end of the day, you’re selling something that provides value to someone else in some way, shape, or form. If your potential customers don’t know what that value is, they won’t buy from you. By highlighting why and how your product offers value, you can boost sales and also inspire confidence. This is how to sell a product. �Sell the Benefit, Not the Product People don’t buy products, they buy the results that the product will give. Remembering the “help” not “sell” mentality when marketing and selling your product or service will help you focus on its benefits. When you seek to first help others, it comes across as more genuine rather than pushy and just looking to make a quick buck. Plus, it reminds your customers of the value your product or service provides. �Increase Sales by Presenting the Product Effectively Presenting your product effectively will help you increase sales by increasing conversion rates, the rate at which you convert leads into paying customers. Your conversion rate is the measure of the effectiveness of your sales efforts. In order to help drive conversion rates, you need to work on developing your pitch in a clear and effective way. To enjoy the concluding part of this piece, keep tabs on my next episode of Wednesday Digest. #saleshacks #visibilitytrain #werisebyliftingothers #smartinvestorsguide #honeycrownproperties
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