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How I Made It Out Of Poverty. - Career - Nairaland

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How I Made It Out Of Poverty. by travelzcruix: 2:28pm On May 27, 2022
I am writing this to get someone out there inspired.
It all started on the 12th of May 2006.
I was a border back then in a prestigious secondary school here in Nigeria. Back then phones were not within reach as we have today.
I was in the classroom when the class prefect told me the compound master wanted to see me. Blep Blep my heart missed a beat. New generation kids will not understand what it means to have the Compo looking for you. It could be an official cabling. I ventured into the dark school walk way, and to my surprise, compo had an ambience of calm I have never saw him carry before.
He was in company of my cousin whom I rarely see, his eyes were thick red. Innocently I could not fathom what was going on.
Jareh he called me, I told him how the only time he came to see me in the hostel was my first week in Jss1. He tried to force a smile from his mouth, but was not forth coming. He called me to the side and told me not to scream. I was eager at first, he told me that my mom just passed away. I lost it, I cried uncontrollable and bitter for the whole day. That was it the darkness unleashed was darker than I could imagine.
I was given permission to go home, on reaching home, friends and distant relatives trooped in to console with us.
I was young then, so the only thing I could relate with death was not seeing someone again, but there was more.
The burial was done and a rough path of my life began.
Fast forward next term, I was in school, on visiting day, no one came as usual. My mates felt it because my mum was generous and did not just care for me but made sure I invited my friends also. Her name was Rose and seems the name influenced her anywhere she went.
It was a back and forth movement, from late payment of fees, till I graduated miraculously making all my papers in one sitting.
Dad was always away and had me under the care of his sister. I need not go into details because it was a hell of an experience, but mum told me never to speak bad of someone and it really me out.
I applied for jamb back then hit the cut off mark for Unilag, computer science, but during my time was the peak of man no man. Dreams dashed, I had to stay at home again the whole year.
As a hard worker and eager learner, I never gave up. I loved computers ,so I helped my neighbor who ran a computer center.
The pay wasn't much, 2000 naira for the whole month, I loved it regardless due to my love for computers.
Tolu who stayed down the block introduced me to hardware repairs and computer sales. I learnt faster and made frequent trips to computer village to make purchases for some of my customers.
Things became nice under boss Tolu, much respect to him.
The money came in bits, but i planned with the little I had, I moved into a one room apartment and still have dreams of moving into choice area in Lagos.
With the desire to continue my pursuit academically, I took a trip down south to study Computer Science in UNICAL of which I obtained with a merit, no mago mago this time.
Now stalked at home because of the strike, ran out of cash and had to move down to Lagos to do what I know how to do best computer repairs and web based business since Calabar seems a little bit quiet.
I know the future holds the best for me and I try as much to carry on with life regardless.
I am Jareh.


Re: How I Made It Out Of Poverty. by Seniorwriter(m): 2:35pm On May 27, 2022
I am writing this to get someone out there inspired.
It all started on the 12th of May 2006.
I was a border back then in a prestigious secondary school here in Nigeria. Back then phones were not within reach as we have today.
I was in the classroom when the class prefect told me the compound master wanted to see me. Blep Blep my heart missed a beat. New generation kids will not understand what it means to have the Compo looking for you. It could be an official cabling. I ventured into the dark school walk way, and to my surprise, compo had an ambience of calm I have never saw him carry before.
He was in company of my cousin whom I rarely see, his eyes were thick red. Innocently I could not fathom what was going on.
Jareh he called me, I told him how the only time he came to see me in the hostel was my first week in Jss1. He tried to force a smile from his mouth, but was not forth coming. He called me to the side and told me not to scream. I was eager at first, he told me that my mom just passed away. I lost it, I cried uncontrollable and bitter for the whole day. That was it the darkness unleashed was darker than I could imagine.
I was given permission to go home, on reaching home, friends and distant relatives trooped in to console with us.
I was young then, so the only thing I could relate with death was not seeing someone again, but there was more.
The burial was done and a rough path of my life began.
Fast forward next term, I was in school, on visiting day, no one came as usual. My mates felt it because my mum was generous and did not just care for me but made sure I invited my friends also. Her name was Rose and seems the name influenced her anywhere she went.
It was a back and forth movement, from late payment of fees, till I graduated miraculously making all my papers in one sitting.
Dad was always away and had me under the care of his sister. I need not go into details because it was a hell of an experience, but mum told me never to speak bad of someone and it really me out.
I applied for jamb back then hit the cut off mark for Unilag, computer science, but during my time was the peak of man no man. Dreams dashed, I had to stay at home again the whole year.
As a hard worker and eager learner, I never gave up. I loved computers ,so I helped my neighbor who ran a computer center.
The pay wasn't much, 2000 naira for the whole month, I loved it regardless due to my love for computers.
Tolu who stayed down the block introduced me to hardware repairs and computer sales. I learnt faster and made frequent trips to computer village to make purchases for some of my customers.
Things became nice under boss Tolu, much respect to him.
The money came in bits, but i planned with the little I had, I moved into a one room apartment and still have dreams of moving into choice area in Lagos.
With the desire to continue my pursuit academically, I took a trip down south to study Computer Science in UNICAL of which I obtained with a merit, no mago mago this time.
Now stalked at home because of the strike, ran out of cash and had to move down to Lagos to do what I know how to do best computer repairs and web based business since Calabar seems a little bit quiet.
I know the future holds the best for me and I try as much to carry on with life regardless.
I am Jareh.

Try diversify and learn a Digital Skill ...I'll suggest content writing/creation.
Thank me when you start earning @least $20 daily or $50 weekly via online using the DS you squires.

Re: How I Made It Out Of Poverty. by Dave10000(m): 1:26pm On Sep 10, 2023
Great determination
Re: How I Made It Out Of Poverty. by Dave10000(m): 1:27pm On Sep 10, 2023
Please, which platform can I apply with my digital skill?
My whatsapp 234 810 845 2943


Try diversify and learn a Digital Skill ...I'll suggest content writing/creation.
Thank me when you start earning @least $20 daily or $50 weekly via online using the DS you squires.


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