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You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon - Education - Nairaland

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You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon by Victor899: 10:36am On Jul 31, 2022
as a student you need money for your upkeep and some other things in school ,you don't need to always depend on your parents anymore I've got news for you you can be in school and earn dollars all you need to have a just a smartphone or a laptop
R o y a l Q Q&A*

*1. How much is the R o y a l Q bot fee?*
� USDT $120 for a year

*2. How much trading fees does R o y a l Q charge?*
� 20% from the profit only
(Atleast 20% gas fee in r o y a l q app)

*3. Minimum fuel?*
� USDT $20 ( 20% Trading fees will be deducted from here)

*4. How much is minimum capital for trading on Bin an ce/Ho u bi ?*
� USDT $120 is minimum starting capital

*5. I don’t have experience in trading, how can I make money in R o y a l Q?*
� For beginners you can use R o y a l Q C op y tr ade and earn stable income.

*6. How much profit can I make?*
� Roughly 0.1% - 5%a day, Cr y p to is 24/7 hence 10% - 50% or even more a month (Depending on c r y pt o market)

*7. What’s is the risk?*
� Best part there is no risk on R_o_y_a_l Q because your capital and profit will be in your own Bi n a n c e/H o u b i account, the bot have no access to your funds and the bot does not make loss, only paper loss/floating loss because Ro y al Q b_ot trades on Spot Market.
Go tru all this and tell me wat u tink
Also if u have data and time?
Check YouTube for reviews from others.
If u ok?
We can work together

*How much can I expect monthly?*

Conservatively between 15 to 50 percent per month (bear or bull seasons).

*P.S* Please know this is a worse case scenario. The *R_O YA L Q* bot has recorded huge gains in excess of ten times the average returns especially in (bull markets).

*How much Do I need to trading Start?*

Only $120 at least.

*Does it take long to set up this bo t?*

No set up takes less than 15 minutes

*How am I sure this will work for me?*

The R O Y A L Q b_ot is for anyone and everybody's profiting regardless of class, religion, age, academic background or race.

*Can I withdraw my money at anytime?*

Ofcourse, Yes you can, R O Y A-L_Q bot does not hold deposit, your money is in your exchange account always.

*Is this better than giving my money to people or online companies to trade for me?*

As you know, many online companies and individuals have promised heaven and earth, in the end 99.9 percent of the time they have scammed people of their hard earned money. But with the R O Y A L Q b ot you will always remain in control 24/7. R O Y A L Q is the gamechanger and nothing comes close to this innovation.

*What does the R O Y A L Q b_ot help me do in summary*

The RO YA L_Q bot helps you to be in control of making money from the cry pt ocu rre n cy market without being an expert. In simple English, You will be able to print your own money from the crypto market without stress.

*Do I need to be an expert?*

No, with R O Y A L Q many newbies have said they will recommend this even to their grandmas because it is very easy to understand and use. 90% have declared it profitable in their first month.

*R_OY AL Q* Is a software r ob ot created to read and trade on the world's largest EX CH A N G ERS... *B IN AN C E* or *H_U O_B I EX CH AN GE* ✅

*B I N A N C E* and *R O Y A L Q* are two different platforms. All you need to do is connect your *B I N AN CE* exchange API to interact with the *R_OY A_L Q bo t.*

*B_in a n ce* is the WORLD'S LARGEST and most trusted C R Y_PT O E XC H_A N GE; H U O BcI EX C H A N G E is also one of the world's best c ry p to e x c h a ng es.

As our adoption increases. Many Cr y pt o fans will choose R O YA L Q to do AUTO TR A DE ON B IN A N C E.


*Your Capital is safe* because the client does not need to deposit the trade *CAPITAL to R O Y A L Q.*

Your hard earned money remains in your B in a n ce account hence you do not lose control or access to your funds at anytime

*BI NA NC E* allows *R_O_Y_A_L Q * to connect to the API, it is able to read trades and complete BUY AND SELL PROFITABLE T R A D E ORDERS AUTO M ATICA LLY WITHOUT HUMAN INTERVENTION:

*The R O Y A L Q B_ot is able to make a trading profit of 0.1% - 10% per day and 3% to 300% per month.* At other market days we are able to make 2% to 5% a day. We have also seen trade triggers on certain assets of up to 23% in a day, so it all depends on the chosen algorithm of particular trade assets.
For more information on how to get started with R o y a l Q
Contact me wh at s app or call
07 04 88 08 43 6

Re: You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon by lifenija: 11:16am On Jul 31, 2022
The two of u above me are foolish.

See that one mouth like wow.

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Re: You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon by FiremanX: 1:58pm On Jul 31, 2022
Re: You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon by Victor899: 6:24pm On Jul 31, 2022
No dear, this is not And never a scam ❌ okay
You can as well Google about the platform*R o y a l Q* your self to confirm if I'm trying to scam or not
Re: You Don't Need To Ask Money Anymore As A Student Earn In Dollars With Your Phon by Stephenmoka4(m): 9:37pm On Jul 31, 2022
lipsrsealed Royal Q... na wa

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