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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / List Of Some USA Universities That Waive GRE, TOEFL And IELTS For Scholarship (1276 Views)
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List Of Some USA Universities That Waive GRE, TOEFL And IELTS For Scholarship by Great100000: 7:45am On Aug 24, 2022 |
List of some US universities that waive GRE, TOEFL and IELTS for scholarship applications. Obtaining a fully funded scholarship in the United States in the absence of GRE, TOEFL/IELTS may seem like an impossible task. But it is only impossible without the necessary information to go about it. The Covid 19 pandemic that hit the world a few years back can well be likened to a blessing in disguise in this case – because, the pandemic brought about restructuring in some university’s admission requirements. In this respect, below are the universities that these waivers apply to. Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) This government-sanctioned test is a major prerequisite for some Master’s level universities in the United States. Listed below are universities that waive GRE. Purdue University Massachusetts Institute Of Technology New-York University University of Minnesota University of Washington – Seattle Northeastern University Florida State University University of Southern Mississippi University of Wisconsin University of North Carolina Auburn University Texas A&M University University of New Hampshire University of Illinois George Mason University School of Business UC Davis Graduate School of Management Kent State University Loyola University of Business University of Memphis School of Public Health Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College. IELTS/TOEFL This English Proficiency test is also a very important prerequisite in getting fully-funded scholarships in the USA. However, if you have a Bachelor’s degree in English, then IELTS is not necessary. If you do not, you can always request an English competence certification from your previous institution verifying you’ve studied in an English-speaking country. List of universities that waive IELTS for international students: California State University Rice University University of Dayton University of Iowa Drexel State University University of Texas University of New Orleans University of Delaware University of Colorado State University of New York University of Arkansas. Note that these aforelisted schools are open to international students who have graduated from a secondary school or university in which English is the primary mode of communication. 1 Like |
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