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How To Sell Yourself As A Freelancer by Folasadepitan(f): 8:01am On Sep 12, 2022 |
How To Sell Yourself As A Freelancer As a freelancer, it is important for you to know how to sell yourself properly. Being great at what you do is not enough, learn how to sell your skill Let's talk about 4 things help you do that in your proposals: 1: EMPATHY The first thing you need to do is to show some empathy: “I understand where you are now, and I know how this is holding you back.” I can’t stress how important it is to show your clients that you understand them (this is why you need to niche down) If a client believes that you know exactly what’s at stake, they’re going to think that you have a good idea of both what needs to be done – and what shouldn’t be done. 2: YOU WILL HOLD THEIR HANDS UNTIL THEY GET THE DESIRED RESULT After making it crystal clear that you understand exactly where they are today, the next step is to paint them a picture of a better tomorrow. Your desire to help them should be crystal clear. They should be able to see you as the Knight in shining armour who has come to save them 3: HOW CAN YOU HELP? You want to make it clear to your clients that you have a plan for how hiring you will yield some sort of financial return. Not just "I'll help you make more money" You’re going to want to make sure that you’re spelling out what your plan is, BY ALIGNING WHAT YOU DO WITH THE DESIRED OUTCOME. This can only be possible if you've done your customer research. (More on this is found in HIGHLY PAID FREELANCER PREMIUM PROGRAM) 4: A WELL-ANCHORED COST It might surprise you to know that putting a price tag on a project is the most straightforward part of this process. Why? Because once you’ve told a compelling story and pointed out 3-4 big ideas (and their associated ROIs), you’re going to be able to come in and offer a price that works for you and makes financial sense to them. Simply put, explain how you can take them from Point A to Point B & how paying you $500 could make them $5000 (This is called value-anchoring.) Don't just sell yourself like a carpenter by estimating how much time it’ll take you to complete a project and then multiplying that time estimate by an hourly rate� STOP EEEET & START SELLING A STORY! By the way, I have a FREE video that explains how you can earn as much as $500 - $1,000 a month as a freelancer. Check my signature for access.
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