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UN Intensifies Fight Against FGM, Urges Men To Speak Out by JesusChristLord: 6:18pm On Feb 07, 2023
UN intensifies fight against FGM, urges men to speak out

Adeze Ojukwu

Nearly 4.3 million girls will be at risk, of being subjected to Female Genital Mutilation((FGM), an abhorrent human rights violation, according to the United Nations(UN).

UN Secretary General, Dr Antonio Guterres, stated this, Monday, marking the International Day of Zero Tolerance against the scourge, which threatens “a staggering 4.2 million girls this year.”

FGM, is an “abhorrent violation of fundamental human rights. I call on everyone - including men & boys - to join me in speaking out and stepping forward to #EndFGM, once and for all,” he stressed in a tweet.

Guterres said, “men must also speak out, describing the practice, as “one of the most vicious manifestations of the patriarchy that permeates our world.”

Nigeria is among list of countries with a high prevalence of FGM, which includes Togo, Sierra Leone, Dijbouti, Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Gambia, Ghana and Guinea are also among FGM high risk nations.

Asian countries include Indonesia and Maldives, while Iraq and Yemen topped the chart in the Middle East.

“With more than four million girls at risk, this year alone, from the pernicious act of gender-based violence, urgent investment together with action is needed, so the world can reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target of eliminating female genital mutilation by 2030, the UN chief said in a statement.

The text reads:

“The practice was rooted in the same gender inequalities and complex social norms that limit women’s participation and leadership and restrict their access to education and employment.

“This discrimination damages the whole of society, and we need urgent action by the whole of society to end it.

“As part of that, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency UNFPA, is partnering this year with UN Children’s Fund UNICEF on eliminating FGM in a campaign themed, Partnership with Men and Boys to transform Social and gender Norms to End FGM.

“The agencies are calling for the international community to foster male engagement on just how harmful FGM is and uplift the voices of women and girls.

“Initiatives already underway by the UN and NGO partners have already resulted in a surge of male allies such as religious and traditional leaders, health workers, law enforcement officials, members of civil society and grassroots organizations and have led to notable achievements in the protection of women and girls.

“The Secretary-General called on men and boys everywhere to join me in speaking out and stepping forward to end female genital mutilation, for the benefit of all.”

“What is most needed is a commitment to social change, and strong partnerships, to end FGM, once and for all.

The UNFPA and UNICEF joint programme to accelerate the elimination of FGM has been running since 2008, and focuses on 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East. It also supports regional and global initiatives.

“Through the support of the programme, more than six million girls and women have received prevention, protection and care services, while around 45 million people have made public declarations to abandon FGM practices.

“According to UNFPA’s annual report on FGM for 2021, more than 532,000 girls have been prevented from undergoing FGM.

“However, UNFPA also estimates that there may be as many as two million cases of FGM by 2030, that would otherwise have been averted, attributable to the regressive nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s still the case that around one in four girls and women worldwide – or 52 million people – have experienced FGM performed by health personnel, pointing to “an alarming trend in the medicalization of female genital mutilation,” according to a UNICEF analysis in 2020.



Re: UN Intensifies Fight Against FGM, Urges Men To Speak Out by HumbleTrader: 6:20pm On Feb 07, 2023
This is 2023, how is this a problem.

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