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WEIFORUM CONFERENCE: A Program That Will Serve As A Global Business Arena. - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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WEIFORUM CONFERENCE: A Program That Will Serve As A Global Business Arena. by GlobeChamberbiz: 3:56pm On Mar 24, 2023
Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) intensifies preparations as the organization continues propagating the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) Conference.

According to the president of the organization, Hon. Buchi George in his social media handle stated that all preparations in ensuring a successful outing of weiforum conference in Tallinn, Estonia are going as planned, adding that Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has added more features to the program to make it attractive and inviting.

"The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) Conference 2023, has attracted a lot of private organizations that are pushing for partnership and collaborations, we can only work with limited number because the goal is not about the huge partnership-base, but about the impact it will have in the business life of participants". he added

"In as much as date is announced for the conference, we are still working all round the clock with our team of researchers and professionals in combating areas of weakness and building a framework that will act as a template even after the program.

“One key element of the WEIForum Conference is that it will also serve as arena to showcase and display locally made goods, products and services. It is great because it give meaning to domestic manufactures, and the zeal to work hard knowing there’s a platform for their products to be recognize globally.

This is what we, as organization believed in, as imbedded in our slogan that says “….diversifying economic, building and making the population a productive nation”.

"until that goal is achieved, we’ll keep pushing". he assures

The GCCI gaffer further stated that the weiforum on its own is a project designed to promote international trade, investment and visible business development that focuses on mutual and balanced trade as a viable ground for trade connect and investment drive.

“weiforum is an annual economic event that focuses on bilateral and multilateral trade partnership that create variety of platforms for global networking for both public and private sectors”, he continued

"We have different editions of The WEIforum Conference that is carefully outlined and strategically planned and stationed in different regions of the world so that the impact of the program will be felt by business minds across the globe.

"The Baltic Edition of the WEIForum Conference is scheduled for Tallinn, Estonia, from the 15th to the 18th of September 2023. Other editions will come to play after previous edition is done and dusted", he concluded.

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