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10 Mistakes Women Make In Marriage by Drjones109(m): 8:24pm On Apr 24, 2023 |
I hear women complain about how they are not enjoying their marriages. One thing I notice is that they blame everyone for the struggles in their marriage but themselves. Do you really think you are not to blame for the problems in your marriage? Below are 10 mistakes women make in marriage 1. USING SEX AS A BARGAINING TOOL So many women use sex as a bargaining tool in their marriages and this is absolutely wrong. It’s wrong to deny your husband sex because you want money to change your wardrobe or maybe you want a new car. Using sex as a bargaining tool in your marriage is absolutely wrong. 2. NOT TAKING GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF I see so many women make this mistake in their marriages. Before you got married to him, your appearance was so important but you neglect how you look and stop taking good care of yourself the moment you get married. Just because you are now married is no excuse to stop being beautiful. Your husband expects to continually see that beautiful woman he got married to and you also have to look beautiful for yourself too. Try to keep that body he fell in love with. 3. NAGGING No man loves a nagging woman. Stop justifying your nagging, it’s wrong. You can’t complain about everything your husband does and expect peace. There are better ways to handle issues in your marriage and nagging isn’t one of them. Quit abusing and shouting at your husband; he is your husband and not your son. 4. BEING INSECURE Being insecure is another mistake women make in their marriage. I understand you don’t want to share your husband with anyone but if you can’t really trust him, why then did you get married to him? I see women fighting other women over a man and that’s bullsh*t if you ask me. The other woman isn’t the problem; your husband is the problem. Instead of fighting the other woman, try to find out why your husband still have you and fancies her. Never bring yourself that low to fighting another woman publicly because of a man. 5. TREATING YOUR IN-LAWS AS STRANGERS You don’t expect your husband to cut all ties with his family because he got married to you. It’s wrong and I strongly believe that if you truly love a man, you would love everything about him including his family. Learn to respect his family and don’t treat them as rags. I understand mother-in-laws can be annoying sometimes because they feel you are taking their place in their son’s life but disrespecting her won’t solve the problem. 6. DIALOGUE IS IMPORTANT WHEN THERE IS ANY DISAGREEMENT There are bound to be times in your marriage when you and your husband would disagree on certain issues but bringing down the roof or broadcasting your differences to the world solves nothing but only worsens it. Learn how to pass across your point to your husband peacefully and respectfully. Respect for each other is needed for any marriage to work. 7. BEING IMPATIENT This is another mistake women make in marriage. Patience is needed if you want your marriage to work. You have to learn how to be patient with your partner. I believe if you can’t be patient with your partner, then you are not ready to get married. Patience is needed in marriage. 8. IGNORING HIS STOMACH I understand you are a busy woman and it’s really not easy combining managing a home and your career but I still think application of wisdom here is important. I understand your busy schedule means you need a cook at home to prepare the meals but I still believe the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Ensure you man is well-fed and don’t just leave everything to the cook. Cook your man his meals when you get the chance to. 9. WRONG FRIENDS This is another major mistake most women have. I believe you need to choose your friends properly because not every one would mean well for you. Don’t just pour your heart out to anyone. It’s really wrong discussing the flaws of your husband with friends. I understand sometimes you just need someone to talk to but you should ensure you choose the right person and you also need to watch what you pour out. 10. SECRETS Keeping things away from your husband is really wrong as it’s the fastest way to destroy trust. You and your husband are supposed to be a team and a team won’t work smoothly when there are secrets. Men also make mistakes in marriage. Check the next post to read: 10 MISTAKES MEN MAKE IN MARRIAGE. Hope you enjoyed this article? Don’t forget to share with friends too. Thank 1 Like |
Re: 10 Mistakes Women Make In Marriage by Fortune118005(m): 11:24pm On Apr 24, 2023 |
Nice one Admins can promote to front page |
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