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Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work - Religion - Nairaland

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Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:10pm On May 26, 2023
Now Religious entities like lostchild and RTID now post about repentance , deliverance against iniquity and marine spirits on romance section what a shame.
Pls light work and brain using is growing in nairaland replace Religion with light work sharp sharp.
Imagine by 8pm we have just 9 religion section members when even pet section has 50 members and family 1000.

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by LikeAking: 11:16pm On May 26, 2023
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:19pm On May 26, 2023
Check the people online when we have 3million members in nairaland. If my dear kobojunkie leaves Religion section it will forever be in ruins.

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Lostchild(m): 2:04am On May 27, 2023
Now Religious entities like lostchild and RTID now post about repentance , deliverance against iniquity and marine spirits on romance section what a shame.
Pls light work and brain using is growing in nairaland replace Religion with light work sharp sharp.
Imagine by 8pm we have just 9 religion section members when even pet section has 50 members and family 1000.

I am not a religious person. The Evil One, Satan himself has heavily deceived you and made you to hate the only person who genuinely loves you.

Fight the evil in your soul and seek the ever blessed Jesus. He will accept and deliver you you from your demons.

I repeat; God Jesus loves you so much.

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:47am On May 27, 2023

I am not a religious person. I am a spiritual entity. The Evil One, Satan himself has deceived you and made you to hate the only person who genuinely loves you.

Fight the hate in your soul and seek the ever blessed Jesus. He will accept and deliver you you.

I repeat; God Jesus loves you so much.

...Oh let me hear word immediately you are everything but spiritual na na na!!!
You black humans are so daft and blind to truth . See this one who calls Jesus and holy ghost about in his write ups ? So funny and naive 😂😂😂😂😂
When I decided to talk about real spirituality using red serpents as an example ur evil mods closed the thread in 3mins as if they were paid to keep u blind THATS STILL SHOCK ME TILL DATE HMMMMM

Now open ur ears to what I will tell u if you like ignore it but when u die what I tell u shall hit you like the blow of Mike Tyson.
" 98.9% of this world's population don't know what been spiritual is ,All you do is Anti-spiritual as the sacred triangle wanted ,You cant say Jesus is ur saviour and you are talking spiritual, Religion was invented by Yahweh aka Satan to kill ur pineal gland and destroy ur M-brain prompting an anti-brain System which enhances netherrealm where ur god Satan wants u THATS Y FÆRALKI( JESUS CHRIST) CAME AS HUMAN

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:50am On May 27, 2023

I am not a religious person. The Evil One, Satan himself has heavily deceived you and made you to hate the only person who genuinely loves you.

Fight the hate in your soul and seek the ever blessed Jesus. He will accept and deliver you you.

I repeat; God Jesus loves you so much.

... Next time u try to win me to Jesus Christ 's side I will curse you and ur generations unborn bet me it shall come to pass .
Yes you are right! Satan ( Yahweh) your God loves me more than David but truth has to be said.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:39am On May 27, 2023
Now Religious entities like lostchild and RTID now post about repentance , deliverance against iniquity and marine spirits on romance section what a shame.
Pls light work and brain using is growing in nairaland replace Religion with light work sharp sharp.
Imagine by 8pm we have just 9 religion section members when even pet section has 50 members and family 1000.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, you're really observant Sir but you forgot something very important: Nairaland religious section has turned out to be like their churches, why not wait and see what happens on Sundays? smiley
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 6:27am On May 27, 2023

Hmmmmmmmmmm, you're really observant Sir but you forgot something very important: Nairaland religious section has turned out to be like their churches, why not wait and see what happens on Sundays? smiley
Who is a child here?
Their shall be Religious topics on frontpage which most of u Religious people runs from because u can't handle the fact and truth laid by atheists and brain users. All the special treatment u are still going to oblivion.


Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by wolesmile(m): 7:09am On May 27, 2023
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:32am On May 27, 2023
Who is a child here?
Their shall be Religious topics on frontpage which most of u Religious people runs from because u can't handle the fact and truth laid by atheists and brain users. All the special treatment u are still going to oblivion.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems you're new here.
Ask all their professors on Nairaland they will tell you about me.
I'm the lecturer they fear mostly when it comes to the matter of faith in God, you may test your IQ with me but before we kick off try not to be abusive because i'm not just one of those misinformed churchgoers that atheists get away with easily. In fact they're scared of me.

I am Maximus one of Jehovah's Witnesses! smiley
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 9:06am On May 27, 2023

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems you're new here.
Ask all their professors on Nairaland they will tell you about me.
I'm the lecturer they fear mostly when it comes to the matter of faith in God, you may test your IQ with me but before we kick off try not to be abusive because i'm not just one of those misinformed churchgoers that atheists get away with easily. In fact they're scared of me.

I am Maximus one of Jehovah's Witnesses! smiley
Jehovah witness? Those ones about to turn to Unitarian universalists , you will be left behind African man.

I will give u some challenges starting from this afternoon and no insults.


Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:21am On May 27, 2023
Jehovah witness? Those ones about to turn to Unitarian universalists , you will be left behind African man.

I will give u some challenges starting from this afternoon and no insults.

I will be glad if you're able to keep your own words, one thing i observed in athiests is trying to set standards for others but refusing to live by it.
So let's leave all religious books and their quotations out of our discussion then rely solely on how much our brains can assimilate and resolve issues without applying force or weapons! smiley
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 9:35am On May 27, 2023

I will be glad if you're able to keep your own words, one thing i observed in athiests is trying to set standards for others but refusing to live by it.
So let's leave all religious books and their quotations out of our discussion then rely solely on how much our brains can assimilate and resolve issues without applying force or weapons! smiley
African Atheists are worst than Religious ones to my understanding but according to universal standards they have huge edge against christians in things of the spiritual .

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:45am On May 27, 2023
African Atheists are worst than Religious ones to my understanding but according to universal standards they have huge edge against christians in things of the spiritual .

Please the highlighted surprised me!

Do atheists also believe in what eyes can't see or easily comprehended like spiritual things? undecided
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:22am On May 27, 2023

Please the highlighted surprised me!

Do atheists also believe in what eyes can't see or easily comprehended like spiritual things? undecided
... Now this is wat mods surprisingly don't want us to discuss when I wanna talk of the real spirituality outside what Satan aka Yahweh and færalkirin aka Jesus Christ pushed down ur foolish forefathers .
Religion is a mind control or artificial soul programming
What is spirit ? Spirit is soul
What is soul ? Soul is the earthly name of universal super batteries in which reality realm costumes are covered with .
Why was it named soul by ur creators ? because it shines like the sol( solar is sun ) when seen with the pineal gland eye( the third eye ) .though animals called black humans in Nigeria are shining like the lowest nepa current ever.
What is the costume ? Costume is wat earthly tiny beings calls body
70ft Super battery blazing with light can be covered by 4ft costumes( that's for those with real spirituality )
Religion kills the pineal gland because a Religious soul has to do exactly wat is written in the bible ,which is mostly wat Satan wants ie worshipping him till u die instead of wat ur pineal gland wants which is making findings , gathering knowledges and seeking truths ! What is pineal gland?
PinealGland is an organ in our super battery that enhances unrealistic situations in a reality realm ,
Religion kills the main brain system, when it frozes it out to ursher in netherrealm brain system on reality realm, what is netherrealm? Hellfire of Yahweh , place of scorpions of shivå ,pitch dark of Allah etc
What is netherrealm system? Fear of hellfire and fear of death .
What is the main brain ? Main brain it's the 80% of a creatures soul system knowledges, wisdom and goodwill attributes are stored in it which grows like an electricity bulb and it gives the pineal gland a good environment to connect with the universal elements manipulating the reality realm.
What is spiritual according to universal standards ? State of unrealistic things done on a reality realm by super batteries who controls their own soul.
Now African Atheists don't believe their is god ( though hunger made them believe so ,give them plate of egusi soup or job and see them kill for Jesus Christ) they hate Jesus and things about heaven and bible( some part of the idiots main brain still wants to make heaven , just scare them with witchcraft they shall shout Jesus come n save me eg hellvictorinho6 somvayina when I talk about African atheists his name always comes disturbing my mind ) , these sets can't be trapped by those who go after Religious ones without the soul of their own.
A strong christian will never dream of OBE, but African Atheists in their shallow brains can witness such , why ? because Religion is against the nature and universal elements manipulating reality realm ,
I don't want to go further.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:33am On May 27, 2023
Who are these individuals:
Satan, Yahweh, Jesus, Christ?
Aren't they characters in some books?
And please leave the soul/spirit stuff out of our discussion for now since we can't see these things for real neither do we need them in our discussion about life in general.

Please can you be brief as in go straight to your point?
Do you think it's right for people to converge in a place to work towards peaceful coexistence?
If YES please explain.
... Now this is wat mods surprisingly don't want us to discuss when I wanna talk of the real spirituality outside what Satan aka Yahweh and færalkirin aka Jesus Christ pushed down ur foolish forefathers .
Religion is a mind control or artificial soul programming
What is spirit ? Spirit is soul
What is soul ? Soul is the earthly name of universal super batteries in which reality realm costumes are covered with .
What is the costume ? Costume is wat earthly tiny beings calls body
70ft Super battery blazing with light can be covered by 4ft costumes( that's for those with real spirituality )
Religion kills the pineal gland because a Religious soul has to do exactly wat is written in the bible ,which is mostly wat Satan wants ie worshipping him till u die instead of wat ur pineal gland wants which is making findings , gathering knowledges and seeking truths ! What is pineal gland?
PinealGland is an organ in our super battery that enhances unrealistic situations in a reality realm ,
Religion kills the main brain system, when it frozes it out to ursher in netherrealm brain system on reality realm, what is netherrealm? Hellfire of Yahweh , place of scorpions of shivå ,pitch dark of Allah etc
What is netherrealm system? Fear of hellfire and fear of death .
What is the main brain ? Main brain it's the 80% of a creatures soul system knowledges, wisdom and goodwill attributes are stored in it which grows like an electricity bulb and it gives the pineal gland a good environment to connect with the universal elements manipulating the reality realm.
What is spiritual according to universal standards ? State of unrealistic things done on a reality realm by super batteries who controls their own soul.
Now African Atheists don't believe their is god ( though hunger made them believe so ,give them plate of egusi soup or job and see them kill for Jesus Christ) they hate Jesus and things about heaven and bible( some part of the idiots main brain still wants to make heaven , just scare them with witchcraft they shall shout Jesus come n save me eg hellvictorinho6 somvayina when I talk about African atheists his name always comes disturbing my mind ) , these sets can't be trapped by those who go after Religious ones without the soul of their own.
A strong christian will never dream of OBE, but African Atheists in their shallow brains can witness such , why ? because Religion is against the nature and universal elements manipulating reality realm ,
I don't want to go further.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 10:44am On May 27, 2023
Who are these individuals:
Satan, Yahweh, Jesus, Christ?
Aren't they characters in some books?
And please leave the soul/spirit stuff out of our discussion for now since we can't see these things for real neither do we need them in our discussion about life in general.

Please can you be brief as in go straight to your point?
Do you think it's right for people to converge in a place to work towards peaceful coexistence?
If YES please explain.
after reading her garbage, u still expect sense 4rm her?

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:47am On May 27, 2023
after reading her garbage, u still expect sense 4rm her?
... Aren't u my friend anymore victor ? cheesy

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:48am On May 27, 2023

Please the highlighted surprised me!

Do atheists also believe in what eyes can't see or easily comprehended like spiritual things? undecided
... atheist don't believe In spirituality but they are spiritually intact than christians .

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:52am On May 27, 2023
Who are these individuals:
Satan, Yahweh, Jesus, Christ?
Aren't they characters in some books?
And please leave the soul/spirit stuff out of our discussion for now since we can't see these things for real neither do we need them in our discussion about life in general.

Please can you be brief as in go straight to your point?
Do you think it's right for people to converge in a place to work towards peaceful coexistence?
If YES please explain.
...you definitely don't understand wat I wrote up there? Tell me the truth so I can come down on my ladder . And don't tell me u will call that gibberish like hellvictorinho6 said ,you know he is a beggar and remember what the fairytale book (bible) said about begging " is better to die than to beg

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 11:00am On May 27, 2023
...you definitely don't understand wat I wrote up there? Tell me the truth so I can come down on my ladder . And don't tell me u will call that gibberish like hellvictorinho6 said ,you know he is a beggar and remember what the fairytale book (bible) said about begging " is better to die than to beg
the guy u quoted wont call the bible a fairy tale book. as 4 begging, even elon musk does it.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 11:02am On May 27, 2023
... Aren't u my friend anymore victor ? cheesy
were we friends b4?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Jackanda1(m): 12:07pm On May 27, 2023
This one has been captured. She is now in the prison of darkness and confusion. God help you

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:17pm On May 27, 2023
... atheist don't believe In spirituality but they are spiritually intact than christians .

Please what do you mean by spiritual intact?

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:24pm On May 27, 2023
...you definitely don't understand wat I wrote up there? Tell me the truth so I can come down on my ladder . And don't tell me u will call that gibberish like hellvictorinho6 said ,you know he is a beggar and remember what the fairytale book (bible) said about begging " is better to die than to beg

This is what i expected from you if truly you're ready to discuss outside fairytale books just as you claim.


I will be glad if you're able to keep your own words, one thing i observed in athiests is trying to set standards for others but refusing to live by it.
So let's leave all religious books and their quotations out of our discussion then rely solely on how much our brains can assimilate and resolve issues without applying force or weapons! smiley

Please don't mention anything found in religious books since you and i want to discuss without having to relate with them.
Can you do just that? smiley
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:26pm On May 27, 2023
after reading her garbage, u still expect sense 4rm her?
Who made you the judge here?

Abeg park one side i don't want any beggar to disturb me today! angry

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:21pm On May 27, 2023

Please what do you mean by spiritual intact?
... Spiritually intact means has control over your soul or someone else's soul.

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:22pm On May 27, 2023

This is what i expected from you if truly you're ready to discuss outside fairytale books just as you claim.

Please don't mention anything found in religious books since you and i want to discuss without having to relate with them.
Can you do just that? smiley
...my bad then cheesy
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:36pm On May 27, 2023
Who are these individuals:
Satan, Yahweh, Jesus, Christ?
Aren't they characters in some books?
And please leave the soul/spirit stuff out of our discussion for now since we can't see these things for real neither do we need them in our discussion about life in general
...My bad again! But I involved them because they made humanity believe Anti-spiritual is spiritual which is mind control mechanisms.

Please can you be brief as in go straight to your point?
Do you think it's right for people to converge in a place to work towards peaceful coexistence?
If YES please explain.
... Oh yeah I believe in it , and it's the righteous way to save humanity . I treasure such moments were humans gather to show love to each other (without being shamed of his/her status like 98% of churches do)to also whisper in each other's ear " being human is a mountain task with love we shall succeed " that's wat i mingled myself with in midst of gifteds and non religious, that's wat Jehovah witness does in a christian manner and they were persecuted greatly by the Vatican and the government . I recorded all persecutions of Jehovah witness , I know if they weren't showing love no one would have persecuted them...now Jehovah witness is now going Unitary ,I wish them luck.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:38pm On May 27, 2023
This one has been captured. She is now in the prison of darkness and confusion. God help you
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:23pm On May 27, 2023
...My bad again! But I involved them because they made humanity believe Anti-spiritual is spiritual which is mind control mechanisms.
... Oh yeah I believe in it , and it's the righteous way to save humanity . I treasure such moments were humans gather to show love to each other (without being shamed of his/her status like 98% of churches do)to also whisper in each other's ear " being human is a mountain task with love we shall succeed " that's wat i mingled myself with in midst of gifteds and non religious, that's wat Jehovah witness does in a christian manner and they were persecuted greatly by the Vatican and the government . I recorded all persecutions of Jehovah witness , I know if they weren't showing love no one would have persecuted them...now Jehovah witness is now going Unitary ,I wish them luck.

Well even though i'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses i still don't want us to discuss about religion but humanity.
So what do you think could make people have this unconditional love and help one another even though the person has questionable lifestyles?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:53pm On May 27, 2023

Well even though i'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses i still don't want us to discuss about religion but humanity.
So what do you think could make people have this unconditional love and help one another even though the person has questionable lifestyles?
... Max max this you want us to talk about ....hmmm

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