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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) (1265 Views)
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80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:54pm On May 27, 2023 |
Maxindhouse Now my question is " A: Why do we keep up to these Religion when it was handed to us in blood ? Is it fear of hell fire or what ? Fear of the uncertainty ? You as a sinner Can you place your son in a Gas fire to burn him for 2weeks for raping a girl? When Our lord god full of love and compassion has placed billions on eternal fire from time immemorial for lesser offence. Why do you still follow whom u have more compassion than ? Another question Since ur soul tells u that hellfire is kept for wicked people, do you think our lord god of mercies compensates the poor masses with heaven and keeps only the evil politicians who made them( poor souls ) do terrible things to feed in hell?
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:49pm On May 27, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha: Didn't see this in time but now i'm at a meeting will respond later 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:54pm On May 27, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:just take ur time |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by Dtruthspeaker: 4:43pm On May 27, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha: Even simple things like washing our plates and socks took blood. Man is as a stubborn goat and it takes whips and blood for him to learn. husbandsnatcha: Fear of God is enough! husbandsnatcha: Your fellow sinners did this and said this. Re: 23-year-old Man Stabs 4-year-old Nephew To Death by Haykay77: 3:59pm On May 26 He should be killed as well (Quote) (Report) (Like) (Share) Re: 23-year-old Man Stabs 4-year-old Nephew To Death by Caramia2020(m): 6:33pm On May 26 4 years baby, he should receive jungle justice or be lock up for life. (Quote) (Report) (Like) (Share) husbandsnatcha: The Lord God has already declared that "though hand join in hand, the wicked, (whether poor masses or evil politicians) shall never be unpunished. And The Lord God is also The God of just is, so it is guaranteed that every soul will get their lawful due, so worry you need not bother about anyone else. |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:17pm On May 27, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha: Please kindly edit the topic of this thread and remove my profile name i don't like it when Nairalanders makes me look like someone special! Please! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 7:22pm On May 27, 2023 |
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ . Ephesians 6:5 The Jews have Judasaim and Christainity has nothing to do with Jewdaism that why the Jews have alway rejected it. |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 7:28pm On May 27, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: Having your profile name in a topic will make Nairaland great which is similar to what you have said before that having your organisation's head quarters in the USA is the reason the USA is great. 2 Likes |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:30pm On May 27, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha:Those politicians who brought the first copies of the Bible to Africa weren't Christians that's why they misrepresented Christ who taught his disciples to be cautious as serpents and harmless as doves {Matthew 10:16} so wicked people forcing their religious ideologies on others aren't true disciples of Jesus! husbandsnatcha: As i've said earlier that's not Christianity but politics disguised using religion as cover up. husbandsnatcha:Tormenting living creatures in fire is something detestable to the true God {Jeremiah 7:31} Jesus taught his Jewish listeners in parables {Matthew 13:13, 34} but misinformed religionists took his words literally thereby misconstruing what Jesus meant! husbandsnatcha:It's misinformed religionists that misrepresented the true God He is merciful! husbandsnatcha:The Hebrew word mistranslated "Hell" is "Sheoul" it simply means "Grave" and all those going there are unconscious in there! Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:33pm On May 27, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: Must you trail me everywhere? Guy please stop following me up and down i'm not that special, i'm just an ordinary human like everyone else. Please! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 7:48pm On May 27, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: I'm not trailing you, but as you always make it to sound like your organisation is the only true way then questions or information will be thrown at you with your profile name in the topic. 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:53pm On May 27, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: OK that's what the founder of our group told his listeners back in the first century: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6 His father and God also declared that He is the one and only true God! Isaiah 43:10 So it's not a MaxInDHouse thing or Jehovah's Witnesses ideology but what we received from Jesus, his disciples will surely have the same line of thought with him and his father! John 17:22 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 9:05pm On May 27, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:... Every truth seekers are special don't u think? |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:22am On May 28, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha:YES, I know {Matthew 5:6} but then calling out one person out of millions is uncomfortable for me please. If you don't know please ask someone to help you out because i also don't know how to edit the headings, i may have to run away from your thread and stop commenting. So please edit the topic just remove my profile name i know you've noticed something in me just as these people also have but you have no evil intentions unlike them: It's like MaxInDHouse reigns in their hearts but they're just feeling bad simply because of the talent i received {Matthew 25:14-15} which any faithful, loyal and honest hearted truth seeker will surely receive from the father of celestial light. Please i really feel how concerned you are and i'm sure the true God has taken note of your love and interest in discussing about him {Malachi 3:16} but please please please edit the topic! ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 6:25am On May 28, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:fixed 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:08am On May 28, 2023 |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:19am On May 28, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: Slavery began after the fall of man in the garden of Eden so it must continue until God's Kingdom comes, that's why Jesus told his disciples: "For you always have the poor with you, and you can do them good whenever you want to" Mark 14:7 Slavery is all about poverty so don't think it's no longer here because it only changed it's face, today there is modern day slavery that's why our black rulers are stealing and looting the treasuries because they know that slavery has not ended so it's until you become wealthy to the extent that you will always have enough that's when you and your family are out of the reach of slavery. Jesus knew all of these that's why he never gave his disciples any rules having to do with slavery because it's only God's Kingdom that can end it for good! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 9:36am On May 28, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: The Old Testament The True God gave the Jews does treate slaves better than your New Testament invented by the Roman empire to control the mind of slaves and the nations they have conquered, and that is why your New Testament says slaves should fear and obey your invented Christ like their earthly master |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:57am On May 28, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: In God's Kingdom slavery will not be called to mind again. That's what Jesus' administration will cancel for good!! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 10:34am On May 28, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: That will happen when The True Messiah God has promised the Jews in the Old Testament comes and He will only come once to fix this world for good and not like your invented messiah that has promised to come back soon for the past 2000 years after he did not fufill in his fake first coming any of the prophesis about the True Messiah in the Old Testament. |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:42pm On May 28, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: So we're saying the same thing, slavery will end when the Messiah begin his reign on planet earth! ![]() |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 2:09pm On May 28, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: No we are not saying the same thing. It will only happen when the True Messiah of the Jews comes not the one invented by the Roman empire. |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:46pm On May 28, 2023 |
MindHacker9009: So you agree that a Messiah will come and end slavery shey? Ọmọ nah the same thing we dey tok! ![]() |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:09am On May 30, 2023 |
MindHacker9009:... Max do you know the afore mentioned quote is in the bible ? Woh av u to say? Maxindhouse |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:25am On May 30, 2023 | you mean Jesus Christ is good with his disciples just that Politicians are the evil ones? Do you know christians has no record of persecutions against them ? Why are Politicians of today( we live to witness ) don't fight Christianity but build many churches for them , don't say south kaduna and Jos are being persecuted because it's a tribal thing. Why are Nigerian Politicians so in love with Christianity and Islam than any Politicians of this world and beyond but Nigeria is the worst country in our milky way? I don't know of yesteryrs Politicians but I haven't seen any Religious head fight these evil Politicians disguising as christians in Nigeria , G.O adeboye Fr mbaka said is the most holy man in Nigeria after pastor weavér even supports tinubu the most corrupt politician on earth . ... So all Jesus said about hell fire was all lies and delusions by misinformed religionists ? ... But Jesus said many things about hellfire in new testament or was that misconstructed by dull christians ? |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:57am On May 30, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha: Of course Paul was talking to slaves who have converted to Christianity along with their masters. Slavery is the result of the rebellion in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose to become Gods over others {Genesis 3:4-5} from that time until now Satan's system of government has kept billions in slavery though some people tried to eradicate it only to change it's face from ancient slavery to modern day slavery. So until God's government destroy Satan's system slavery will continue due to use of money on this planet, few humans will continue to live like lords while billions live in abject poverty. First century Christians tried to eradicate this in their midst but they failed because it's impossible to stop what is in force globally when they're still using money as means of exchange. Jesus told us that until God's Kingdom comes to eradicate poverty we will always have the poor with us so we must use our discretion in dealing with them! John 12:8 ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:18pm On May 30, 2023 | you mean Jesus Christ is good with his disciples just that Politicians are the evil ones?[/quote] YES! husbandsnatcha:How do people in your neighbourhood treat Jehovah's Witnesses? Well that's the one and only group practicing what Jesus taught so when you think of Christians think of Jehovah's Witnesses. husbandsnatcha:Politicians still fights true Christians it's because Satan's agents have transformed into agents of light so politicians have enough people to fight their wars and stick their necks out for them but when Jehovah's Witnesses are catching their subjects and turning them to peacelovers the politicians will turn against Jehovah's Witnesses. This happened in Russia when most Russians were listening to Jehovah's Witnesses teachings Vladimir Putin (Russian president) began attacking Jehovah's Witnesses even banning the organization and arresting any Russian who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, jailing them. Few years later he started attacking Ukraine. Please do you think Jehovah's Witnesses will support him in killing their neighbours? husbandsnatcha:Those people are politicians so politicians will like them! John 15:19 husbandsnatcha:They're not Christians but politicians! husbandsnatcha:Jesus spoke Hebrew not English so will you like to know the Hebrew word mistranslated Hellfire? ![]() |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 1:05pm On May 30, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: Wrong! When your invented Jesus Christ comes back his is going to continue slavery for his followers, because you his followers are to fear him like you fear your earthly master. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ . Ephesians 6:5 The Jews have Judasaim and Christainity has nothing to do with Jewdaism that why the Jews have alway rejected it. 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by MindHacker9009(m): 1:09pm On May 30, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: No! No be the same thing we day tok 0. Because when your invented Jesus Christ comes back his is going to continue slavery for his followers, because you his followers are to fear him like you fear your earthly master. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ . Ephesians 6:5 The Jews have Judasaim and Christainity has nothing to do with Jewdaism that why the Jews have alway rejected it. |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:05pm On May 30, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:... Yes I know Jehovah witness were persecuted by the originators of Christianity based in Vatican . Do you know Jehovah witness as a christian organization tried teaching Vatican( who took X -mind control known as Christianity directly from Jesus Christ through Petrascu known as peter ) how to run Christianity ? It's like ish•ishetscu a demon and his vosod groups trying to teach Lucifer how to be like Lucifer a partner of satan while Satan watches in total astonishment. Maybe jehovah witness should go the way of grail message don't u think? Because we can't have christians killing my light members and also persecuting Jehovah witness and Jehovah witness is still been seen as christians Max you have denied almost everything in the bible and two of ur many reasons are 1 , Jesus spoke hebrew and he wasn't translated properly 2 , people outside Jehovah witness are dull christians because that's wat I understand by that unchristian tag . |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:07pm On May 30, 2023 |
What have u to say about this photo here? 1 Like
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by AkinwaleJJ(f): 3:11pm On May 30, 2023 |
husbandsnatcha: The title "CHRIST" was given to Jesus by those following him not the Jews because till today the Jews don't accept him as the promised Messiah (Christ) So to know a real Christian why not go for a research on the real meaning of the word they translated Hellfire? Those PRACTICING what Jesus taught are the real Christians not those claiming so! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:40pm On May 30, 2023 |
AkinwaleJJ:... Who are the real christians ? So Christ was given to Jesus by people who love him ie the real christians? Do you know I have held myself too long from bursting like a grenade, do you know me? If not nature took everything attributes and power from me I would have manifested myself but I will keep hiding till I finally drink that peaceful poison. I know his real biological name billions of yrs back as a nephilim which can't be called with human tongue( because a talking husky dog can never pronounce a human name no matter wat it tries ) I have worked upon it so human can call the name of their greatest mind slaver which he hid away from the bible & it's Færalkirixinsçu Behassescu Christ he answered is the name of a wise Reincarnated winged humanoid vishiniscu (of the same Hindi- triangle with brahma and lord shivå )who was called kristi as a human and Jesus he answered was gotten from zeusus name of a great magician son of a deceitful nephilim like him you call Zeus but we know him as Hellasgeuscu . At the grave all these I say awaits u but remember that name Behassescu Færalkirixinsçu. Call it with L l l l it will strike a nerve in him . |
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