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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship (373 Views)
I'm Really In Need Of A Web 3 Graphic Design Job / Introducing Forsage Bu Sd A Better Web 3 Innovative Business Mode .l / How My Content Writing Side Hustle Fetches Me Above $300 Weekly In NFT Industry (2) (3) (4)
Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship by leetech: 2:59pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Along with one of the best hands or should I say heads in the web3 circle you will be experiencing the first-hand teachings in DEFI & NFT JOBS. From introduction to crypto currency which covers:: What is cryptocurrency? Why do people invest in cryptocurrencies? How does cryptocurrency work? How are cryptocurrencies created? Why are there so many kinds of cryptocurrency? So if you are a novice,you have absolutely nothing to fear cause we will be starting from scratch..just *dedicate, learn and earn.* You will be taught how to use this knowledge to your advantage in the different opportunities in cryptocurrency because what you don't know is bigger than *dedicate,learn and earn* Do you know there is or should i say *are* great opportunities in the web3 world? You shouldn't be left out and that's why we will be taking you through Introduction to web3 How to land high paying jobs in the web 3 world. You will be equipped with detailed approaches on how to land these jobs and because of the competition in the the web3 world you would also be taught how to maintain your position and make even more money from it... Try not to be left out as you get the best knowledge you will ever get as far as web3/crypto is concerned from a tutor who has been there, done that...gone ,seen and conquered with vast experience and discipline.. Enjoy the ride WhatsApp me on zero nine one two one two zero six eight nine five If you are the lazy type that won't put in the effort,this ain't for u
Re: Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship by Hussein27: 6:55pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Wonderful opportunity you have got for people. Well done 👏 Quick question : how much do you charge for tutoring? |
Re: Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship by leetech: 10:22pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Hussein27:The introductory class is absolutely free... After this phase ,you would have been equipped to cash out alittle to solve some little needs of yours and further more be exposed to the enormous opportunity in the web3 space |
Re: Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship by Hussein27: 8:54am On Jun 21, 2023 |
leetech: I love the sound of that. That I can even cash out after the introductory class is super assuring and empowering. I will surely use the proceedings to enroll further so that I can earn bigger and fatter consistently Thanks leetech for the opportunity. |
Re: Web 3 /nft Jobs Tutorship by leetech: 11:15am On Jun 21, 2023 |
Hussein27:The pleasure is mine |
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