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Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 3:59pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Guyman01: Just like in Nigeria women have sex to join the cult. These are the whores and witches the evil men who are psychopathic pedophiles will use to spread rumors about a man standing up for God. I don't like Andrew Tate something seems off about him though Andrew Tate is just another Bill Cosby fooling the people. Andrew does not call out the sex Kingdom of the cultists world wide who are pushing this sodomite religion. When a whistle blowers pumped up by social media don't name the Illuminati Freemasonry members they are not genuine. It's a lie from hell. Y'all take it lightly that men who worship Satan and sacrifice babies use poverty to prostitute your daughters. You do not wrestle with them the way Jesus did so how can you be a relative of Jesus? There is no black Jesus. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by budaatum: 4:14pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 4:27pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
This Man is in the Illuminati. Andrew Tate powerful hand symbol helped to release from jail Just like? Interesting. I remember he also involved in Pizza 🍕 , well pizza isn't ordinary Hints : John Legend's wife was mad because her daughter was tagged to pizzagate Why though? if I may ask?. Justin Bieber, made a post about Babies and tagging Yummy [ with pizza ] on his IG https://www.google.com/url?q=https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/pizzagate-how-4chan-uncovered-the-sick-world-of-washingtons-occult-elite/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiowc_FltL_AhXQDuwKHdX_ASgQFnoECAAQAg&usg=AOvVaw2wQjUz0icRqAM-dtvAuAEz https://www.google.com/url?q=https://vigilantcitizen.com/pics-of-the-month/symbolic-pics-of-the-month-10-20/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiowc_FltL_AhXQDuwKHdX_ASgQFnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw2czd__RON48asz-n5N9nVW https://www.google.com/url?q=https://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/peek-boo-red-velvet-men-keep-getting-killed-music-videos/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiowc_FltL_AhXQDuwKHdX_ASgQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw3PWNtpGPpoCuhUq0jNerqm 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Nobody: 4:34pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Is there a white Jesus? Cos I no even understand that part? 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 4:41pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Runnerzz: Everyone knows that Jesus was not a Frosty the snow man. MiddleEastern people are brown. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 4:42pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
They all hit social media the same day, Andrew Tate and Bill Cosby both in the news for rape of Illuminati whores. Bill Cosby is a member of the Illuminati Freemasonry Omega Psi Phi. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Nobody: 4:43pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Richwallet:👍 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 4:46pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
still on Pizza https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/pizza-symbols-in-the-entertainment-industry.7019/ Symbols rule the World. 😂 https://www.google.com/url?q=https://vigilantcitizen.com/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjP1PComdL_AhXMy6QKHWp-Dn8QFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw1L93mP31QkaLWmBuKOWGSj 4 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by talented321: 4:50pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Inside life, to make am no be play. 4 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 5:13pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
But why are we having MTF than FTM? https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/traηsgender-agenda-in-kpop.6628/ Just like that singer of "Unholy " Sam Smith's song. 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 5:19pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
The Illuminati Freemasonry whores give a soft image the satanic movement of LGBT by electing female vice presidents and mayors. This is so the evil men can do whatever they want putting a LovePeddler in the power seat. The whole organization comes after little children boys and girls for rape and sacrifice. young girl with her arms taped to a table with a man standing behind her. One of the comments says “This is pretty creepy bro.” This is beyond creepy bro. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 5:44pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Bill Cosby sued in Nevada by 9 women who accuse him of sexual assault 9 Illuminati Freemasonry whores accusing Bill Cosby. Divine Nine is the name of the Black Illuminati in America even some Africans are apart of it including Obama is a member. Whites and Indians are apart of the Divine Nine. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 5:47pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Black Americans kept distracted with ridiculous stories of racism so they keep voting these Illuminati Freemasonry Satanists into public office. 2 Likes
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 6:21pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Even after the White people gave them Obama as the first president they still decieve their people into believing racism is getting worse. These are the Illuminati Freemasonry Satanists who are the only ones that saw their salaries increased under Obama. So they must continue to promote racism to the masses who still suffer poverty. These are worthless people who have sold their souls and bodies for Ego. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 6:25pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
They make video after video pumping Black Americans up with fear and hopelessness that White People are getting worse. They never mentioned that it was Black people that started slavery and sold their ancestors to White Jews. These worthless Black Illuminati Freemasonry Satanists lay in bed with White Jews for money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dhJXW5IHPM
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 9:06pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
We have to stand up to wicked Black people they are doing more harm to us than all the White Supremacists combined. These wicked Blacks will be the end us. They bring curses on us all with their conjuring of evil spirits. 5 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 10:14pm On Jun 20, 2023 |
Prostitutes, witches and whores paid for by evil men to come after your children. 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 1:14am On Jun 21, 2023 |
Sluttish women are the ones who will false accuse good men of tape like Ayanna Jackson did to Tupac. Ayanna Jackson was a LovePeddler paid by the Illuminati to sleep with Tupac and and his crew then claimed she was gang taped and that Tupac set her up. It's a lie from hell. When Tupac was serving time for a crime that he didn't commit he was told by well connected inmates that the Illuminati was after him but he dismissed it. Tupac might have thought because of his Black Panther politics that the White man was his only enemy. The whole assassination of Tupac was all done to steal Tupac's multi million dollar estate and silence his revolutionary voice. 3 Likes
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 1:20am On Jun 21, 2023 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHK9pGdCNf4 Black American women have formed societies of whoredom and sleep with White Jews for money and power. White Jews were the only White slave owners. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 11:51am On Jun 21, 2023 |
Jezebel 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 12:41pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Red pill and blue pill The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill. 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 2:39pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Here is a woman pretending to be a child protection service officer attempting to snatch a child from her neighbors. Many such women are involved in the Illuminati Freemasonry that help evil men go after children. These are the same whores branding heterosexual men as an unsafe option while the Illuminati brings in tranny men to read to children at libraries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsGVbFhllGc 1 Like
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 6:38pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
for an adulterous woman is a deep pit, and a wayward wife is a narrow well. 28 Like a bandit she lies in wait and multiplies the unfaithful among men. 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 7:21pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Hey, stop this redpill and blaming Women for the who're Shitz in Illuminati or not. https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/disney-exposed.8729/ This is Walt Disney, and a Man I guess. Take a look about what he did, and his organization is still doing. Most of his artists aren't normal e. g Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Britney Spears, Selena, Miley Cyrus e. t. c 3 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 8:18pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
myyansh68: My contention is that alot of the women involved in the Illuminati Freemasonry have already been abused as young girls by their fathers or other men. We are in a fight most certainly with evil men and demons. Yet this is one of their notorious tricks putting whores up to be their frontal yet subtle attack. Evil men inside the Illuminati Freemasonry put together the Feminist Movement and the MEETOO movement. 4 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 8:27pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Richwallet:No u don't, if you do you won't be saying Shitz about the Women. We are in a fight most certainly with evil men and demons. Yet this is one of their notorious tricks putting whores up to be their frontal yet subtle attack. Evil men inside the Illuminati Freemasonry put together the Feminist Movement and the MEETOO movement. Don't forget the MAGTOW. You are too smart ,but not me. 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 8:29pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Still on Illuminati Disney World. https://www.quora.com/How-many-children-have-been-kidnapped-in-Disneyland 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 8:31pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
You should thank me, I do dy open ur eyes. You even went to the vigilant Citizen to brought some pics, but can't find the Male Elites in ur pics display. https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/selena-gomez-disney-channel-signed-life-away 3 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 8:50pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
Even that of the Elites Taliban.
I can see his hands too.
Great job . 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 8:51pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
myyansh68: No soul is exempt from God's judgement whether male or female you will be held accountable. Jezebel gained her strength because she was very beautiful and men wouldn't stand up to her. It took the prophet Elias to render God's judgement on her. Evil men expect that good men will freeze when they see a woman in charge that's doing evil out of fear of how their judging her would be perceived. I know about the MGTOW movement also put together by the Freemasonry Illuminati. It's divide and conquer strategy. 1 Like |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by myyansh68(m): 8:52pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
https://www.nairaland.com/7563326/real-meaning-famous-netflix-series Check this maybe the who'res are behind this. Who knows. 😁 You funny. 2 Likes |
Re: Andrew Tate and the Illuminati whores that cry rape by Richwallet: 8:57pm On Jun 21, 2023 |
myyansh68: Yes it's all Freemasons destroying the world for Lucifer. And it's plenty of women selling their souls for money and luxury. Everyone of the Freemasonry Illuminati whores have sex with lots of men at one time to initiate. I have family members who have done it. See them White and Black Freemasons and they have the common people fighting over racism and here they are together. Selena Gomez is a black and white diamond dress for Freemasonry. 3 Likes 1 Share
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