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If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? - Religion - Nairaland

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If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by civboy: 11:27am On Jun 22, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by Pierohandsome: 11:38am On Jun 22, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?
it depends the nature of the bad luck.

If it is due to demonic contractions from a possessed girl or woman, no , it won't go away because it has cleaved on you. You need to go for Deliverance for the demon to be cast out...

There are some certain women that have evil dedication from birth, the more you sleep with them, the more you suffer bad luck. But if you stop sleeping with them, your life will return normal

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Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by duro4chang(m): 11:43am On Jun 22, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?
Yes and no. In some cases you have to go for special prayer or ritual depending on your belief.

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Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by donbachi(m): 11:44am On Jun 22, 2023
It's like bathing water ...if your body is not properly wiped with towel.the water goes back into your body.

You must do cleansing.
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by YouandiAllofus: 12:04pm On Jun 22, 2023
These are stories to scare kids from engaging in premarital intercourse. There's nothing like sexually transferred spirits or demons.
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by judedwriter(m): 12:53pm On Jun 22, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?

Pre or extra marital sex brings curses.

Stop the sex and do deliverance to be free from the curses and the demons that execute them.
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by Maybaby4eva(f): 2:37am On Jun 23, 2023
It ruins but when you stop because of God, you get double for what you lost.
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by Kobojunkie: 3:24am On Jun 23, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?
First of all, who fed you the hockphooey that you get bad luck from fornication? undecided
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by Kobojunkie: 3:25am On Jun 23, 2023
■ Pre or extra marital sex brings curses.

Stop the sex and do deliverance to be free from the curses and the demons that execute them.
Curses from whom? Where are these Curses documented? What are the details of the particular curses for fornication which you pretend to be privy to? undecided
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by paxonel(m): 4:59am On Jun 23, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?
there is nothing like bad luck from fornication,which kind primitive diabolical thinking you Africans dey carry for head like this, omo, na white garment church you dey go?

Look, the only misfortune or punishment from God fornication fit cause you na STDs or unwanted pregnancy and when you never well prepared to father a child, thinking and depression go set in, then you go come commit suicide God forbid!

Otherwise, nothing more !

Bad luck ke
Re: If You Get Bad Luck From Fornication, Does It Go Away When You Quit Fornicating? by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:50am On Jun 23, 2023
So, if you ever got bad luck from fornication or know someone who did, how did it pan out when you (or they) stopped? Did life go back to normal over time? Did good luck return after a while?

Consequences both physical and spiritual are tied to sex that's why God warned Israelites to desist from fornication (premarital sex) and adultery (extramarital sex) it involves a blood covenant between the two parties they are one in the sense that each time they come in contact there's this magnetic force reminding them of what they both had willingly.

In most cases many can't survive it as the result continue to plague them for the rest of their lives but when you become a Christian you can be rest assured that God has erased the spiritual implication as long as you repented and desist from engaging in those things {Psalm 103:12-14} as for the physical it's like a stigma that one must live with for the rest of his or her life but since the world finds nothing wrong with this acts it becomes easy to go back to it that's why you need a spiritual family of believers that will continue to help you in standing firm! Hebrews 10:24-25

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