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Don't Loss Your AMAC Land To Land Racketeers - Properties - Nairaland

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Don't Loss Your AMAC Land To Land Racketeers by samesta(m): 2:21pm On Jul 15, 2023
You must have bought your AMAC land years back, you may have fenced it, build on it, then someone came from no where and told you that the land belongs to him. That is where the problem starts. In most cases the land racketer takes over the land and your money is gone.

How do you defeat AMAC land racketer?
Your allocation should be very okay as in authentic and had done reasonable documentation. Please note some of the documents some AMAC land owners parade are fake without them knowing.

When a land raketears comes calling on your property don't panick, just calm down listen to everything he has to say and don't ever show him/her your documents.When they see your documents they would know what to do. Try to buy time of say 2 to 3weeks this would enable you to consult an expert on land issues. Consult someone that knows much about AMAC land issues, he would guide you on the steps to take.
If he really knows what he is doing, you should win the case.

Not every one that fights over land with you is a racketter, some bought it like you and it's the documents in your possession and the steps you take that would make the difference.
If you are experiencing such things don't wait contact someone that knows better than you. Don't just buy AMAC land and leave it like that without doing the necessary documentation, you might loose that land.

For more information you can contact me.
Re: Don't Loss Your AMAC Land To Land Racketeers by Nice2023(m): 3:03pm On Jul 15, 2023
This is good.

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