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How To Create An Upspeedads Publisher’s Account ,ake $500 WEEKLY NEW!! - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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How To Create An Upspeedads Publisher’s Account ,ake $500 WEEKLY NEW!! by AGbooks(m): 11:04am On Apr 01, 2024
Do you find it difficult to create a publishers account on Upspeedads? This article will guide you on the step-by-step way on how to create an Upspeedads Publisher’s account easily.

But before we proceed, Upspeedads offers a better way of earning with our non-annoying ads that fits perfectly to your readers’ screen.

Grab your popcorn and juice, let’s ride on. The steps below will guide you through:

The first step is to visit this link “https://upspeedads.com” which will take you to the homepage.
Getting to the registration form page, you will need to fill or enter the following details:
1. Username (Username should contain only alphanumeric characters)
2. Password (Minimum length is 6).

3. Enter your password again.

4. Since you are registering as a Publisher, select Publisher.

5. Enter your First Name.

6. Enter your Last Name.

7. Enter your Phone Number.

8. Enter your Email address.

9. Select your country.

Next step is to tap on the box to agree to Upspeedads Terms and Conditions.
Following the above steps, you just signed up as a Publisher. An email containing a confirmation link to verify your email and publisher’s account will be sent to the email you entered while registering.

Tap on the Click Here in the email to confirm your email. Once you do that, your email and account is successfully verified.

Do you still face any difficulties registering a publisher’s account? Kindly table them in the comments section. I’m always available to reply all comments.

Still not getting the setup? Follow a visual guide on how to set up an account. :https://blog.upspeedads.com/how-to-create-an-upspeedads-publishers-account/

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