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Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? - Autos - Nairaland

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Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by nawfia(m): 6:26pm On Nov 24, 2011
Someone should kindly answer this question for me.

i get to see peeps buying cars with navigation system, to the best of my knowledge, such stuffs don't work in nigeria, (i stand to be corrected),

Even car dealers brag with the gadget, in some cases, a car with navigation system costs more,

i need to know if the navigation system works in nigeria.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by jodeci(m): 6:36pm On Nov 24, 2011
me self tire ooh ! it doesnt work in Nigeria,it is just an effizzy stuff.

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Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by Nobody: 6:42pm On Nov 24, 2011
MAJOR[b][/b] roads and street in lag. Same for abuja.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by nawfia(m): 7:07pm On Nov 24, 2011

MAJOR[b][/b] roads and street in lag. Same for abuja.

which lagos shocked shocked shocked

i live and work on the island man, nothing like that,

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Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by jodeci(m): 7:11pm On Nov 24, 2011

which lagos shocked shocked shocked

i live and work on the island man, nothing like that,

i was about to ask him how that could be possible in Nigeria,i just bon!

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Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by nissparts(m): 7:18pm On Nov 24, 2011
We have a detachable navigation system with all lagos streets and some prominent businesses as well as Abuja and PH fully functional with voice direction, DVD functionality, mp3 storage and playback etc
Available at 27 Opebi road ikeja
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by keyremotes(m): 8:44pm On Nov 24, 2011
Things are not that backward in Nigeria guys.
Your Nokia phones or Android and Apple phones all have maps.
I use mine a lot to get to places I do not know
and I have not had issues yet.
Very reliable.

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Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by calculusx(m): 9:05pm On Nov 24, 2011

Things are not that backward in Nigeria guys.
Your Nokia phones or Android and Apple phones all have maps.
I use mine a lot to get to places I do not know
and I have not had issues yet.
Very reliable.

We have a detachable navigation system with all lagos streets and some prominent businesses as well as Abuja and PH fully functional with voice direction, DVD functionality, mp3 storage and playback etc
Available at 27 Opebi road ikeja

Great. Yes, Navigation does work in Nigeria and i know someone with a Satellite Navigation that works in the whole West Africa which he bought from South Africa and it does work in Nigeria. Nokia and Android phones does work too.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by Nobody: 9:59pm On Nov 24, 2011

which lagos shocked shocked shocked

i live and work on the island man, nothing like that,


i was about to ask him how that could be possible in Nigeria,i just bon!

sorwwwy, my bad. I meant the google map navigation on my Desire HD android phone works in Nigeria on few Major roads and streets grin. The topic should have been does in-built car Navigation system work in Nigeria? wink
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by mikesleek(m): 10:28pm On Nov 24, 2011
Navigation systems work in certain areas in Lagos and Abuja. We have GPS sats in these regions that are fully functional, only issue is that it's footprint is not really extensive in Nigeria.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by mikesleek(m): 10:31pm On Nov 24, 2011
Navigation systems work in certain areas in Lagos and Abuja. We have GPS sats in these regions that are fully functional, onlyY issue is that it's footprint is not really extensive in Nigeria.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by igahdavid(m): 11:41am On Nov 25, 2011
YES; Inbuilt car navigational System works in Nigeria. Most of the car's with this inbuilt navigations are either from America or Europe and have American / European maps installed in them. Thats why it seems they dont work in nigeria. You have to first buy a nigerian map for that particular car and load into the navigator before it works in Nigeria


Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by ceaser: 7:09am On Nov 26, 2011

me self tire ooh ! it doesnt work in Nigeria,it is just an effizzy stuff.
Heck it does. Well maybe not the in-built car stuff. But that on my nokia phones does work perfectly even in some remote parts of the country. All I just have ta do is to jettison the in-built one and have my phone connected via tv-out to an in-dash installed monitor and I'm good to go. I can listen to my musics, watch pre-loaded movies and receive my calls via hands-free and have the audio routed via the car speakers. I even play games and browse the web with it using bluetooth mini keypads. Virtually everything you do on that phone is brought into your car. Only that I had to fix the sim card permanent into the car as a car as my car number.

And remember, Nokia maps are currently about the best for Nigeria and most of Africa. Cheers.
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by Pesuzok(m): 7:29am On Nov 26, 2011
My blackberry map works well when I start gps navigation. I have used it well in abuja and ph. It vehicle navigation has gps, I don't kw why it shouldn't work
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by ceaser: 7:42am On Nov 26, 2011

My blackberry map works well when I start gps navigation. I have used it well in abuja and ph. It vehicle navigation has gps, I don't kw why it shouldn't work
I think what Ighadavid said my explain the reason why. But what I think is that most GPS devices for offline navigation only works in an area if the map of such area is already pre-loaded in the device. And example is Nokia maps which requires you download African maps and voice guidance on the map application if you would like to do offline navigation. If it will not be preloaded, the alternative is ONLINE navigation which means the device has to be connected to the internet throughout the period of navigation so that the map data and voice guidance would continuously be streamed to your device while navigating. Now that isn't cost effective, is it?

Concerning those installed in cars, most of them are for offline navigation which means Nigerian map has to be pre-loaded on it for it to work in Nigeria, otherwise, it'll be useless.

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Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by chyndorek: 8:33am On Nov 26, 2011
i need a navigation system with dvd, bluetooth for phone conectivity and av input for rear view camera. If u have, contact me on 08035403666 or chyndorek@yahoo.com
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by klas(m): 10:20am On Nov 26, 2011
Navigation system on nokia will show you even the service lanes on ikorodu road. It covers the remotest part of nigeria and you can search for place of interest - shops, fuel stations, hotels etc. I think same applies to garmin gps

However, is there nigeria dvd for factory fitted car navigation?
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by nwanioma(f): 6:21am On Dec 24, 2011

Navigation system on nokia will show you even the service lanes on ikorodu road. It covers the remotest part of nigeria and you can search for place of interest - shops, fuel stations, hotels etc. I think same applies to garmin gps

However, is there nigeria dvd for factory fitted car navigation?

Pls how do i get one?
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by bigfat: 7:58pm On Dec 20, 2012
Car GPS Navigator system for Nigeria

Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by alabiyemmy(m): 7:34am On Jan 10, 2013
Navigation systems does work in Nigeria. My company Third Dimension Technologies pioneered this since 2008 and we are still on top. Visit:


But the OP was actually asking about factory fitted navigation systems that comes with the vehicles. These are the ones you need a CD/DVD with the maps to run. Unfortunately, the car manufacturers do not make such DVD/CD with Nigeria maps. What people do is to remove the factory fitted device and pop in generic Chinese devices which uses SD cards and runs on Windows CE 5.0 or 6.0. These ones work with our maps and we had been able to fix some out there in the market.

Call on Yemmy Alabi on 0703 694 9019 if you are in Abuja or call on Dejjy Alabi on 0805 579 4269 if you are in Lagos. Or simply email us on info@3dtechnologies.org
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by monex(m): 5:55pm On Jul 16, 2013
igahdavid: YES; Inbuilt car navigational System works in Nigeria. Most of the car's with this inbuilt navigations are either from America or Europe and have American / European maps installed in them. Thats why it seems they dont work in nigeria. You have to first buy a nigerian map for that particular car and load into the navigator before it works in Nigeria

where can one buy a "nigerian map" for a factory fitted navigation on a toyota camry 2009?
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by emmanuelajayi(m): 7:20pm On Dec 05, 2013
Maybe make some inquiries in Lagos especially but the good news is that the inbuilt car navigation systems do work in Nigeria. Mine is Honda Civic. u are to be load with nigerian map installation DVD. 2010 models upward discs can be used to update older models. voila: nigerian map will calibrate in the process. im reliably informed too that network providers help to make such discs available

where can one buy a "nigerian map" for a factory fitted navigation on a toyota camry 2009?
Re: Does Navigation System Work In Nigeria? by alabiyemmy(m): 9:01pm On Jul 07, 2014
emmanuelajayi: Maybe make some inquiries in Lagos especially but the good news is that the inbuilt car navigation systems do work in Nigeria. Mine is Honda Civic. u are to be load with nigerian map installation DVD. 2010 models upward discs can be used to update older models. voila: nigerian map will calibrate in the process. im reliably informed too that network providers help to make such discs available

Big FAt lie

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