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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / Piecework: Experienced Journalist / Writer Wanted. (223 Views)
Junior Business Journalist / Writer At All News Nigeria / News Writer Wanted Urgently 31k Monthly - Work From Home / Online Publishing Firm In Abuja Needs Journalist/writer, Creative Video Editor (2) (3) (4)
Piecework: Experienced Journalist / Writer Wanted. by MAFP(m): 5:03pm On Jun 25, 2024 |
I'm looking for an experienced journalist who could use some side work. These would be one-off feature length articles on a 1-2 month publication cycle. Specifics to be discussed. This is not a "content writer" position. This will require research beyond Google - making calls, talking to people, digging. Some local travel may be required. Ideal candidate will have a background in traditional journalism, i.e. have published articles I can find under your byline. Preference for Lagos or Calabar-based individuals. Impeccable written English. This is an equal opportunity position. I care about your writing and initiative, not what you look or sound like. Women, elderly, disabled, odd circumstances... I'm open. And of course hard-working men and younger folk, too. Must have a bank account to receive pay. Extra consideration: -Worked at major tech company / industry experience -Interest in Artificial intelligence and futurism -Have travelled abroad in Europe, India, or North/South America -Science fiction fan -American pop culture knowledge (watch a lot of foreign TV/movies?) -Photography skills If some or all of the above describes you, please send a cover letter introducing yourself and a CV and select bibliography (+ portfolio if a photojournalist) to: hiring [at] I appreciate your interest. Thanks for reading. |
Re: Piecework: Experienced Journalist / Writer Wanted. by IreMIDE1: 8:13pm On Jun 25, 2024 |
I am available, I have my works published on IPS NEWS and The Republic News. |
Re: Piecework: Experienced Journalist / Writer Wanted. by IreMIDE1: 1:15am On Jun 26, 2024 |
This mail of yours could not be reached, you can reach me on 0 9 0 2 7 4 5 9 3 1 8 or Thanks, you can also drop another means to access you. |
Re: Piecework: Experienced Journalist / Writer Wanted. by SaasScribe: 6:44pm On Jun 26, 2024 |
MAFP: You are the kind of person I'd love to work with, because of the kind of work you do (investigative journalism). I have a burning passion for digging into mysteries and bring out the truth about hidden matters so that everyone knows what really happened. I've conducted countless investigative researches since 2011 to understand the real reasons behind US foreign policy towards certain countries, especially when official explanations aren't convincing or are doubted by many. I do this out of pure passion, spending several hours online everyday reading scholarly articles and eBooks by think tanks, educational institutions, geopolitical experts, and major news outlets. The kind of research, analyses, and critical thinking I do makes my contribution to discussions very convincing and constructive. So much so that people started following me on Disqus back then when I used to spend hours debunking Russian and Iranian misinformation on several propaganda websites. It was and still is my biggest hobby calling out disinformation online through factual and logical explanations. I don't believe in conspiracy theories, primarily due to their poor evidential substance and near total disregard for the need for proof. Currently, I'm working on one of the world's most intriguing mysteries - the 2020 US presidential election. I'm currently in the advanced stages of writing a non-partisan book on this topic, and the book relies on undeniable facts and logic to assess the possibility that the election was rigged. My primary sources of information for this book are the US census bureau, the election assistance commission, some government databases, reputable news outlets, and other credible analytical sources. My original plan was to write one book. But I realized that if I must provide the type and amount of information that would convince every reader, it's necessary to write several volumes - probably 4 - 7 books of at least 150 pages each for an exhaustive analysis and explanation. I already have 80 - 90% of the information I need for these volumes. I've never being a journalist and didn't study journalism in school. My academic specialization is Mathematics & Statistics. But I think I have the investigative, analytical, writing talent, and most importantly, the passion you need for this job. It'll be a pleasure to visit places and obtain primary data from individuals anywhere in Nigeria, such as statements and official records for any story you want to publish. I once worked as a local photographer while in High School. Science fiction, horror, and war movies are my favorites among all movie genres. I'm also an avid reader of American history and have learnt quite a lot about US herbal medicine, political and cultural divergence, individual views on immigration, abortion, etc. But I've never travelled out of Nigeria or worked in a major tech industry or company. My interest in AI is so high that I've decided to do a second degree on computer science to learn coding. I use AI almost everyday for research, transcription, and laborious tasks like creating tables from a set of data, creating hyperlinks from URLs, organizing information in chronological order, etc. I want to work for your organization or company. Any job that fits my skill will be highly appreciated. But if you can't offer me a job, perhaps we can collaborate on the books I'm writing. If you like the books, you can be primary marketer and get a big slice of the profits. I think you'd wanna see some samples of my work. I've written a book for a US client and it's selling well on Amazon with many positive reviews from US-based readers. You can see an excerpt of this book and two other eBooks in my portfolio. You can follow the link below to read the samples in my portfolio, though I'm not a photojournalist. Copying you, "I appreciate your interest. Thanks for reading." 1 Like |
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