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New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes - Literature (3) - Nairaland

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Ruby's Search For Romance / New Story Alert!!...lonely Wife!(18+)...not For Kids / New Story: TOCHI (2) (3) (4)

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 2:18am On Oct 03, 2024
More pls. You kept us hungry for days. Thanks for the update.

Not my intention pls😊, I've not really had the time to write, but I promise to make it up when I finally do🙏🙏

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 2:19am On Oct 03, 2024
The story is getting clearer. Thanks for the update OP.

My pleasure 😊

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Olaolar(m): 8:08pm On Oct 03, 2024
The sweetest and brilliant story had ever read on NL

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by IkeIgboNiile(m): 9:16pm On Oct 04, 2024
Glad to be finally back. I love how the story has progressed and have become much clearer.

Ruby was wrong in putting that substance in her boss drink and his brother handled the matter lightly but in general i love everything about the story.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 9:41pm On Oct 06, 2024
The sweetest and brilliant story had ever read on NL

Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying the story😊
Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 9:45pm On Oct 06, 2024
Glad to be finally back. I love how the story has progressed and have become much clearer.

Ruby was wrong in putting that substance in her boss drink and his brother handled the matter lightly but in general i love everything about the story.

Welcome back🍷🍷..... I'm so happy you're enjoying the story. I appreciate your thoughts on Ruby and her actions.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 9:46pm On Oct 06, 2024
Chapter 16

Ruby's POV

As the door creaked open, I expected to see someone walk out but none did, rather the door was shut again. Why can't she just come out so the lunch would be done and dusted.

Just while I was still thinking about her, Dave appeared into sight, his expression unreadable, yet his presence still commanded the room. He didn't look over at me, but I could feel his awareness, like he knew I was watching.

He only muttered a “Good day Ruby” as he walked past me without sparing me a glance. I'm not surprised anymore, indeed blood is thicker than water.

Come to think of it, I wonder if they are going to have a family meeting in there, I mean, it's been a while since he visited his brother's office. What then happens to the unexpected lunch?.

Slowly, the door opened again. I straightened in my seat, bracing myself. Mrs. Edwards head popped out of Richard's office

“Care to join us?” she asked, her voice soft but firm, breaking the stillness in the air.

I blinked. Was she being serious?. Join them for what….. First was the unexpected lunch, now….. its the unexplained meeting.

I stood up slowly, trying to mask my nervousness. “Yes, ma,” I replied, smoothing my blouse.

Walking into the chilled, large office, I settled into the plush leather seat, feeling even more out of place. My heart was racing, but I tried to play it cool. She sat beside me, legs crossed gracefully.

I stole a few glances at Dave, wondering what could be going on in his mind. He was leaning against the window, watching us with an expression I couldn't quite read.

Even when my mind told me not to look over at Richard, my silly brain wouldn't listen. In a slow motion, my eyes found its way to him, only to get locked in his furious looking eyes. I was shocked to find him glaring at me that I couldn't get myself to look away.

For a moment, the silence was thick. Then, Mrs. Edwards turned to me, her honey-colored eyes piercing yet calm.

“You must be wondering why I invited you,” she said, a slight smile playing on her lips.

I nodded. “Yes, ma. I am.” Finally breaking off the staring contest.

She chuckled softly, her laugh melodic. “I like you, Ruby. You have a certain grace about you. And I’ve heard good things.”

Good things? From whom? Richard? Dave? Hope she's not trying to sweet talk me, because the atmosphere doesn't suggest so.

“I wanted to meet you because I wanted to see what you look like, and I have a feeling you’re more important to them than you think,” she said, her words slow and deliberate.

Them? She meant Richard and Dave. I doubt. This woman have not actually told me what her main aim is.

“You see,” she continued, “I’ve watched my sons grow up, each in their own way. And I’ve seen how they handle… complications. I can tell when someone makes an impression on them, even when they don’t realize it themselves.”

I blinked, trying to absorb what she was saying. “I don’t think I’ve made much of an impression, ma’am,” I said, my voice almost a whisper. This maybe a trap who knows.

Her smile deepened. “Perhaps not yet, but I believe you will. And I think it’s time you start seeing yourself the way others might—especially them.”

“Mom don't tell me this is why you called for me. I'm very busy and have no time for this little chit chat” Dave said with a bored expression on.

“Well I did come to see the lady that has commanded so much attention from my sons, I must confess she's a gorgeous damsel. And also, to put an end to the fight among you brothers” Mrs. Edwards replied sweetly.

“Mom, we are not fighting, we only had a disagreement” Richard replied.

“One that's taking eternity to get resolved? What in particular is the problem?” She asked, all her sweetness slowly leaving her.

“The disagreement ends when your son stops being petty and acts like an actual adult that he is. It ends when Richie starts treating Ruby fairly, like she's human and her feelings count, that's when this all ends” Dave replied. When did the anger suddenly set in?. I mean, a few minutes ago he looked bored.

“No. The disagreement ends when your son terminate the rubbish contract he made between my boobless and flat assed secretary. That's when it ends” Richard fired in return.

The deadly glares exchanged between them sent shivers all over my body.

“You know if this was to be Korea, you'd probably get sued and maybe jailed”.

“This is not Korea. You lived in Korea, I lived here. And here in Nigeria, anything goes. You care so much about her feelings than mine?”

“What rubbish feelings of yours do I have to care about Richie?, your office sexual scandals?. Every two months this company is in search of a new secretary, what does that -”

“That should be my cup of tea!. I only have you a little privilege to employe a secretary for me, just this once. And what did you do?, you took advantage of it!”

“So, was having her locked up the other night necessary?”

Wait did I hear him right. I knew it!! I knew this wicked soul had something to do with my distress that night. How petty can he be.

“What….. Richie what is Dave talking about?” Mrs. Edwards asked obviously confused.

But the clown said nothing.

“Was asking her to meet you up at a restaurant for three hours and not showing up necessary?. Was asking her to go to a non-existent company on your behalf necessary….”

How did Dave come to know about all this?. I never told anyone about this incidents and it's pretty obvious Richard didn't too, because he looks like one who's seen a ghost. I remember vividly the day he sent me to that non-existent company. I spent close to two hours trying to locate the place to no avail. At some point I had to return to the company and was so surprised to see how calm and comfortable he was when I narrated my outdeal to him. This man is so mean, so terrible and wicked!!.

Mrs. Edwards stared at him with mouths open, she too couldn't believe her ears. Never for once did I think all those incidents were planned, well except the day I was locked in.

“That contract will not be terminated. Never!!” Dave said firmly, clinching his fits.

“Sir, please. I plead I get transferred to-”

“I'd suggest you shut your pretty mouth!” Dave directed at me, but that won't stop me. I can't do this shit anymore. I understand the contract won't be getting terminated but I can at least get transferred.

It's so messy here, getting caught between two brothers is even more messier. I can't do this.

“Son please, just terminate the contract or get her transferred. She doesn't want to -”

“Mum please. I'm done having this conversation” he said to his mother then turned to his brother. With a tone of finality he said, “I understand you are the CEO and I respect that. But don't let me flip the script. Don't dare me Richy”.

For a while no one said or did anything. Just the sound of heavy breath and the coldness from the air conditioner.

After a while, he took a step, placing a soft kiss on his mother's forehead, he turned around and walked towards the door but hauled “Ruby is efficient, hardworking and resourceful. She's an indespensible asset. That's all that matters”, with this, he opened the door and walked out.

Taking a quick glance at Richard, I turned around and ran after Dave.

“Sir please, just get me transferred or better still terminate….”

“I will never consent to the termination of that contract. So go back and do your job” he replied, eyes still focused on his way.

“I thought you cared about my well-being and happiness!” I bursted, obviously frustrated at his sudden stiff headedness.

He looked at me like I've grown two heads. “While creating a comfortable work space for every employee is important to me, the success of this company is of upmost priority to me”. He replied, looking me straight in the eye.

So it's all about the company and not even about me, why does this hurt so much?.


Meanwhile, in Delta State, Uduak was still lost in thought after Grace had left the room. The conversation they’d just had weighed heavily on her heart. Could she really make the decision to leave Emeka? Grace’s words echoed in her mind: “They never really loved you from the start. Why stay?”

For years, Uduak had been conditioned to seek approval from her parents, to equate their pride in her with her own self-worth. But now, with a baby on the way, everything felt different. She had someone else to think about—someone who would rely on her to make the right choices.

Uduak got up and walked to the small window in the kitchen, staring out at the dusty road that led to the town. She placed a hand on her stomach, feeling the faint flutter of life inside her.

Grace was right. She had to make a decision, for her own sake and for the sake of her child.

She turned back to the stew boiling on the stove and reached for her phone. She wasn’t sure who she was going to call yet—maybe her sister Ini, maybe a lawyer, maybe someone who could help her figure out the next step.

All she knew was that staying in this marriage was no longer an option. Not when she deserved better.

Just when she made to place a call, her attention was drawn to an erotic sound, making her pause for a while. The sound was so loud that she could swear it was that she was thinking it was.

Without giving it much thought, her both legs found their way out of the kitchen. In a slow pace, she continued following the sound until it lead her to the masters room.

Taking a peep into the slightly opened door, her eyes shine in shock as she witnesses the Nigerian version of “365 days”.

Her throat immediately went dry and her eyes wet. Clasping her hands over her opened mouth to avoid distracting the busy couple from their wild sexual adventure, she continued to watch as her legs felt so heavy to take her out of there.

What can be more agonizing than this?.


Ruby's POV

“Babe I'm so heartbroken” I expressed over the phone as today's event kept replaying in my mind.

“Na you go dey date who nedey date you now” Ibiso replied as she bursted into laughter.

“I didn't even feel this hurt when Tayo broke up with me” seems my words added to her amusement, because she was literally laughing so loudly. “Stop laughing now”

“Why won't I laugh?” She asked amidst laughter. “The guy never professed feelings to you. He never made any romantic gesture towards you. He was only nice to you just like everyone else. Na you go dey catch feelings….. lover girl” she began to laugh again.

At this point, I had to join her in laughter, because her laugh was making my laugh laugh- if there's anything like that.

“Ode….. I told you to stop nurturing those feelings you didn't listen to. You no dey date but Dem dun break your heart” I mocked, making us laugh harder.

This is so hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time. Silly me.

“From the onset, he told you he was employing you to put an end to his brothers office romance. So what do you expect?..... Or didn't he ask you if you had a small ass and boobs?” my werey of a friend asked.

“Madam rest jor, you should be sympathetic towards me rather than taking his side” I cajoled, as I crossed over to my street, sweating profusely.

“Ah some people too do oh. Ruby you too do. Rest ni. Leave the focused young man alone and face your work. He is sticking to the reason he employed you, you too stick to your job, love girl……”

Do I have a choice?, except I want to be served another breakfast.

My conversation with Ibiso continued until I got to the front of my compound where I had to bid her goodbye.

“Aunty Ruby welcome”. Ekene greeted me, rushing to help me with my bag.

“Eke boy, thank you. How are you now?” I asked, as I carefully crossed the large pavement. If one is not careful, you'll slip and hit your head somewhere. That's an experience I'd never wish for anyone, except you know….. Richard.

“Today na my buy day oh”

“Birthday or buy day?” I asked amused, despite knowing what he meant. The Ekene construct of English can be so funny.

So confident, he repeated “My buy day”.

Laughing softly and shaking my head, I brought out my keys from my purse. “So wetin I go buy for you? I asked.

“Buy house for me. I wan comot for this house. Everytime my papa and my mama dey fight”.

At this point I knew it's not funny anymore. His eyes could tell he meant it.

Smiling softly, I bent a little. “I wish I could get you a house but…….. What about a plate of Ice cream?” I asked, hoping it'll help with his mood.


“Oya go and get dressed, while I shower and -”

“That cloth my mummy buy for me for Christmas na em I go wear” he shouted excitedly as he rushed off.

Funny boy.


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by IkeIgboNiile(m): 10:08pm On Oct 06, 2024
Thank you for the update. Please keep it coming.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 10:56pm On Oct 06, 2024
Thank you for the update. Please keep it coming.

My pleasure 😊
Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 10:57pm On Oct 06, 2024
I promised to make up for keeping you guys waiting. Another chapter for today🎉🎉

Chapter 17

Ekene burst out of the house wearing a bright red Christmas sweater, way too big for his small frame, paired with green shorts that barely reached his knees. His feet were stuffed into oversized pink sandals.

“Ah Eke boy!!” I couldn't help but exclaim.

To crown it all, he wore a Santa hat. His outfit looked like a wild combination of holiday cheer and a color explosion, yet he looked so confident.

“Shey my Christmas clothes fine?” He asked, showing me his brownish teeths.

I gave him a pitiful look, how do I tell him he looks hilarious without actually telling him. He looks so excited, it'll be so bad to crush his profound joy and happiness.

“Well…. You fine oh. But….” How do I handle this situation now?, his hopeful eyes were peeping into mine, probably expecting a favorable reply.

“You fine!” I repeated and kept it that way. From the hushes around, I got to know his parents had just gotten into a very violent fight today of all days. He seems happy now and I'd love to keep it that way.

Taking his tiny hands that barely fit into mine, we walked out of the compound.

With the way people on the street hailed him, I'm sure he's probably feeling like the best thing that's happened to planet Earth after sliced bread.

“I dey go my buy day” he replied to another boy his age when asked where he was going.

“Na my Aunty Ruby” he boasted to another.

“Eke boy!!! You dey shine ohh” someone said. I didn't even bother to look out for who it was. I was busy thinking of a nice shop where I could get him a better outfit. We can't possibly go to Chicken Republic looking like this, else we'll both find ourselves on Tik Tok because content creators will use us to catch a cruise.

Finally, I found one and immediately got him something nice to wear, then proceeded to our destination.

After eating, we proceeded to an amusement park where we had some fun.


I realized Ekene was asleep when it was time for us to get down from the taxi. I had to carry him at my back, with our shopping bags in my hand.

I was baffled to see some people gathered at the entrance of my compound. There were too many of them, talking and keeping petrified faces.

“Madam abeg wetin dey happen?” I asked one of them.

“Mama Ekene and Papa Ekene been dey fight oh, I no know how breeze blow them go touch una light wire, na so light start to dey spark for two people room inside una compound, but dem dun stop am sha” the woman replied, laughing seriously.

How is that even funny?.

I Hope my room is not one of the affected rooms. Oh God. How much more drama do I have to face today?

I managed to squeeze myself through the clustered people and walked in. Some youths were surrounded in a particular area with buckets and mop sticks. From the looks of things my room wasn't affected. Thank God!!

“Una go pack comot for my house oh!! Una go pack… ah, everyday fight fight, everyday quarrel quarrel, make una pack oh” Landlady was busy screaming on top of her voice.

I tried to see if her loud voice had woken the sleeping child, thankfully it hasn't. Carefully, I opened my door and walked in.

Slowly, I laid him on my bed and took off his shoes. I still find it hard to believe that the innocent looking boy sleeping peacefully on my bed, is the sharp mouthed Ekene.

I pity him though, having to deal with toxic parents is something I'd never wish for any child.

“E dun dey spark again oh” someone screamed from outside, making my heart beat. The light in my room went off, making me scared as hell.

In a rush, I switched on the torchlight from the phone in my hands. Grabbing my purse and pulling the sleeping child towards me, I made for the door. This time, the spark has generated a fire outbreak. Like one in a secret mission, I ran as fast as I could, just as everyone was.

Only when I got to the main road did I realize I wasn't putting on slippers. Wow!

Breathing heavily, I walked into a closed shop and sat down, carrying the sleeping child on my lap.

I remained there, slapping myself from time to time in an attempt to kill some disturbing mosquitoes while I struggled greatly with my sleepy self. We remained outside until eleven pm when John called to tell me it's safe to return home. What a day!


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 8:39pm On Oct 10, 2024
Chapter 18

I felt so uneasy all through the thick night and barely got some sleep.

My mind was all over the place. First, I thought hard about the incident in the office. What did Dave really mean by “I understand you are the CEO and I respect that. But don't let me flip the script. Don't dare me Richy”.

Don't let me flip the script….. This makes me even wonder why Richard, who is the younger son, gets to succeed the father. Could it be that Dave sold his birthright to his brother, just like Cain and Abel?. Nah, I don't think that's the case, else why would he say “don't let me flip the script”.

And…… They also talked about Dave staying in Korea. Could it be that Dave lived there, and Richard was over here working with their father and he finally got to inherit the company since he has made contributions to the growth of the company?.

Or could it be that, while Dave was over there in Korea, and it was time to take over, he consented to his brother taking over probably because he wasn't interested? thus the statement “don't let me flip the script”.

Why am I even bothering about that family, when I have my own life to think of?. I would like to go get my PHD and I need so much money for that. So far I haven't saved much because my salaries are never paid in full. Richard always has a reason to deduct my pay at the end of every month. Besides that, I already promised to loan Mama Ekene one hundred naira to add up her business. I don't think I may be able to fulfil that promise. I need to take my savings seriously, else my dream of having a PHD would die just like that.

I also thought about the fire incident the previous day. Thank God it didn't lead to any serious misfortune. Landlady on the other hand has been ranting about increasing my rent. Yeah, I can move out if it doesn't suit me but I've come to love it here. Despite all our differences, we always got each other's back.

I saw how Agnes coordinated everyone to help raise some money to pay off Amaka's hospital bills when she was admitted of acute typhoid and malaria, a few weeks ago.

I saw how Emeka defended me the day I was harassed by some thugs on my way back from work. He made sure to warn them sternly never to come close to me again, that's after retrieving all the items they took from me.

I saw how mad my landlady was the day a woman from the other compound, flogged Ekene mercilessly simply because he got into a fight with her child, leaving her own child untouched, even though he was the one who looked for Ekene's trouble. Landlady almost dislocated her face with thunderous slaps.

I can't begin to mention all the incidents but I've seen the love that exists amongst us despite the fact that it's shown in an unusual way. This is one big happy family and I love it here. I'll just ginger landlady a little, so she doesn't execute her threats.

At some point my phone rang. A certain number has been calling me lately. It's 4am in the morning. This number keeps calling me and when I answer it, I usually don't hear anyone say a word. Most times I don't bother about it, but now I am. Ibiso as well, has complained about a similar experience. I answered but got no reply as usual. I didn't have a choice but to hang up.

“Make una help me oh, make una help me. Ekene dun loss, my pikin dun loss!!” It wasn't long when Mama Ekene began to wail outside.

What is even wrong with this woman? So she's just realizing the absence of her child now?. Na wa oh.

I understand it's not easy for her seeing her husband fooling around with little girls, young enough to be his daughter but that doesn't mean you should lose yourself in the process. But Mama Ekene has made it a priority to always chase after her husband and his small pin charger girls. She barely takes care of herself; always looking unkempt. Not even to talk about how she starves her son of care and attention.

“Ruby! Ruby! Abeg open door” I heard her plead as she banged on the door. I'll not be happy with her if Ekene wakes up.

“Ruby abeg now, Ekene dey here?. John tell me say em see you carry am for night. Ruby abeg my pikin dey here?” She asked in a trembling voice.

I stayed mute for a while, hoping she wouldn't wake up the sleeping child.

“Ruby abeg nw. I know say you been dun tell me make I leave papa Ekene make em do how em want, focus on Myself and Ekene. Ruby e no easy oh. That man dey try me well well….”

I still did not utter a word.

“Ruby abeg now “.

“Come Mama Ekene make we hear word oh. Na by this time you go find your pikin? Leave Ribbon make she sleep. I no need that your noise there oh, I wan pray”

Landlady said from the varanda. She could be described as the compound vigilante. She's always awake.

“Landlady help me ask her if Eke boy dey here now” she pleaded.

“Wetin concern Ribbon and Ekene?. When you dey blow blow your husband you no remember say you get pikin. Just pray say that boy never lose oh”.

“Haba! Landlady, you nedey help matters oh. Help me beg….”

Just while Mama Ekene was about to plead with her again, the woman began to clap and sing out loud. It's obviously her time for morning prayer.

“Ruby abeg now, just tell me say em dat here make my mind come down”. She pleaded. It sounds like she's gonna break into tears soon.

Getting up slowly, I unlocked my door. Standing with Akimbo's hands, I faced her even though I couldn't see her quite clearly, despite the dim torchlight in her hands.

“Wetin happen?”. I asked

“Ruby Eke boy dey here?.... Abeg now. No worry, after today I no go send that man again. I go focus on myself and my pikin. I no go dey fight am and all em small pin charger girls dem again……." She continued talking like one who's taking an oath before an Oracle.

I didn't utter a word, I just let the feeling of uncertainty eat her up.

“...... Talk kwanu now”

“I no see Ekene” I replied with a straight face.

Unexpectedly she bursted into tears. I wish I could clearly see her face, and what it looks like to see tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I dun dey here my pikin loss….. ah God, ah…..”

I let her sob for a while. “Eke boy dey sleep inside”

She sniffed, “you say?” She asked, quickly rushing to grab me.

“He's sleeping inside”.

“Ah Ruby, thank you!!. Thank you well well!”. I couldn't help but chuckle at her sense of gratitude… this woman hugged me so tight that I could barely breathe.

“E dun do nw” I pleaded before she suffocated me with her extra large breasts and big body size.

“When daybreak I go carry am come”. I said.

“Ah, thank you Ruby. Make I go join landlady for prayer today. Na God way safe me”.

And she meant it, she quickly went to the varanda and joined the landlady in prayers. These people are something else.

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Writer's POV

Somewhere in Delta State

Managing to drag her traumatized self out of the scene. Uduak went to the garden and made herself comfortable on the floor. The tears weren't flowing anymore, she just felt numb.

The image of her husband eating and devouring another woman in her matrimonial bed kept displaying over and over again before her.

She should have listened to Ini, she thought to herself. She shouldn't have let the approval of her uncaring parents cloud her sense of reasoning and judgment. See where it had landed her.

Her eyes wandered to the scent leaves….. She began to wonder why she had to be human?, what happened to being a scent leaf or better still a water leaf?, what happened to being an animal or an object?.

“Ma, what happened?” Grace asked, rushing out from the back door. She must have seen her from the kitchen window.

Dragging her eyes off from the unbothered scent leaves, she looked at Grace, and made a small smile.

“It's nothing”

“Ma, your-”

“Grace!!” Emeka's voice cut in frk inside the house

Acting like she didn't hear her name being called from inside, Grace continued. “Ma, come inside” she said, trying to pull her up.

“Go and attend to him”, Uduak whispered.

“Ma, come inside” Grace replied stubbornly, wondering what must have happened this time, to make her madam sit on the floor like this.

“Please go and attend-”

“Come this stupid girl, didn't you hear me call you?!” Emeka barked, appearing before them only in his underwear.

“Sir, I'm helping my mad-”

Taking long strides towards them, he grabbed Grace’s arms and pushed her. “Will you get out of this place and go serve my woman some chilled juice!” He barked again. “Stupid girl!”

Standing for a while to see if the maid had gone in, he then turned to Uduak. “You, what are you sitting here like a beggar for?. Will you go in and get me something to eat…. I'm famished”.

If Uduak had heard a word, he couldn't tell, because she remained seated, unfazed.

“Didn’t you hear me?!” He barked, supporting it with a mighty slap, after which he pulled her up forcefully. “Get into that house and get me something to eat!”.

Trying to maintain her balance so she wouldn't hit against the wall, she unknowingly stepped on the sharp edge of the rake kept close the the kitchen window, blood immediately spiiled out, while she trued to numb the pain.

Aggressively, he grabbed her other arm and dragged her into the kitchen, ignoring her bleeding feet.

Leaning against the kitchen counter for support like a zombie, Uduak knew she couldn't do it anymore. All the painful experiences she's had right from childhood down to this very moment flooding her mind, building a kind of rage she's never felt before. At this point she was boiling in uncontrollable anger. Where this kind of effontry had come from she couldn't tell, but she knew at this moment she gonna fight back.

“Here….” He stretched forth an apron to her. “Prepare something for me. I'm…..”

He couldn't finish his statement when he felt a sharp pain. With widened eyes, he watched as Uduak pushed the kitchen knife further into his stomach; a mean and wicked smile on her face.

“Udu….. Udu…. Plea, plea……”

“Just die already. That's the only thing that suits someone like you” she whispered in a voice she could barely recognize.

Slowly she pulled out the knife, while he was left to stumble on the floor, struggling for his life.


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 8:49pm On Oct 10, 2024
Exciting news🎉🎉 I'll be signing out tomorrow! Congratulations to me🤸🤸🍷


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Adeola25(f): 9:26pm On Oct 10, 2024
Big congratulations dear. Greater heights by the grace of God.

1 Like

Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Thacutegemini: 2:03am On Oct 11, 2024

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by CodedHustler: 6:11am On Oct 11, 2024
Congratulations to you
Exciting news🎉🎉 I'll be signing out tomorrow! Congratulations to me🤸🤸🍷

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 6:16am On Oct 11, 2024
Big congratulations dear. Greater heights by the grace of God.

Thanks alot
Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 6:16am On Oct 11, 2024

Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 6:17am On Oct 11, 2024
Congratulations to you

Thank youuu🤸😊

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Crestaria: 6:41am On Oct 11, 2024
Thanks for the update.

Big congratulations to you. More success and joy ahead.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 1:16pm On Oct 11, 2024
Thanks for the update.

Big congratulations to you. More success and joy ahead.

Thanking youuuuuu😊
Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by IkeIgboNiile(m): 8:23pm On Oct 11, 2024
Thanks for the update. Congratulations 🎊

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Bukenke86: 10:56am On Oct 15, 2024
Awwww. Congratulations my darling. Thanks for the update.....uduak shouldn't have done that though..


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by adeola777: 2:47pm On Oct 16, 2024
A very big congratulations to you madam.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by queentener(f): 10:38am On Oct 31, 2024
Congratulations on your passing out, this story is great. Please when will you continue it?

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 8:29pm On Nov 08, 2024
A very big thank you for the congratulatory messages and the comments❤️🥰..... I do appreciate.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by ZaraIhua(f): 8:39pm On Nov 08, 2024
The loud sound of thunderstorms jerked Uduak up from her uncomfortable sleep, rubbing her eyes, she realized she was still seated on the dirty floor, at the garden.

“Was…… was all that a dream?” she muttered shakily, looking all over herself. “All that was a dream?!” She panicked with trembling voice.

She couldn't believe that it was just a dream, it felt so real. So she really didn't stab her husband?, she didn't have her hands stained with blood?. How? How possible is that? She swore it was so real and it felt satisfying. Why would taking the life of someone feel so good and satisfying?

“Maybe because he deserves it” a tiny voice whispered to her.

She stared at her trembling hands, the hands she had used to push the knife further into his body. She thought of how powerful and strong she felt doing that.

“That's exactly the way he feels when he tortured you with his words and actions” that tiny voice said again.

A drop of water fell on her skin, making her shiver. Goosebumps taking over of every part of her body. She hung on the thought of what to do while her body trembled at the terrifying memory from her dream.

Should she make that dream a reality, it won't be a bad idea, would it? After all, he has caused her so much pains and agony.

Like one who's been possessed, she abruptly got up from the floor and rushed into the building, racing so fast into her room.

This sudden movement got Grace's attention, as she followed suit. “Ma, are you alright?” The baffled girl asked, watching her every move.

Uduak opened her mouths to speak, but her trembling lips couldn't let her say a word. She was damn too terrified to speak. Rather than forcing herself, she continued packing her bag.

“Ma, are you leaving?”

“Ma, what is it?” Fear and anxiety enveloping the troubled maid. What could have happened to make her madam act this way?.

No minding what's happening around her, Uduak continued packing up. When she was finally done, she dragged her big box to the door. “I…. I…. cannot be a murderer. Yeah, I'm weak, but….. I… I can never be a murderer…”

Did her madam drink again?, Grace wondered.

“..... Emeka cannot be the reason I'd go to jail….. no, no, he can't push me to that extent”

“What is going on?!”

Uduak placed her hands on her cheeks and wiped off the rolling tears. “I won't be a murderer…… I…. I can't go to jail…. No!”

Grace stood for minutes, trying to comprehend what is going on. Has her madam develop some mental illness?. First was she sitting in the garden and holding onto the scent leaves like there were roses, then rushing into the house like one who just had an encounter with Lucifer.

“Could she be depressed?” She muttered to herself. Maybe, just maybe her madam's depression has lead her insane. Who knows?.

“Should I call for-”

“Don't you dare!!” She barked. “I'm out of here…… I … I can't be a murderer. Never!”

With that, she marched out of the room leaving Grace puzzled.


Ruby's POV

Every occupant of my highly recommended compound was seated in the varanda. Landlady had called for a meeting, this time, not verbally but with a typewritten letter.

We all sat, not knowing the reason for the meeting.

“I call all of una today for two important things” she paused and began looking at our faces, one after the other.

Inhaling deeply, she continued “ first, na because of Papa and Mama Ekene. All of us here na one big happy family, and I dey see all of una as my children. I no go lie, this rubbish these two mumu Dem dey display for this compound dun tire me. I dun tire…….”

I'm tired too, and from the looks on the others faces, I could say they are tired also.

“Why people from other compound go dey gather everytime because of these two?. E nedey shame una as everytime Dem dey gossip about both of una?” She asked, directing a disappointing looking at the couple.

“If na say una dey fight outsiders sef, I for like am. I for dey ginger una sef, but no. Everyday na you and your husband, wetin be the problem?. Marriage no be do or die, if e no work for una make una separate!!. Wetin?!. I know how much I spend to replace all the wires way burn, and to pay electrician. I ask una for one kobo?...” She asked stretching her head like a zebra.

“No landlady”

“This na una last warning. All of una dey hear am, I know why I dey calm oh, I know”.

Pausing for a while, she adjusted herself on the wooden bench.

“Last night, as I dey talk with my heavenly Father, the God of the widows, the only mama and Papa I get. Jehovah Nisi, na em cat cry. I hear that cry three times. And anytime I experience that kin thing tragedy, better tragedy go happen. So we go pray, all of us go fast today. From this morning till 6 for evening. We go pray now, then go our rooms. By 12 we go gather here again pray……”

“Landlady you eh, na just cat now” Amaka said, casually crossing her leg.

“Kon comot that leg way you cross now make ogun no kee you!” Landlady fired angrily. “Which one be say na just cat, catarrh dey your ear?”

"Ah…. Landlady this one no go work oh, person dey wait for me for workshop now” Emeka complained, shaking his head in disagreement.

“This thing I dey talk una nedey hear am?, abi I carry water for mouth? Wetin dey worry una sef?” She scolded, picking up the wood by her side, probably to hit someone.

“Please calm down Landlady….. please don't be upset” I pleaded, others joined me in pleading with her.

“No vex abeg” Mama Ekene said, playfully pulling Landlady's wrapper in an attempt to cheer her up.

“There's absolutely nothing wrong with what you said. It's not wrong if we have a family prayer together but Landlady, today is Monday, we all have somewhere to be at. What if we have this prayer on a weekend when everyone will be less busy and present?” I suggested, hoping it suits well with the others.

“Ehhh, I like as Ruby talk. Almost all of us dun chop sef. Me since 6:00 I swallow correct fufu with egusi soup, the fasting no go make sense now” John said.

“Landlady e no go bad if we do am like that oh. Besides, I no even sure say you know wetin you hear. Na so you do one time like that, say you hear cat cry, while na John phone been dey ring. Anytime you dun dey do that your prayer, you go just dey see anyhow vision “ Amaka said, laughing at the end of her statement.

Before we could say a word to her, Landlady had already used the wood to give Amaka two wipes on her arm.

“Which rubbish you dey talk?. You see me dey laff here?. Other people dey talk how the prayer go work, you dey talk rubbish?”

Hmmm, just when we thought we've progressed, Amaka has succeeded in drawing us backwards. I understand Landlady prayers can be hilarious and baffling at times, but that doesn't give Amaka the right to joke about it, especially when everyone is being serious.

“Infact make all of una get out!. Make una dey go. I dun ever hear una pray? Ehh. Make Una comot for my varanda abeg”

Yeah, that was how we all left her sight, quarreling amongst ourself. With some supporting Amaka, and the rest like myself, against her.


Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Crestaria: 8:42pm On Nov 08, 2024
A very big thank you for the congratulatory messages and the comments❤️🥰..... I do appreciate.

We don hear,oya do quick drop something grin

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by queentener(f): 12:19pm On Nov 10, 2024
Did op drop a new chapter? I got notification but can't find any updates from her.

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Re: New Story Alert: In Ruby's Eyes by Crestaria: 9:26pm On Nov 11, 2024
Did op drop a new chapter? I got notification but can't find any updates from her.
Yes. Hope you have seen/read it?

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