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Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah - Foreign Affairs (8) - Nairaland

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Iamzik: 6:53am On Sep 30, 2024

I'm also in support of the right of the Isrealis to live in their homeland and have a country of their own. And i am against the Arabs insistence that the Isrealis must leave. But lets be frank to ourselves;there is nothing really "satanic" about how these Lebanese defend themselves. That is if you juxtapose their actions with the Isreali approach. Isreal has never respected any of their boundaries since the wars of the 60s,the 70s and the 80s.

The Beirut invasion of the 80s was actually led by a Commando attack commanded by one Benjamin Netanyahu! Does that name ring a bell? It is the same Bibi, who is now the Prime Minister of Isreal.

His elder bother Jonathan Netanyahu, commandeered the Isreali commando group that captured the Entebbe airport in Uganda and rescued most Isreali hostages, captured in a hyjacked plane by some German terrorists, working for some Arabs. Uganda was under Idi Amin Dada at this time. Col Jonathan died in that raid.

So you can see how wars, killings, invasions, assassinations, bombings and spectacular violent displays, have come to charactrise relations in these areas. Essentially, in most cases, it is a question of "if you don't kill me when you have the chance, i will kill you anytime i have the chance ".

No one is really innocent here. That's if we look at it objectively. The more reason for a comprehensive peace treaty.

Any peace treaty short of Hamas releasing those they kidnapped and a committment never to attack isreal again will not solve the problem. Egypt made a peace deal with Israel and has not attached Israel since after the 6 day war. Hezbola and Hamas should do that same

Israel seem very determined to prevent another Oct 7 style attack on its citizen again.

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Iamzik: 7:03am On Sep 30, 2024

You bloodthirsty people were to busy celebrating a massacre and destruction like the offsprings of the devil that you are that you didnt notice your slavemasters couldn't win physical combats in Gaza. To the extent to withdrawing the elite unit, Golani brigade from ground. The only thing they can do is push a button from a distance to kill, steal and destroy like your godfather, Satan.


the hostage situation is the only reason why Israel did not go all out for Hamas. Hezbola has no hostage to bargain with so Israel hand is not tied in any way for now. That's my reading of the situation


Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by 11doubledee: 8:45am On Sep 30, 2024
Ismael (Muslims) and Isaac (Christians) are brothers from the same father, Abraham.

But they continue to be at eternal war and hatred becoz of the error stepping of their father.

When you break a Godly covenant, what you will create is a little dragon, that grows into a monster in later years.
That's the funniest thing, what those middle easterners actually don't know or shy away from is that their ancestors are most likely pagans or Jews.
Because Islam came into the picture much more later in this life.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Dalohad: 9:19am On Sep 30, 2024
Kill them all!

Kill Nasrallah

Kill his replacement

Kill the person replacing his replacement.

Death to all terrorists!

And death to all terrorist supporters and sympathetizers.

I wonder how the ijiots who support Hamas and Hesbollah would feel now.

They swore that Israel’s fall was nigh, but na their terrorist leaders dey die like fowl.

Sometimes I wonder the kind of life they are living…

How can somebody be supporting Putin

Supporting Hamas

Supporting Hesbollah

Supporting Tinubu

Supporting Wike

Supporting all the wrong things on earth.

How were you people raised for goodness sake?

You hit Yarimo and madridguy below the belt.. grin cheesy

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Dalohad: 9:21am On Sep 30, 2024
Vacancies exist in Hisbollah
We are asking Madridguy and co to apply.
We want to check something

Yarimo can be his assistant. Money dey Hezbollah. Dem go enjoy well well . grin

BishopMagic A.k.A Kwararat should be their new Ayatollah. Jews will be interested in giving him a handshake of fire 🔥.. cheesy

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Nanalucky: 9:23am On Sep 30, 2024
Don't stop ,flash out all the evil heads
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by RussellRutherfo: 9:29am On Sep 30, 2024
abeg how does Nigeria issue relate with what is happening in faraway Israel

Omo some people just b somehow, funny enough they don't even know u but here u are displaying ignorance so u can b noticed

Before u talk rubbish I am a Christian n I dont care what happens there

You ended your pathetic lie with "I am a Christian" grin

As if we don't know that this is the go to tactic of all Muslims who support the evil of jidah in whatever against the jews and Christians.


Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Johncarlo07: 10:31am On Sep 30, 2024

I'm also in support of the right of the Isrealis to live in their homeland and have a country of their own. And i am against the Arabs insistence that the Isrealis must leave. But lets be frank to ourselves;there is nothing really "satanic" about how these Lebanese defend themselves. That is if you juxtapose their actions with the Isreali approach. Isreal has never respected any of their boundaries since the wars of the 60s,the 70s and the 80s.

The Beirut invasion of the 80s was actually led by a Commando attack commanded by one Benjamin Netanyahu! Does that name ring a bell? It is the same Bibi, who is now the Prime Minister of Isreal.

His elder bother Jonathan Netanyahu, commandeered the Isreali commando group that captured the Entebbe airport in Uganda and rescued most Isreali hostages, captured in a hyjacked plane by some German terrorists, working for some Arabs. Uganda was under Idi Amin Dada at this time. Col Jonathan died in that raid.

So you can see how wars, killings, invasions, assassinations, bombings and spectacular violent displays, have come to charactrise relations in these areas. Essentially, in most cases, it is a question of "if you don't kill me when you have the chance, i will kill you anytime i have the chance ".

No one is really innocent here. That's if we look at it objectively. The more reason for a comprehensive peace treaty.

U dey mind dose mumu hailing Israel!?
Am a Christian, nd a staunch one at Dat.
Israel knows d only solution to dis issue, is to grant Palestine deir right to independence.
U cant put som1 under occupation nd say it shld nt fight. Even Nigeria fought for its independence.

Hezbollah nd d lyks cannot b eradicated. Even Israel knws dis, u kill dem tday, dey rear deir ugly head again.
Deir attack into Israel are killing Israeli too, bt d media will nt tell u dis.

When d two state solution is implemented, Israel can now do d, u do anyhow, u c any agenda.

For nw, only d path to peace is feasible, nd it's attainable through purposeful dialogue.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by MadPolitician: 10:38am On Sep 30, 2024

U dey mind dose mumu hailing Israel!?
Am a Christian, nd a staunch one at Dat.
Israel knows d only solution to dis issue, is to grant Palestine deir right to independence.
U cant put som1 under occupation nd say it shld nt fight. Even Nigeria fought for its independence.

Hezbollah nd d lyks cannot b eradicated. Even Israel knws dis, u kill dem tday, dey rear deir ugly head again.
Deir attack into Israel are killing Israeli too, bt d media will nt tell u dis.

When d two state solution is implemented, Israel can now do d, u do anyhow, u c any agenda.

For nw, only d path to peace is feasible, nd it's attainable through purposeful dialogue.

Thanks bro,
Finally , someone with his thinking cap, comes around.
I have been quoted a thousand times by people calling for my head on this thread. So much so, I have to go back several times to read what i wrote earlier and wonder why none of them saw where i was coming from. One even went as far as callimg me a Muslim terrorist. Meanwhile, I am a Christian oo. An ex seminarian at that oo. Na waoo.

Our people just follow the herd mentality on almost every issue.

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by tonididdy(m): 10:56am On Sep 30, 2024
Na WA oh... The guy never even start work grin cheesy
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by PARADIZEPRIEST: 11:02am On Sep 30, 2024
now terroristS using religion to coerce people will think twice. END OF EXTREMISM undecided,NOW IS TIME FOR CONVICESM OR LET PEOPLE BE WITH THEIR BELIEFS THAT HURT NO HUMAN. angry
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Godwin4444: 11:08am On Sep 30, 2024

You ended your pathetic lie with "I am a Christian" grin

As if we don't know that this is the go to tactic of all Muslims who support the evil of jidah in whatever against the jews and Christians.
so two fight between two countries who don't know u have suddenly turn to Christian Vs Muslim fight in Nigeria

N u wan tell me say u get sense?

So I have suddenly become a Muslim cos I ask reasonable questions

I can bet u are igbo cod that's how they reason
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by goaldynboy: 11:59am On Sep 30, 2024

Israel will weep and sorrow. Killing innocent Muslims and tagging them terrorist

Can't you see that "Allah" is fully in support of Israel?

If you go against "Allah", you will be equally dispatched to your much desired 72 virgins

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by goaldynboy: 12:11pm On Sep 30, 2024
While blood thirsty Nigerian christians rejoice at Nasrallah's(May Allah's mercy be upon him) death, Lebanese christians mourn and weep over the same man who fought and eliminated Israhell's ISIS and Al qaeda, same Nasrallah massively assisted the Lebanese Christians.

Nigerian christians are so enslaved by Israhell, I don't understand this level of lunacy anymore. Every Arab Muslim fighting for their rights against thieves is a terrorist. Same Israhell i jews you're salivating over hates your religion and won't hesitate to call you idol worshippers that deserves to burn in the deepest depths of hell.


Keep Quiet, you brainwashed te.rrorist!

You are too blind to see thousands of Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians , etc rejoicing and sharing candies because of the dead of the murdeous terrorist, Hassan Nasrallah!

You think you can come here to deceive people with your stale Taquiyya!!

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by goaldynboy: 12:22pm On Sep 30, 2024

You people still believe this apple of god's eyes scam

The reason for Israhell's success has NOTHING to do with any god, but with massive weapons aid by US and Europe. Let those terrorist colonialists stop aid to Israhell. I want to check something.

Even Israhellis wey sabi admit that they can NEVER survive without American aid. apple of god's eyes ko, banana of satan's tongue ni.


You go explain tire!! grin

Tears of you Nairaland Islamist te.rrorists and terrorist supporters are delicious to we sane people!!

Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by doncartel: 12:32pm On Sep 30, 2024
Israel is very capable of placing a ban on hezbollah having any leader. Once you appoint, he collects wotowoto, once you appoint, he collects wotowoto, lol.

Mind you, Israel has already taken control of all land, air and sea borders of Lebanon.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by k4kenny(f): 3:20pm On Sep 30, 2024

Keep Quiet, you brainwashed te.rrorist!

You are too blind to see thousands of Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians , etc rejoicing and sharing candies because of the dead of the murdeous terrorist, Hassan Nasrallah!

You think you can come here to deceive people with your stale Taquiyya!!

Share the video with full source and caption. Slave of terrorist land stealers.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Akuruoulo(m): 3:26pm On Sep 30, 2024
If you see where these people dey make mouth, you go think say them fit fight.

The wereys wan use drones take fight F-35.

An organisation built by Nasrallah for 32 years levelled in under 10 days...axis of resistance in the mud.

For context, this is the most heavily armed terrorist organisation in the world. The number one, gone in days.

Even Hamas had more brains than Hezbollah, at least those ones were smart enough to carry hostages.

The next people wey go collect na Houthi, if dem no calm down with attacking ships, Isreali airforce will turn their lands to a car park in 3 days.

And if Iran put body, dem go collect too. Isreal don kuku breach Iranian airspace earlier this year go throw bomb close to their nuclear facility just to let them know they can bomb the facility itself. Iran couldn't report the breach because their own air défense didn't see the F-35 on the radar.

Don't start what you have no intention to finish. Person wey pass you, don pass you.
U dey Jupiter?
Houthis collected small yesterday grin grin grin
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by k4kenny(f): 3:27pm On Sep 30, 2024

You go explain tire!! grin

Tears of you Nairaland Islamist te.rrorists and terrorist supporters are delicious to we sane people!!

Let's see... Israhell calls your god, jesus a cursed fellow, born of a wh0re, currently burning in 💩💩💩, that he's a sorcerer who they killed. They say he's NOT the Messiah and it's utterly stoopid to believe someone's blood can wash your sins. They call you idol worshippers for worshipping a cursed Jew and spit freely on your fellow Christians.

Yet you celebrate them...

And you call yourselves sane.😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Christians are a whole new level of stoopid, we should do a case study on this level of lunacy
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by k4kenny(f): 3:30pm On Sep 30, 2024

What's wrong in using intelligence to kill islamic terrorists

People that use civilians as shield

Israel ♥️ hasn't even deployed ground troops, you people are shouting mismatch

You better take time, the phone you are using to type rubbish this will explode O


Let them deploy ground troops na. They too know they can't fit. Any slowpoke can push a button to bomb buildings, that's the only thing israhelli diaper terrorists knows how to do.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by APCpalliative: 4:10pm On Sep 30, 2024
abeg how does Nigeria issue relate with what is happening in faraway Israel

Omo some people just b somehow, funny enough they don't even know u but here u are displaying ignorance so u can b noticed

Before u talk rubbish I am a Christian n I dont care what happens there

Go and hung a transformer for claiming being a Christian
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by RussellRutherfo: 4:19pm On Sep 30, 2024
so two fight between two countries who don't know u have suddenly turn to Christian Vs Muslim fight in Nigeria

N u wan tell me say u get sense?

So I have suddenly become a Muslim cos I ask reasonable questions

I can bet u are igbo cod that's how they reason
Mugu muslim.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Ovacoma: 4:34pm On Sep 30, 2024

Thanks bro,
Finally , someone with his thinking cap, comes around.
I have been quoted a thousand times by people calling for my head on this thread. So much so, I have to go back several times to read what i wrote earlier and wonder why none of them saw where i was coming from. One even went as far as callimg me a Muslim terrorist. Meanwhile, I am a Christian oo. An ex seminarian at that oo. Na waoo.

Our people just follow the herd mentality on almost every issue.
You are both fo...ls, offer people that seek to annihilate you independence? Is that not a suicide? How many times have they been offered two state solution and they rejected it? Right from 1948, they said Israel cannot co exist with their country. Hamas charters declare their goal as the destruction of the state of Israel and Palestinians voted for them. No more two state solution as it stands, many Arab nations have already abandoned this stupid solution, go to saudi or UAE and show solidarity with Palestinians and see yourself. Kuwait and Jordan can't forget, Egypt won't allow them in, etc. they want to and they will continue to be refugees until they forever abandon the idea of the destruction of the state of Israel or even lose the remaining parcel of land they have little by little to Israel whenever they attack Israel.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by RealTrump: 5:06pm On Sep 30, 2024

U dey Jupiter?
Houthis collected small yesterday grin grin grin

Bros, Na after I type that post I come enter YouTube see say Isreal don go bomb Houthi, e come be like say I be prophet cheesy

The whole world suddenly felt more at peace with the Isreali operation. Na only una get madness?

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by lereinter(m): 8:06pm On Sep 30, 2024

Let them deploy ground troops na. They too know they can't fit. Any slowpoke can push a button to bomb buildings, that's the only thing israhelli diaper terrorists knows how to do.

Tell your people to find button to push too

And if their brain is too low to invent button, they should deploy ground troops to attack Israel ♥️

Why are they waiting for Israel to deploy first
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:07am On Oct 01, 2024
even satan himself has a reason for becoming Satan, but is it right ?

And Adam blame the woman God gave to him but was it justified
My point exactly.

You can’t hide under objectivity to justify evil.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:08am On Oct 01, 2024

As in the thing just tire me..you notice they ALL SUPPORT the evil things,all of them have this in common o no jokes..
It’s a pattern they all follow.

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Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:09am On Oct 01, 2024
The way I broke so I no suppose laugh but this your comment eeeh if I no laugh I go get heart attack. Hahahahajahahajajajahahajajajajahhhhhaaa grin grin grin grin grin cheesy grin grin tinubu and wike supporters are also terrorist. Truly they are

I pray God replenish your pocket, amen.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:12am On Oct 01, 2024
Guy I nearly pass out. Laugh wan finish me. Especially that real Madrid guy, he support everything negative.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder what the content of his head is.

He and his ilks.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:14am On Oct 01, 2024

I've never thought from this POV.
Makes absolute sense
Good to see you are getting the point.

Every evil doer will always find a way to justify their devilish and atrocious actions. We don’t have to let them do that.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:15am On Oct 01, 2024

It is very common among Tinubu's tribe. They arent raised with love. Come here to Benin and see how they behave here too. But i slap them regularly whenever i come across anyone here

Very terrible life they lead.
Re: Israel Kills Hassan Khalil Yassin, Who Replaced Hassan Nasrallah by Penguin2: 1:16am On Oct 01, 2024
abeg how does Nigeria issue relate with what is happening in faraway Israel

Omo some people just b somehow, funny enough they don't even know u but here u are displaying ignorance so u can b noticed

Before u talk rubbish I am a Christian n I dont care what happens there
Christian or Chrismus😏?

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