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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do (199 Views)
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Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do by RachaelG16: 12:17pm On Oct 10, 2024 |
Here's Why Your Teen Girl Needs to Know about RHESUS FACTOR Many years ago, I used to dispense drugs in a Pharmaceutical store. Then, I was shocked to see that secondary school girls (teen girls) came for abortion pills more than mature spinsters. I'm talking of those in JSS classes😳 Their demand for abortion pills was higher after the following celebrations: Christmas Valentine Easter Independence The girls' wildness was a big shock for me then because, I myself was still a teen in senior secondary school yet I didn't know that "I was behind."🤣 Then, I didn't know that one day, I would be a Lead Tutor in a children and teens academy. I didn't know that I would someday become a Coach with whom children and teens would be registered from various parts of the world. The other day, in our holiday Coaching class here in #TheIDEAMomentwithRachaelAcademy, we had practical conversations around sex and everything in-between. Instead of singing "don't do sex. Don't do abortion" like many sing to them out there, I rather unveiled this aspect of post sex realities.👌 I didn't want to assume that the secondary school students can never try out sex, conceive in the process and have abortion probably without their parents' knowledge. Yes oh! We're that vast, proactive and practical with children who're registered with us.😄 RHESUS FACTOR Let me make the teaching as simple as Planned Parenthood of Greater New York once made. So, I'll be explaining every point as non technical as possible for a layman's understanding level. Rhesus (Rh) factor is a protein some people have in their blood. If your blood has the protein, you are Rh positive. If your blood does not have the protein, you are Rh negative. During pregnancy, blood cells from the fetus enter the woman's blood. If she's Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive, her body develops antibodies (another kind of protein) against Rh-positive blood (the baby in the womb). This happens from when the pregnancy is 8 weeks (two months) and above. But Rachael, why? And, how? When same woman gets pregnant again, Rh antibodies attack and destroy the blood of a Rh-positive fetus in the womb. This gives the fetus a very bad anemia, resulting to its death (abortion). It can equally lead to many other serious health problems for the woman. This also causes serious problems if the woman gets pregnant again. After a rhesus negative woman loses her first pregnancy through the miscarriage tendency described above or through a deliberately caused abortion, or the baby managed to survive the "at tack" and is born safely, it becomes near impossible for same woman to carry pregnancy to full term again in life. So, What's the Way out? The only way out is called Rho(D) immune globulin. Rho(D) immune globulin is an injection otherwise known as Anti-D or RhoGAM. Every rhesus negative woman is to take this injection from the second month of her very first pregnancy whether the baby would be carried to full term or abo rted. If a rhesus negative woman carries her pregnancy to term, there's something else to do. Her baby is tested. If it has Rh-positive blood, the woman will get another dose of RhoGAM within 72 hours after childbirth. This is to enable the woman's body to be able to carry another baby. Why this post? In as much as you're "training your daughter well," you may not know the day she finally tries out sex, conceives and resorts to abortion without knowing her rhesus factor status. Many trying to conceive (TTC) women you know are actually rhesus factor victims. They once conceived in life, had abortion and continued their lives like nothing happened without taking any Anti-D injection, of course. This same rhesus factor is the reason many women you know have just one child and after that, cannot conceive again, despite several efforts. They ignorantly consoled themselves with the case of har!ots they know that married afterwards and are multiplying kids.😂 They didn't know that having or not having kids after first abortion is more scientific (medical) than it's luck. Please, don't read this teaching alone. Let your daughter read it, especially if she has entered secondary school or is a teen already. SHARE this, so parents on your timeline may see it and save their daughter's reproductive life. SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! #if_a_child_is_not_trained_to_be_a_problem_solver_they_will_grow_up_to_become_the_problem_themselves Let's talk on Whatsapp +2349053624450. Follow me, Rachael G. Onyemairo across social media platforms for more eye-opening teachings. #rachaelonyemairo My name is Rachael Onyemairo. We bring out the very best out of every child. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do by gift2xl: 12:51pm On Oct 10, 2024 |
Nice one 1 Like |
Re: Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do by RachaelG16: 1:06pm On Oct 10, 2024 |
gift2xl: Thank you |
Re: Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do by RachaelG16: 1:07pm On Oct 10, 2024 |
Thank you |
Re: Why Any Woman May Not Have A Baby And What To Do by DeeUnclepee: 12:04am On Oct 11, 2024 |
What a good content! This simply implies that there are many young girls out there who are ignorant of the fact that they will not give birth again when they are married. God help us o! |
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