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Is Russia Evil? - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Is Russia Evil? (144 Views)

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Is Russia Evil? by Kingjite1: 5:13pm On Nov 17, 2024
Father Josiah Trenham, pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church, joins James Poulos to discuss modern-day Christianity in a technologically changing America. As an Orthodox pastor, he gives his thoughts on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how Orthodox Christianity has changed in Russia since the fall of communism. Similarly, he explains Orthodox history in Israel and Gaza and how the Palestinian conflict has affected both Jews and Christians. How can Christians find anchors in modern Protestant churches when the world around them has turned to war? He argues there is a way to find faith and that America seems to be turning in a positive religious direction.

Re: Is Russia Evil? by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:03am On Nov 18, 2024

Father Josiah Trenham, pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church, joins James Poulos to discuss modern-day Christianity in a technologically changing America. As an Orthodox pastor, he gives his thoughts on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how Orthodox Christianity has changed in Russia since the fall of communism. Similarly, he explains Orthodox history in Israel and Gaza and how the Palestinian conflict has affected both Jews and Christians. How can Christians find anchors in modern Protestant churches when the world around them has turned to war? He argues there is a way to find faith and that America seems to be turning in a positive religious direction.


All world government are evil because they are operating under the influence of the wicked one Satan the devil the god of this world {1John 5:19; 2Corinthians 4:4} that's why God promised to destroy them all! Daniel 2:44

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