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Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by papyjaypaul: 8:57pm On Dec 05, 2024
Govt run residential water systems in Nigeria collapsed after the 90s. Any govt proposing to provide pipe borne water is only embarking on a white elephant project that'll end up in embezzlement of funds. Our urban planning system will not make it work. Let's just accept that it's individual household duty to provide yourself with water except we just want to deceive ourselves. Same thing is happening with NEPA...once solar becomes more mainstream and the technology becomes better, some households might decide not to connect to the national grid again.

It can't work. We will damage the environment because it is difficult to have a city built on borehole. Oyo state was already suffering from it.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Bobloco: 8:59pm On Dec 05, 2024
We were surprised to learn that Doherty was indigene of Ilaro in Ogun State

Obidients were carrying propaganda and insulting SW people over him was if Doherty was
from Lagos Island or indigene of Lagos

We must thank Ilaro people for updating everyone

Is Tinubu an indigene of Lagos

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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by BiafranPatriot: 9:01pm On Dec 05, 2024
Legendhero.... God save una say I no jam this thread.

After all IGR Noise and propaganda


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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Hussein035: 9:05pm On Dec 05, 2024

Will this your incoherent comment solve the issue of drinkable water scarcity Doherty mentioned??

I thought it was Igbos that wanted to take over Lagos according to you? So Doherty na Yoruba man?

No drinkable water yet people are drinking sachet water and those who have drinkable tap water at oshodi should stop drinking

These people are just telling us nonsense to become relevant
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by lereinter(m): 9:15pm On Dec 05, 2024
One day Lagos will be free from tinubu

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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by flokii: 9:19pm On Dec 05, 2024
Are you saying because of the rot in other state, you should not clean up yours? Who do us this in this country? Which kind mentality is this?

What Lagos government is generating in time memorial is not the same thing other states are generating? Lagos has been a high standard from advent of time. It never takes Dubai and London this long before they broke loose from underdevelopment.
The Bible says, those that compare themselves to themselves are not wise. Please be wise. Iku ati orun kin se ba kan. Lagos is incomparable to any other states of the federation and not because it gained that status yesterday or in the advent of Tinubu's regime. It's been distinguished state for long. By now it should be competing with Dubai if all the money accrued had been used judiciously.

Nope, I'm saying that he needs to go easy with the demarketing or whatever it is he's trying to achieve.. Lagos State is a work in progress unlike many other States that have it worse in terms of infrastructure and human capital development.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by IfnobeGod20(m): 9:23pm On Dec 05, 2024

You still didn't answer the question.

What concerns Obidients and the fact that Lagos does not have portable water?
He's just been smart by half. It's diversion tactics, so that people will leave the message and be dwelling on his off point comment.
I am now convinced that they are hired and trained to be on nairaland to counter any comments against the ruling government.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by piriton: 9:26pm On Dec 05, 2024
Very shameful

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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Blackdisciple(m): 9:34pm On Dec 05, 2024
Forget all the jokes in Nigeria, nobody is fighting for the well being of the poor in Nigeria. These people have Looted more than they fighting for the poor

No be leaving lie it's such a pity walai
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by IfnobeGod20(m): 9:35pm On Dec 05, 2024

Nope, I'm saying that he needs to go easy with the demarketing or whatever it is he's trying to achieve.. Lagos State is a work in progress unlike many other States that have it worse in terms of infrastructure and human capital development.
Saying the truth as become demarketing of Lagos state to you. I can bet you that Lagos is still very much far from a developed city with the attendance of monies that have been sunk in the government purse for over 25 years down the line.

You guys should stop comparing Lagos with any other states. Lagos has been in the forefront of development for long. I grew up to know Lagos as the center of civilization where my uncles and sisters go to for holidays when I was small and even well I was in secondary school in the 80s.

Lagos should have gone far from what it is today. I was there last month. I saw pitiable conditions that people are there. Struggling and competing for survival. Thugs and touts everywhere, they wake up everyday at the early hour drinking and smoking helms. High cost of virtually everything. This is a first hand information that know one told me.
Lagos still very much far from a developed city, as the features of developed city is rarely found there.
You see people still competing to fetch water from neighbours.
Roads dilapidated.
Light epilepsy
Cost of living very high
Molestations here and there.


Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by obi4eze(m): 9:57pm On Dec 05, 2024

Nigeria is a developing country for a reason

These things arent/cant be perfected under 20-30years and thats why the Govt keep bringing up innovative ideas to shore things up

USA gained independence in 1776, yet they still have slums all over. Nigeria is barely 70

Lol. Mr hypocrite, call a spade a spade.

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Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by funshint(m): 10:07pm On Dec 05, 2024

It can't work. We will damage the environment because it is difficult to have a city built on borehole. Oyo state was already suffering from it.
No problem; when you build your house wait for govt pipe borne water to fix you up grin
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Front0lane: 10:34pm On Dec 05, 2024
Which of your foolish ipob state as portable water or Lagos got independence before any of those cursed state of yours ?


Will this your incoherent comment solve the issue of drinkable water scarcity Doherty mentioned??

I thought it was Igbos that wanted to take over Lagos according to you? So Doherty na Yoruba man?
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Front0lane: 11:04pm On Dec 05, 2024
Do whatever you like with your hate filled foolish life let others defend their tribe. :After all lunatics Defend ipobland daily here

Everyone is fed up and sick of this blshht,can you guys ever we do away with tribalism?
Everyday, everyday on here,Igbo Igbo Igbo,can't you ever do something else with yor life and existence?!!!!
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by onuman: 11:20pm On Dec 05, 2024
Kaduna water supply project is the most massive and one of the last water supply projects by the PDP led Federal Government.
APC governments at the federal and state levels never mention water supply system to the citizens. In fact, it's like APC leaders don't understand that government provides portable water supply system to citizens.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Ezmans: 3:03am On Dec 06, 2024

Obedients were claiming that Non Lagos Yoruba were campaigning against Doherty
Obidients were Claiming he was indigene of Lagos
Meanwhile Doherty himself was from Ogun and Not even from Lagos State

If you saw the insults that they were using

Everyone really needs to mind their Regions Business
tinubu ebinpawoo ass lickers hate criticism so much
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Image123(m): 4:24am On Dec 06, 2024
But Lagos has Portable the musician, what's the complaining about?
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Lanretoye(m): 5:06am On Dec 06, 2024
So na blood we Dey drink for Lagos,let him go and be governor in anambra,they need him there.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Offpoint1: 6:42am On Dec 06, 2024

Nigeria is a developing country for a reason

These things arent/cant be perfected under 20-30years and thats why the Govt keep bringing up innovative ideas to shore things up

USA gained independence in 1776, yet they still have slums all over. Nigeria is barely 70
For the 60+ years, please pin point one thing Nigeria has perfected or close to perfected.
Is it Quality education? Drinkable water? Transportation system? Healthcare? Electricity?
Absolutely none of the above, not just one has been perfected or even close to being perfected.

America was not running in circle for 60 years with headway.

Your country leaders lack vision, you can't have vision-less leaders and expect change in a million years to come
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by SmartPolician: 6:44am On Dec 06, 2024
LP should adopt him

They stand a better chance with him than that gentleman that doesn't think in his indigenous language

You need to drop this idea at once. You don't need a language to think. You need a brain to do that. You only need a language to express your thoughts or pass the information in your head.

If you like you learn this, if you like you reply me to start arguing senselessly like a typically Nairalander.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by ycat: 8:41am On Dec 06, 2024
What happened to all the water pipes and how difficult is it to connect them?

The best life in Yorubaland was before 1966 and will be after Yoruba go back to regional govt.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Precious452(f): 9:52am On Dec 06, 2024

Nigeria is a developing country for a reason

These things arent/cant be perfected under 20-30years and thats why the Govt keep bringing up innovative ideas to shore things up

USA gained independence in 1776, yet they still have slums all over. Nigeria is barely 70

Stay there and be saying "barely 70" until we reach 150 and still have nothing to show for it. How old is Ghana? How old is the UAE? How old South Africa?
Ronu APC bandit... Stay there and be defending backwardness and retardation
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Cindypresh(f): 10:35am On Dec 06, 2024
Which of your foolish ipob state as portable water or Lagos got independence before any of those cursed state of yours ?

Lol, heal my dear
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by DrDeuce: 4:23pm On Dec 06, 2024
This is bad.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by funshint(m): 11:11pm On Dec 06, 2024

It can't work. We will damage the environment because it is difficult to have a city built on borehole. Oyo state was already suffering from it.
Wake up to reality...except for some Estates with Central water system; govt running pipe borne water system cannot work simply because the urban planning system in Nigeria has already collapsed. How will they run the pipes to individual houses? Abeg let's rest this issue jàre.
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Kobojunkie: 11:16pm On Dec 06, 2024
■ Wake up to reality...except for some Estates with Central water system; govt running pipe borne water system cannot work simply because the urban planning system in Nigeria has already collapsed.
➜How will they run the pipes to individual houses? Abeg let's rest this issue jàre
Not saying the government should run it but we have seen how much damage we have done to the environment and probably even the groundwater system with all the many pit toilets alongside bore-holes in pretty much every other home in many major cities in the country. That is sustainable. And if it is allowed to continue, in no time, we would have damaged the underground water system for good with all the human waste that is down there probably seeping into the same groundwater which the boreholes access. Something needs to happen soon. undecided

Homeowners can pay to have pipes connecting their homes from the main or some sort of arrangement can be made depending on the particular area or community. undecided
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by funshint(m): 11:34pm On Dec 06, 2024
Not saying the government should run it but we have seen how much damage we have done to the environment and probably even the groundwater system with all the many pit toilets alongside bore-holes in pretty much every other home in many major cities in the country. That is sustainable. And if it is allowed to continue, in no time, we would have damaged the underground water system for good with all the human waste that is down there probably seeping into the same groundwater which the boreholes access. Something needs to happen soon. undecided

Homeowners can pay to have pipes connecting their homes from the main or some sort of arrangement can be made depending on the particular area or community. undecided
It seems you're not living in Nigeria; like I said it can only work in regulated Estates. How many govt owned water corporation are even working in Nigeria at the moment? You should be grateful if they give you water once per year grin
Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by Kobojunkie: 11:40pm On Dec 06, 2024
■ It seems you're not leaving in Nigeria; like I said it can only work in regulated Estates.
■ How many govt owned water corporation are even working in Nigeria at the moment? You should be grateful if they give you water once per year grin
Growing up in Ikorodu, we had pipe-borne water straight to our homes. Yes, the Lagos State Water Works corporation was functioning for a time. Until things started to go south. undecided

2. I am here saying the government has to do it. I am simply pointing out the fact the bore-hole/pit-toilet model which has kind of sustained Nigerians for a while now is no longer sustainable. As a matter of fact, it has become a potential danger to the entire population. All of that non-properly managed sewage has been seeping into ground water all of this while and before long, people will begin to drink from their boreholes some of the same water that has been going down through their pit toilets. undecided

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