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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. (1944 Views)
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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:36pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: And see iit you are proving you are mad for i did not even say anything about "mad" in the post you just replied, yet, your madness, is making you see that you are mad! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:45pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Dtruthspeaker: No wahala, you will soon start abusing, insulting and causing your friends now! ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:47pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
sonmvayina: sonmvayina: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 6:55pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
JWs are very secretive people and will not tell you the problems they face in the Cult. They will only talk glowingly about the Cult outside but they will complain amongst themselves about one another. The JW Religion hides their problems and Scandals because they have an image to protect and wash to look White to the Public. To a JW, Image is everything. You will not be informed that they have Child Sexual Abuse problems which involves Child Sex Trafficking. They won't tell you that they have problems with different governments in the world because of their Policies that include Disfellowshipping and Social Isolation of members, Blood Transfusion, et.c. They recently lost their registration for being recognised as a Religion in Norway because their Policies are destructive and show discrimination or A violation of Human rights. If you ask a JW about these things , you will be told that these are Apostate information and no such thing exists. Some JWs are not even aware of the Child Sex trafficking happening in their midst. But if you Google Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual abuse, you will see many News stories from different media stations in The world reporting on Child Sexual abuse in JW. I left JW Because I found out about the Child Sexual abuse cases and the fact that the upper echelon JW Leaders are aware of this but deliberately cover it up and threaten victims when they choose to report to the Police. Back in the day, JWs used to boast about themselves and about how the Catholic church breeds Child Sexual abuse. But lo and behold, here they are doing the same thing. So, as someone who is interested in JW, Make sure you find out about all their Scandals before you decide to join. Before a buyer buys a product in an online shop, he or she must read the reviews, Good and Bad, first in order to make an Informed decision. If you ignore the bad reviews and waste your money to buy a substandard product, you have no one to blame but yourself. You completely ignoring bad reviews will not make you make an Informed decision. Your decision will just be based on willful ignorance and whatever you see, you will get. 2 Likes |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by sonmvayina(m): 7:04pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: But some things he said in the story are fact.. Just as something's okonkwo said in things fall apart are true.... I read to gain knowledge...not to worship the character in the you... 2 Likes |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 7:20pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
You are not allowed to take or report any JW To the Police if they stole from you or defrauded you. If you join JW and a Fellow JW duped you, You can't do anything about it! You may decide to want to involve the Elders in your congregation. It will appear as if they will handle it. But No. Just forget it. Your money is gone. You must let It go in the name of Brotherhood. If you prove stubborn and decide to involve the Police, you will be punished. You will be made to feel worse than a Sinner. I remember a JW Man who took his fellow JW to the Police because he stole his money. They punished that man by reproving him. Reproving means Warning and it is a form of punishment. When you are reproved, you will be avoided by other JWs. Another case I know is a case of a young JW girl that stole huge amount of money from a JW Man she worked for. Upon investigation, it was found out that her parents connived with her to steal the money. When the Elders were involved, they didn't do anything serious other than to ask her to pay all the money back. Before you know it, the girl and her family vanished from their location and their congregation. All that money was gone. This is the price you will pay for joining JW. One JW once complained to me about another JW who was supposed to do a job for him. The price he gave him for the job wa so high. He decided to approach alternative people who are not JWS and who know how to do this job and he found out that the price he was given by two different people were half of the amount the JW gave to him. He completely ignored his fellow JW brother and patronised the others. Because of this Culture of idolising your fellow JWS thinking they are more Honest and better to deal with when it comes to Business, JWs will defraud you like no man's business. Many business deals amongst JWS have gone wrong because of this. You will see some JWS involved in Network marketing, inviting each other to register under them. You will Mumu go and join them. Before you know it, all your money will be gone. Promises will turn out to be Fake. There are so many stories like these. Ask a PIMO JW, your ears will be filled. You can't do anything after they have defrauded you. I have read another story from the U.S of a JW Man that defrauded elderly JWS of their pensions in the tune of millions of dollars. These stories are so many . Some wise JWs do not involve their members when it comes to Business! Be warned! This is what you will get when you join JW. JWs will never tell you this because it is a very big shame to talk about It. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by FxMasterz: 8:01pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Courz: Nice one brother. This is a very necessary thread. You're on point. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 8:01pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
If you join JW, you will become a Murderer under the Guise of religion. You will make your Loved ones die by refusing Blood. Yes. You will become a Murderer and you will lack remorse for it. JWs have become murderers by practising the No Blood Transfusion doctrine. This doctrine is as a result of Misinterpreting Bible verses. Ask a JW if Blood Transfusion existed back in the Israelites and Jesus era. Ask them why the Jews who were given this command to avoid ingesting Blood, take Blood Transfusion today. You will be told that Alternatives to Blood Transfusion exists and can replace Blood Transfusion. You will be told they are abstaining from Blood by refusing Blood Transfusion. You will be told that Blood Transfusions have disadvantages, which are true only if the blood is not screened properly. You will not be told that technology today eliminates this error. Alternatives to Blood will be preached to you as better than Blood. What you will not be told is that Alternatives to Blood Transfusion require so much Blood from Donors. You will be banned from donating blood but you will need blood from other donors to get the Alternatives to Blood. You will not be told that Alternatives to Blood Transfusion are expensive and you may not be able to afford it. You will not be told about the Hypocrisy behind accepting blood from others to get Alternatives to Blood. If you still need blood to get alternatives, are you really abstaining from Blood? Ask a JW this question. You will not be told that just as Blood Transfusion has it disadvantages, Alternatives to Blood also have their disadvantages. You will not be told that you stand the risk of getting complications and reactions from Alternatives to Blood. You will not be told that Not all Hospitals , even in developed countries, have Access to alternatives to Blood but only the Rich can afford them. You will not be told that a lot of the Blood Fractions used as alternatives to Blood have missing components that help to transport Oxygen throughout your body. If these fractions are given to you when you have lost so much Blood, you will die because of lack of Oxygen. You will not be told that Alternatives to Blood cannot and will not work on Patients with severe Blood Loss from very serious/ghastly accidents. You also will not be told that Many JWS Take Blood Transfusion secretly due to the reasons I mentioned above. You will not be told that when JWS take Blood, they survive. You will also not be told that as a result of all these disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood, if you need Blood and you refuse it, you will die. So, you need to ask JWs, Since you have alternatives to Blood and you all believe they are better than Blood, why are you JWs still dying? Also, ask them why they have never heard any of their leaders die because of No Blood transfusion the same way they are dying? Ask them why they still need Blood from Donors In Order to get Fractions. If you Join JW and allow their Brainwashing when it comes to Blood Transfusion make you a Murderer, you have a case to answer on judgement day. You are going to explain to Jesus why you allowed your loved ones to die when Almighty God and Jesus never asked for Human Sacrifice. Also, the JWS dying are guilty of Suicide. That's another Sin. Every Cult existing today take part in Human Sacrifices. This is the JW way of practicing Human sacrifice. 2 Likes |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by FxMasterz: 8:03pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Dtruthspeaker: Hope nobody will be mad on this thread because any thread you enter like this, the people there must be mad? |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:10pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
sonmvayina: Mr Things Fall Apart your okonkwo is your own imagination while Jesus is real globally! ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:11pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
FxMasterz: Bwahahaha! ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 8:30pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Still talking about Blood Transfusion. JWs Have a Committee that their leaders set up called Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC). This committee act like a Police of some sort to ensure you don't break the rule of Accepting blood. If you accept blood in JW, AND They are aware, you will be punished. It will be taken that you taking the Blood has dissociated yourself from the religion. In other words, you have removed yourself as a JW and you will be shunned, avoided lije a Plaque. So, JWs who secretly take Blood do not get the HLC Involved. They have their way of doing this together with the Doctors and Nurses. IF you invite the HLC, the way they will be moving, their aim is to police you, and encourage you to die if you have to. They will tell you about Paradise and how your faith must be strong enough to decide to die if it is evident that your situation is hopeless. In some cases, they come with already planned alternatives to Blood to recommend to you. The problem is, the HLC are not qualified Doctors or Health practitioners. They can recommend something to you that you may react to. There was a case of a JW Lady that was recommended Hemopure which is derived from Cow Blood. That lady reacted badly to this Alternative to Blood treatment and had blood blisters all over her body till she died. The issue was that her blood didn't have the required Blood cells to help the alternatives to work In Her body. This is what I was saying about complications of Alternatives to Blood. People's bodies are different. This is what happens when you allow people who are not qualified Doctors to prescribe treatments for you. This is the problem you will face when you listen to people like the JW leaders that are not even graduates not to talk of Health Professionals. To show you that JW is a real Satanic Cult, they don't care if your situation is a Life or death one. If you accept blood you must be punished. So, they are interested in punishing you on Top of your dire situation. Very Sadistic and it shows a lack of empathy on the part of their Leaders. One would expect them to create programs where they sponsor the treatments of JWS and build Hospitals to cater to the needs of JWS. NOPE. Nothing like that. They recommended an expensive treatment for JWS knowing fully well they can't afford it. That means they really want JWS to die as Sacrifices. Allow people who are qualified professionals to do their job. You need to fix an electrical problem, who do you call? A doctor? Lol. JWs have no value for human life. Their leaders taught them this because it's a carefully crafted Human Sacrifice! The HLC are there to monitor the progress of the Human Sacrifice. I am happy that there are many JWS Taking Blood secretly according to doctors and Nurses worldwide. These JWs know that this doctrine is Bullshit! |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by FxMasterz: 8:41pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: Why quoting me!!! Why can't you keep your own rules? Please get off my mention! |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 8:51pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
FxMasterz: Thank you jare. A very necessary thread indeed. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:49pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by sonmvayina(m): 9:58pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: Hahahahaha. Provide proof. The gospel is the claim. |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by sonmvayina(m): 9:58pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse:?? |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by DavidEsq(m): 10:41pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Dtruthspeaker:The guy asked a simple question. Rather than answer that question, see your direction? How do u think others who are reading this would see u? |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by DavidEsq(m): 10:45pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Dtruthspeaker:What is off-point about a scripture u accused JW of twisting? Do u think readers here who reason logically would still agree with you when they see u cannot answer these questions? Isn't this an opportunity for you to clear the scriptures and show how The JW misinterprete it? Shouldn't u give a correct interpretation..I think u are making all u have said, mere huffs and puffs, if this is your approach to answering a simple scriptural question, just like Jesus often toppled the Pharisees with a simple question. This is what any logically thinking mind would deduce against you 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by DavidEsq(m): 10:46pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse:Amazing quote👊🏿👊🏿 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:47pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
In JW, who you marry will be dictated to you. Many of you are already aware of this doctrine. You can only marry a fellow JW. A lot of you are also aware of the serious implications of this doctrine. But I will mention them still. I am going to focus more on the JW Ladies because they are the ones who are negatively affected by this doctrine the most. As a Man myself, I am going to be very honest about JW Men. JW ladies are facing A very big problem with Finding a partner to marry. All over the world, JW females are more than the Males. Because of this, the JW Men have taken advantage of the situation and they treat JW ladies like disposable pad and sleep with as many as they can get. Sorry to say. It is the Truth. A lot of single JW males are neither desirable nor have admirable qualities that attract their Ladies to them because of how the religion molds them. They act like Incels with no Social skills on how to relate with a woman. The religion does not promote the hustling spirit in their Men because the Cult is more important than you making your money. Money is a factor because Women in general are hypergamous. But a lot of the JW males don't help themselves by having a hustling spirit. Some do hustle. But There is a trend that is common now amongst them. They are now doing some Gold digging, deliberately fishing out JW ladies from rich families or having a better financial status than they do. And if these ladies are desperate for marriage, they will marry the gold digging men. But years down the line, we start to hear stories that touch the bone marrow. You will also find these same Gold digging JW Men in foreign dating sites seeking for a white or African American JW lady to import them to their location. This particular trend is now very common in JW. SO, I am saying this to say that a lot of JW Men are Lazy because of how the religion molds then. The rich JWs are not much. This trend Of being lazy is a worldwide problem with JW Men. So, I have come to the conclusion that the religion is the problem. You will find some couples living with their parents, i.e the parents of the Lady. Her husband has no shame. Another trend in JW is that parents of a JW Lady will get a job for her partner and sponsor the wedding. I laugh at these arrangements because we all know what will happen next. Such a JW man in this thing should never bother complaining about anything or try to ask for Respect from anyone. JW marriages are an Eye sore because of all these arrangements. JWs also do not date properly or get to know each other well. And these are the crop of people you will be forced to choose from as a JW Lady. To top it all, JW Men are domestically violent and cheat on their wives like it is a Hobby. Since they love to have sex with as many JW Ladies as possible, being Faithful will be a struggle for them. If you are a Lady who is single thinking of joining JW, please I'm on my knees, I have sisters. So, I know what they are passing through. [b]Please stay away from JW. You stand a better chance of finding someone outside JW to marry than In JW. Their men are just like the others. Nothing special. I promise you. Their men can also be Physically violent. A lot of them don't respect Women. I can't count how many JW Men that beat their wives to this day. Stay away please. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by DavidEsq(m): 10:49pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
Dtruthspeaker:Even when Satan confronted Jesus with scriptures, Jesus cleared it straight with the scriptures. It seems u can't even do that. Insults seem to be a good escape for you. Typical of those who are bereft of sound knowledge, anywhere. Logic is simple, sound and consistent 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by freshdudeyeeks(m): 10:54pm On Dec 14, 2024 |
This is really disturbing. |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 12:34am On Dec 15, 2024 |
When you join JW, You are going to be taught how to reject the sacrifice of Jesus Unknowingly. Remember, as a JW, the first step of the rejection of the Sacrifice Jesus provided is to reject his role as Mediator. The 2nd stage which is the main stage of rejection is the one I will explain below. You may have been invited to a ceremony they call The Lord's Evening Meal or Memorial of Christ's Death. The rest of the world call theirs Easter. JWs usually invite their Bible students, friends and extended family to this ceremony. It is supposed to be a ceremony where you reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made and to show appreciation for the sacrifice, you are to consume the Bread and the Wine. This is where the issue of this their Anointed/Great Crowd Paradise Earth doctrine comes in to interfere again. Before I proceed on how they teach you to reject his sacrifice, Read John 6 Vs 51 to 58. From these verses, Jesus was specifically talking to the Jews, not the disciples. The Jews in the synagogue. Take note of this because JWs have an explanation for every twisted point they make and they don't bother reading verses in context. In John 6 Vs 51 to 58 , Jesus says He is the Bread of life and anyone who eats his body and drinks his blood, will have everlasting life. And he will remember such one and bring them back to life in the last day. We all know that what he meant by his body and blood is the consuming of the Bread and Wine. His statement also shows that in order to have everlasting life, You must eat the Bread and drink the wine! No excuses. No exceptions. There was nothing like the Great Crowd are not allowed to eat the Bread and Wine. Only the anointed should do so. Nothing like that o. Remember, he was speaking to the Jews. He was in a public place. So, this is a general statement not specific to only his Disciples. In JW, because of their twisted anointed/great Crowd doctrine, when they pass the Bread and the wine, The vast majority of JWS DO NOT consume them. Only the anointed JWs are allowed to consume them. If you decide you are Anointed all of a sudden and you consume them, you will be looked upon suspiciously. The gossip and slander about you will be strong, thus showing that there is something fishy about their doctrine. JW Leaders teach JWs that the Holy Spirit must confirm to you that indeed you are Anointed. If the Holy Spirit didn't do that to you, you will incur judgement on yourself. The way they will explain it to you will be in a very discouraging way. Right there where they are passing the Bread and Wine, they will keep repeating the discouragement so that you don't consume them. Over and over again until they have passed to the last JW. Then the ceremony ends with a song and prayer. So, while you are invited to the ceremony, you are at the same time discouraged from consuming which defeats the purpose of the whole occasion in the first place. How did they arrive at this misinterpretation? It is from 1 Corinthians 11 Vs 27 to 29. I will advise that when reading these verses, read the context, that is start from Vs 20 down to the end of the chapter and make sure you read from different translations. Avoid the JW Bible. It is because JWs failed to do so which is why they arrived at their faulty interpretation. Their interpretation completely contradicts the command from Jesus in John 6 vs 51 to 58. From these verses while reading in context, Apostle Paul expressed Shock that some people are fond of coming for the occasion and eating and drinking immediately without waiting for the rest to come. He said he noticed that some people do not eat before coming to gather to eat the bread and drink the wine. He said these ones eat all the bread and drink all the wine not minding others who have not eaten. He said this attitude is disgraceful. He said when they do this, they treat the occasion in an unworthy manner,that is, without respect showing dishonour for the Body of Christ like child's play/an occasion for over eating and over drinking and not an occasion for sober reflection. This is why when they over eat and over drink, they get Sick and die. He said search yourself and let the Holy Spirit lead you to treat the occasion in a worthy manner i.e eat the bread and drink the wine with respect showing Honour for the Body of Christ if not you are sinning against Jesus's Body and Blood and will incur God's judgement on your head. He advised that before anyone comes to the Passover, they should eat and when they come, they should wait for each other before consuming the bread and the wine so that others can have some to eat too. They shouldn't just come and start eating and drinking immediately. This is what JW Leaders have Twisted to mean something else. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MindHacker9009(m): 12:36am On Dec 15, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: You are the one that has missed road as sonmvayina pointed out to you that you are [worshipping the character of a story book] ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:07am On Dec 15, 2024 |
MindHacker9009: Good! So instead of calling for my attention: Please tell the OP and his friends that they are all worshipers of a character in a story book. All of them believe Jesus as their GOD not me. ![]() |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:21am On Dec 15, 2024 |
DavidEsq: It's not only him, they are all avoiding what can help them see the light! Jesus was telling his disciples what will happen when the born again Christians will be taken to heaven as they must sleep in their graves for centuries {1Thessalonians 4:16-17} this made his disciples curious about their fellow believers who will be on planet earth at that time. Jesus began telling them how many will be deceived into false religions claiming Christians that's why his disciples asked him where will the end time Christian friends find direction and spiritual food? Matthew 24:45 Please carefully read how Luke recorded it: So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together. Luke 17:37 Well there will always be wise people who don't follow faithless crowds {Exodus 23:1-2} such ones Jesus liken to EAGLES because this bird of prey often see it's food from afar. But what about the BODY mentioned by Jesus? Let them know today that it's none other than the GOVERNING BODY of Jehovah's Witnesses this are those who are DEAD completely to the things Satan is offering his agents globally {Romans 6:11} that's why their BODY serves as SPIRITUAL FOOD for the wise ones who are like EAGLES! Luke 17:37 Why is it that of all the religions on planet earth only this BODY has active followers who are zealously doing the work Jesus assigned to his faithful disciples? What else do we need to know that they are SHINING like bright stars in the sky? He who has ears let him listen! Matthew 13:34 |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Sand2022: 7:57am On Dec 15, 2024 |
Courz: Very true. It hard to notice that the whole home bible study with bible students was brainwashing technique. They make it seem as if they are loving you by providing free home study. It is meant to brainwash you from what you previously believe then introduce their error. And this study is done with people who know nothing about theology nor the reason for their church's theological position. None of those are scriptural, it is a brainwashing move. Think about it, did Jesus not Paul ever go to people's home to conduct hime bible studies every week, for years? What they do, is it not to preach publicly, if you accept, you get BAPTIZED immediately, then you then join a nearby home meeting where you worship with others who have believed? Today, it would be like, preach, then invite those who believe to a nearby church. Simple. Nothing like coming to someone's house with a prearranged study book to keep brainwashing you each week for years. This is a Governing body technique. It has nothing to do with the bible. The Return Visit Paul did was to go and revisit the home congregations he established as he preached from each city. It was not to homes to continue studying and studying. They aim to make you disbelieve what you believed before and then chose them. This Governing body guys are smart I tell you. 2 Likes |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 9:53am On Dec 15, 2024 |
DavidEsq: Read the exchange between Satan to Christ, it was on point, on point. No deviation and useless unnecessary talk which is even proven by the fact that you could not even find how you could make a valid argument on the point, so you are just complaining that i told him "get away from me, Satan"! |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:07am On Dec 15, 2024 |
Sand2022: Gbam! You've said it all. I found out that the whole Book study and Watchtower study format where there are paragraphs, you read them, then you have questions, you ask the questions and then you repeat only what is contained in the paragraphs, this format is a Brainwashing technique. Anything being done in the Kingdom Hall that involves repetition, is a Brainwashing technique. There was nothing like preaching house to house in that era. This was what Former Governing body member Raymond Franz found out when he did his own research. JW Leaders went to scatter the Bible verses to make it read as if they were practicing House to house preaching. First century Christians were only meeting in their homes and Paul was going to their homes to encourage them. The way my eyes have opened since I left JW. I thank God and Jesus for rescuing me. Their intervention in my life was timely. They were preparing me to leave the Cult little by little since I was a Teen. 2 Likes |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 10:08am On Dec 15, 2024 |
DavidEsq: First, you can see the person i directed ny response to, got it, even if you pretend not to get it. Secondly, do you see where i accused him? No. It was someone else who did the accusation, i just read his reply and it departed from addressing the accusations levelled. This topic is not about clearing the twistings jws give to the bible, that has,been done in several threads and exactly as people have experienced, they abnormally never listen and we know that they will never listen, hence why people call them brainwashed and zombies for human beings think and listen but zombies and brainwashed people do not. So we all know it is a complete waste trying to get explain anything to a jw. Thus, this thread is about warning those attracted to the Lies and promises of the cult called jw and not about convincing those who are already lost in it. 1 Like |
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 10:14am On Dec 15, 2024 |
FxMasterz: Wished there was a filter here like we have outside where normal people do not meet with mad people. ![]() Maybe like them having their own. forum called Madlialand! ![]() ![]() |
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